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Human resources information systems for decision making

Obtain information, process it and meet the proposed objectives. Pillars in the proper construction of a Human Resources Information System

It is always important to know who we have at a certain moment in life. Having a record of the people we may need is essential. The same happens in companies; It is very important to know who the employees are, what and how they are doing their jobs and where they are located.

Having a database implies accessing information if they are classified, stored and related to each other, because they are useless if they are disorganized and are not located in the place where they should be. For this reason, by accumulating, grouping and crossing data, a processing of the same is created.

Within an organization it is vitally important to have a database since it provides information. It is necessary if an update is going to be carried out, it avoids errors when contacting someone, it has data of each employee, their position, their salary and incentives, their benefits and social services, as well as a list of possible candidates to access a job title and applicable training courses and activities.

There is also a Human Resources Information System where data provided by the employees, the internal and external environment of the organization and the macro environment are obtained, an issue that has to do with the situation that a country is going through. All of the above to evaluate and diagnose the workforce, the market or social aspect as such and make the best decisions that may arise.

The information, as stated above, comes from data that has been supplied from various internal and external parties. Likewise, let's not forget that every input has its output and that is how the end point of a Human Resources Information System are the lists, documents, statistics, indexes, reports, etc. that will serve for the decision-making process of an organization.

Data alone is of no use. They need to be organized and focused on providing information to make the best decisions

When an organizational analysis is carried out, it must be done through an investigation of the Human Resources market, the analysis and description of positions, the performance evaluation, the classification of positions and the organization chart presented by any company.

With all this information, the operational techniques (recruitment, selection, training and development, salary administration, social benefits, career plan, hygiene and safety, etc.) that the organization is going to implement and that in a future will bring you the best results.

Finally, the objectives are achieved, reviewing the results regarding the adequacy, stability and integration of Human Resources in the company, the rewards and motivations, the development of Human Resources and business development as a whole.

As we could appreciate, knowing about everything in which any person or company is involved is of the utmost importance to know where it is going and in what way the desired achievements are being achieved.

Not to remember that at the exact moment of making a decision, we must have all the necessary information that allows us to act in the best way. Only in this way will we be sure that the path to be followed will be the one indicated and the fear of failure or uncertainty will not exist.

Human resources information systems for decision making