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Systematization of the preparation of the directors of mixed centers in Cuba. a necessity of these times


This article presents the experience followed with the organization of the preparation designs for the directors of the Mixed Centers in the province of Villa Clara with the aim of contributing to their pedagogical professional performance, structured through three micro-cycles of improvement to a graduate, in the opening stage of the province's work system. This improvement has been complemented with the methodological work planned to be carried out in the methodological help visits.

The results verified in the evaluation of the diploma course, the performance of the directors in the visits made, the criteria received from these centers and the three validations carried out at the end of each micro-cycle showed that the directors increased their preparation and evaluated the diploma with very good acceptance as well as the set of activities developed.


In the present articleis presented the experience followed with the organization of the preparation designed for the directors of the Mixed Centers in the province of Villa Clara with the objective of contribute to their pedagogical and professional performance, structured by means of three superation micro-cycles for a graduate course, in the opening stage of the work system of the province. This preparation has been complemented with the methodological work planned to develop in the visits of methodological aid.

The proven results in the evaluation of the course, the performance of the directors in visits carried out, the criteria given in these centers and the three validations carried out at the conclusion of every micro-cycle proved that the directors raised up their preparation and evaluate with very good acceptance the course and the group of activities developed alike.


The professional preparation of the directors of the mixed centers has constituted a prioritized task of Cuban education at the present time, and has been an integral part of the National Strategy for the Preparation and Improvement of the State and Government Staff and their Reserves attached to the Ministry of Education, aims to learn by training them, under the principle of solid political-ideological education, in administration-management and professional technician, the continuous updating of knowledge and skills during their professional life, which contributes, in a systematic way to the elevation of efficiency and quality in the performance of their functions of a superior general culture.

This preparation is supported by the policy of the Communist Party of Cuba, the State and the government, and constitutes a coherent and harmoniously structured system that guarantees the continuity of the educational process in the different stages of development.

At the University of Pedagogical Sciences "Félix Varela" of Villa Clara, several investigations related to the preparation and improvement of the cadres have been developed and their reserves among them are those developed by Alfonso Serafín A, (2004), Vázquez Pérez María C. (2007), Quintana Castillo Olga M., (2008), Martínez Mollineda C. (2010), these elements have led to systematize the experiences lived in this subject.

This research was developed between 2010 and 2011, considering as a central problem the preparation and professional improvement of the directors of mixed centers, which has been a goal for the University of Pedagogical Sciences and for the DPE.

A fundamental aspect to take into account in the development of this work, are the characteristics of the directors, bearing in mind that as a novel and generalized modality, mixed centers arise, as a need to respond to the demands that society imposes on education.

Assuming that these cadres need to raise their level of preparation and achieve a professional pedagogical performance that allows them to provide arguments, debate, reflect, persuade their collaborators to defend and act in a conscious manner in correspondence with the fulfillment of complex and difficult tasks they face.

The research is based on the experiences lived during the time in which these educational cadres have been intentionally prepared, where systematization is taken into account as a process because it allows reflection on the specific situation of preparation in each of the contexts in which these directors develop,

It is important to emphasize that the mixed centers arise from the need to respond to the demands of a qualified workforce in the country and for this force to be formed in the territory itself and with an adequate use of the resources available.

The complexity of this type of center requires a higher level of coordination of the educations that are represented in said center and the agencies and organizations of the institution and community. For this reason, it is necessary that at the head of these institutions are properly prepared cadres.

On the experiences achieved in the preparation of these tables has been reflected through the systematization of experience.

To understand the meaning of the systematization of experiences, it is necessary to begin with the analysis of the systematization as a general category and in this sense the definitions offered by: Martinic, S. (1984), Antillón, R. (1991) are of great value., CEAAL, (1992), Jara, O (1994: 5), Benavides, L. (2005: 2) and Souza, C. (2008: 9-13) The reference authors agree that systematization is a process of reflection on the practice, where the participants are actors who facilitate the exchange of experience, the organization and ordering of the same.

The difference between the various concepts is in the theoretical depth of the proposal. The author shares the concept given by Benavides, who recognizes systematization as: “ a participatory modality of knowledge production about educational practice that, from its reconstruction, descriptive ordering and critical interpretation, seeks to qualify and communicate it. Certainly the systematization constitutes an educational experience in itself for those who participate in it; produces knowledge (by reconstructing, interpreting, theorizing) and socializes the knowledge generated ”.

It is important to understand that the systematization of experiences is developed as a reflective process on practice, which is why in this work this modality is used with the purpose of perfecting the complex management process in mixed centers.

Various authors have given their conceptual views on the systematization of experiences. The following are those that, in the author's discretion, are related to the work being done:

For Jara, O “ the systematization of experiences should be considered as a conscious effort to capture the meanings of the action and its effects; as organized readings of experiences, as contextualized theorizing and questioning of social praxis, in order to communicate the knowledge produced ”.

For Ramos, J., the systematization of experiences is related to experiences from the perspective of processes, developed in a specific period during which different actors intervene.

For Cuenca, R. the systematization of experiences “is an activity that is almost naturally associated with educational practice. Because there can be no practice without reflection and because the reflection of our work more than a luxury is a responsibility ”.

As can be seen, the previous authors recognize the systematization of experiences as a conscious process that requires the active participation of the actors involved, and in which the problematization of the practice carried out is achieved through the reflection that is carried out constantly on the actions taken. It is precisely this particular that gives it scientific value, since the contrast between theory, practice and the elaboration of new theories that is achieved, become elements that enrich the contribution to Pedagogical Science, in this research aimed at the preparation of directors of mixed centers to improve their professional pedagogical performance. Due to the contributions offered by this type of research, it is necessary to put it into practice in educational institutions.

