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On the mediocrity of security policies in venezuela

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“… The development of a social group has always been conditioned by two conflicting needs; the one to maintain order and protect the lives and property of citizens, the other to ensure that the police do not act irrationally in an oppressive way… ”Sir Robert Mark, Dimbleby Lecture, BBC.

There are more than 150,000 murders in ten years of the regime, but not of the government, as we will see. 130 murders for every 100,000 inhabitants in the capital city, more than 50 / 100,000 in the rest of the country; also verified the expeditious and continuous transit of tons of cocaine destined for international markets through the national territory; The establishment and permanence as a territory of relief and paramilitary operation of the foreign (FARC, ELN) and national (FBL) armed gangs, which have for this, if not open support, tolerance or a blind eye for this evident and indisputable of each and every one of those responsible for government in the field of public safety, be they state, regional and local.

In this panorama, the inevitable derivative of the same imposed dynamic emerges. Diligent circumstance where they are brought together and combined or, expressly and voluntarily, the determining behaviors and performances adopted or imposed by already responsible public officials in each and every one of the different levels of management, supervision, command and of conducting the contingent in each and every one of the bodies of material execution of the measures and police operations, be they military or civil bodies, uniformed or not, official or unofficial.

As we shall see, the following are sufficiently evidenced in the dynamics of the "Public Security Policy" in Venezuela, in force and in execution: a) the directed and express performance of the person qualified as "author after author" (legal figure derived from details in the current Rome Protocol). In the least of the cases, b) complicity, complacency, convenience, incompetence, ignorance and / or cowardice. The inevitable corollary, bungling.


"… On the Caracas la Guaira highway, the National Guard had the idea of ​​blocking traffic… and many cars were stopped… motorized gangs attacking luxury trucks on the road robbing them with armed hands, especially black ones (Taxi service) from the airport… while the authorities closed the passage to Caracas for vehicles… the motorcycles had free passage… The half hour in which they stopped the traffic was of terror… the motorized… acted at ease in front of the authorities… ”(citizen terrified and powerless writes in Gentiuno.com 161009)

“… Agustín Sandréa Díaz, explained that the police force, 'was able to detect a merchandise that was stolen from a balcony next to a furniture store in Juan Francisco Arisméndi… we knew that some officials were there intervening in this house… when checking the site they obtained 15 plasma televisions, which served to impute three corporals, three distinguished and one agent… ”(Unión Radio 161009)

“… Two active military officials guarding the Los Teques metro works, together with two civilians, set up a false security tour through the areas near Víctor Baptista avenue… The head of Region No. 1 explained that documentation was requested to the defendants who wore their uniforms, in addition to two AK 103 model rifles, Kalashnikov brand with 50 cartridges of 7.62 millimeters, divided into two hunts, one with 26 bullets without striking and the other with 24 with three cartridges already struck, which… had been fired into the air… the body search… one of the soldiers got the cell phone and the money… stolen… the four persons identified as José Rafael Mendoza Hernández (39), Freddy Enrique Herrera Ballesteros (30) and the troops Luis Eugenio were arrested Rodríguez and Rubén Gilberto Peralta… ”(Noticias24.com,Miranda Police, information note 171009)