In addition to the authors mentioned above, specialists from the Department of Research and Social Development (DIDS) define the systematization of experiences as: “… a participatory process of reflection and critical interpretation of an experience or social practice that produces knowledge from experience itself of the actors of the development processes "

They continue to emphasize that the systematization of experience allows organizing, ordering, analyzing and reconstructing the execution process of a program or project to obtain learning from the establishment of its achievements and limitations, highlighting that the knowledge generated in the systematization process allows us improve the practice and replicate them in other times and places, as well as disseminate and promote proposals for social policies.

The systematization of experiences in this work is characterized by:

• The systematic preparation of the Directors of the Mixed Centers from their own practice in a permanent process from the workplace, with an increase in knowledge.

• Be a participatory process.

• The conceptualization of elements of practice.

• Possess a system character.

• The coherence of the management system of the Directors of Mixed Centers, based on improving their professional pedagogical performance, so that they can put into practice more appropriate styles at the present time.

Why systematize?

As indicated at the beginning of this, systematization fundamentally because we want the cadres to learn from their own practices and, also because we seek:

• Acknowledge what has been done.

• Recover the memory of what was started.

• Analyze and acknowledge not only the failures but also the progress made and also the critical points that we have encountered.

• Analyze specific processes within the framework of a broader context.

• Generate new knowledge from one's own practice.

• Improve our practices.

• Advance our work in the field of social transformation.

Why systematize?

• To improve our practices.

• To generate learning.

• To develop new knowledge.

• To communicate and share them with other people and organizations.

• To hone your performance.

With whom to systematize?

In this case, the preparation of the directors of mixed centers is systematized.

For this, the following systematization axis is drawn:

The preparation of the directors of mixed centers.

For the development of the experiences, the following central aspects to be systematized are taken into account:

• The characteristics of the context.

• Diagnosis of needs.

• Particularities of overcoming.

• Introduction in the practice of theoretical knowledge.

• Attention to diversity.

• Advice for the management from the methodological help visits.

• Achievements and Difficulties.

Its systemic nature allows:

• Critically review practices such as historical and dynamic processes.

• Appreciate that every person is a subject of knowledge and possesses a perception and a knowledge product of their experience.

• Theoretically interpret the reflections on the practices in a certain context that are causing the transformations.

It is important to mean that in order to carry out this systematization process, the experiences carried out are recorded.

For this work, a procedure is determined interactively that favors, enriches the actions; seeking approach and understanding with the main managers to sensitize them with the desired change. The relevance of the work is achieved by the way of acting, seeking a collective action that facilitates scientific enrichment, as a result of the interpretation of reality, through practice.

For the application of the research, we work in three cycles in which the resulting experiences of each one allow a critical reflection on the achievements and difficulties that still arose, in order to be able to work in a more efficient way.

The cycles are complemented with permanent preparation from the work system that is developed in the methodological help views.

The above reflects the projection of improvement actions as a result of the systematization process developed for this type of improvement, which functions as the school of cadres.

The three cycles were applied in the following way:

First micro cycle:

Objective: To assess the levels of self-evaluation that the directors of mixed centers have on the first micro-cycle of preparation and improvement received for the first stage of the work system.

Evaluate the results achieved during the execution of the process of preparation and improvement of the directors

Second micro cycle:

Objective: To assess the levels of self-evaluation that the directors of mixed centers have on the second micro-cycle of preparation and improvement received for the second stage of the work system.

Third micro cycle:

Objective: To assess the levels of self-evaluation that the directors of Mixed Centers have on the third micro-cycle of preparation and improvement received for the third stage of the work system, systematizing a methodology.

For each cycle of the research three stages were determined:

Diagnostic stage: the preparation needs are determined in all cycles from the conceptions of the comprehensive psychopedagogical diagnosis, issued by Nieto Almeida E., in his doctoral thesis, he also considers his work experience in this aspect, using the approach conceptual methodological diagnosis, refers to the knowledge evaluation of the development of the personality, its resources, potentialities and limitations, which makes possible a prognosis of its performance, and of the aspects and intervention actions that can be carried out.

The principles of diagnosis that guided the research are those proposed by the aforementioned author and are listed below:

• Principle of the scientific research approach to educational practice.

• Principle of the humanistic approach.

• Principle of the systemic and holistic approach.

• Principle of the unity of the collective and affective in personal elaborations.

• Principle of the dialectical relationship between group work and personalized construction.

• Principle of the necessary relationship between anticipation, empowerment and prevention in pedagogical practice.

• Principle of social historical development.

• Principle of the empowering approach.

Execution stage: the professional improvement actions conceived and elaborated are introduced, the previous diagnosis is taken as a basis and the proposed plan as a fundamental aspect, and it is reflected in each cycle how to enrich the theory to better understand the practice and act on it.

Evaluation stage: the evaluation is carried out, as a process and as a result, of the preparation actions, it is directed as a way of verifying its effectiveness in pedagogical practice. The results obtained showed the transformations produced in the tables, which showed a better preparation for their performance.

In this process, all those aspects that were presented during the experience were recorded.

As a result of the implementation of the methodology followed in the micro-cycles of improvement that allowed to develop a diploma, complemented with the methodological help visits and methodological work directed to these management cadres, stability in the position and better preparation were achieved. demonstrated in the pedagogical professional performance verified in the visits made to these centers and the results in the diploma course.


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Systematization of the preparation of the directors of mixed centers in Cuba. a necessity of these times