“… They operate with extreme violence and empty several apartments in each incursion… those affected are unlikely to report it… they are violent and pose as policemen… the robberies with rapes committed in the capital of Venezuela are similar to others recently reported in Barquisimeto… at least twelve antisocials under the modality of 'false authority' raid into condominiums where they subdue guards, janitors and residents… they use jackets with the logo of the police agency and even use portable radios to communicate with each other… they infiltrate women in domestic service to obtain sensitive data from the victims… the attacked condominiums have security guards and cameras, but the latter device is damaged or out of service due to lack of maintenance (Gustavo Rodríguez, El Universal 121009)… (Cicpc),Assigned to the National Anti-Theft Division, they fully identified several members of the group who, in commando-type operations, have allegedly committed multiple assaults on residential buildings, located in the eastern part of Caracas… 'We are conducting a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated themselves to committing acts of this nature '… press release from the police force… Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)…' we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in In the next few hours we are going to find the arrest of this group that has been dedicating itself to committing acts collectively '… ”(El Universal, 191009, 4:03 pm)fully identified several members of the group who, in commando-type operations, have allegedly committed multiple assaults on residential buildings, located in the eastern part of Caracas… 'We have carried out a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated itself to committing acts of this nature '… press release from the police force… Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)…' we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been dedicating itself to committing acts collectively '… ”(El Universal, 191009, 4:03 pm)fully identified several members of the group who, in commando-type operations, have allegedly committed multiple assaults on residential buildings, located in the eastern part of Caracas… 'We have carried out a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated itself to committing acts of this nature '… press release from the police force… Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)…' we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been dedicating itself to committing acts collectively '… ”(El Universal, 191009, 4:03 pm)they have allegedly committed multiple assaults on residential buildings, located in the eastern part of Caracas… 'we are conducting a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated themselves to committing acts of this nature'… press release from the police force… Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)… 'we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been dedicating itself to committing acts in a manner collective '… ”(El Universal, 191009, 4:03 pm)they have allegedly committed multiple assaults on residential buildings, located in the eastern part of Caracas… 'we are conducting a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated themselves to committing acts of this nature'… press release from the police force… Bolivarian News Agency (ABN)… 'we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been dedicating itself to committing acts in a manner collective '… ”(El Universal, 191009, 4:03 pm)located in the eastern area of ​​Caracas… 'we have carried out a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated themselves to committing acts of this nature'… press release from the police force… Bolivarian Agency de Noticias (ABN)… 'we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been engaged in committing acts collectively'… ”(El Universal, 191009, 16:03 hours)located in the eastern area of ​​Caracas… 'we have carried out a fairly advanced investigation and we can announce to the country that we have fully identified the members of the criminal organization that has dedicated themselves to committing acts of this nature'… press release from the police force… Bolivarian Agency de Noticias (ABN)… 'we have officials deployed in various states of the country and we estimate that in the next few hours we will find the arrest of this group that has been engaged in committing acts collectively'… ”(El Universal, 191009, 16:03 hours)03 hours)03 hours)

“… In this way, the hard-working Venezuela who studies, who specializes to improve her professional performance, or who starts a small business and advances sweat after sweat to benefit her family, is at the mercy of thugs, extortionate police and of poor care in hospitals… ”(El Nacional 201009)


Faced with such elements of the political evidence in Venezuela, only two possibilities can be considered, contrary and definitely mutually exclusive:

It is a policy expressly conceived, implemented and directed from the Government Palace (Miraflores), which responds precisely and exclusively to the private interests represented there, which would leave irrefutably supported in the hands of who is the will and the exercise of the political power in the country.

On the contrary, it is not a question of a policy in those precise terms, but rather of the absence of it given the increased loss of the real and factual capacity for the exercise of power, where the dynamics of the facts have subjected and subject to the Government Palace to the will - and to politics if you like - of the vicissitudes and circumstances imposed by different and concomitant individual and private interests - be they geopolitical, political, economic or crematistic - whose representatives and direct beneficiaries, whether or not they are located within and outside the borders, whether or not they are publicly known, but that, particularly, those individuals and groups demonstrate their autonomy in the fact that they escape the control of any gender or species of power of whom, elected or select,nominally and legally and only on paper, does he hold, or pretend to hold political power.

Inevitable derived findings

This is how, the scope of the conflict to which the community of residents of the territory of Venezuela is subjected, who are not citizens, and where the present and the future are played as a political and social unit in the concert of nations, given the exemplary dynamics, it absolutely lost the determining and proper character of the performance of a government in a sovereign state of the Western world, and it is drastically reduced to the measurement of forces between partialities, factions, parties, factions, gangs or gangs whose only form or The available method to impose their power and interests over and to the detriment of others is illegality.

That contest left behind and completely abandoned the field of politics, controversy and the police, and is focused exclusively on extortion, blackmail, deception or scam, mystification and coercion. The exclusive empire of an elaborate deterrent capacity that in turn is based on the use and control of material means and the direct exercise of lethal violence by individuals; that is to say, of the actual or potential benefit or damage, injury or death that may be caused to one or another of its associates, its opponents, its relatives, and its assets and interests.

This particular and exceptional contest is then raised exclusively in terms of the private interests of one or another bias, bandería, party, faction, gang or gang, in a determining and exclusive "policy", and definitely to the detriment of the interest in what public; at the time, ignored in express by some and other contenders.

They ignore or are unaware of the fact that, regardless of the results and beneficiaries of this “policy”, each and every one of the sworn and current officials in one or another position, in one or another political or technical level of management, supervision, command and management of each and every one of the members of the bodies of material execution of the police measures and operations, are directly responsible for both doing and not doing, in whatever national or international jurisdiction that at the time it is selected by one or another victim to raise the complaint, accusation or complaint in function and in demand of investigation, substantiation, to settle, judge and convict those responsible.

This, without being able to any of them, ever, claim innocence or have in their defense the argument of "due obedience."


Two concomitant and consistent realities imposed on and by the daily events of doing and not doing in more than ten years are clearly supported by what is intended and calls itself government, but which in practice does not govern.

It was in the least of the cases because it lacks structure, argumentation and solid and sustainable long-term objectives; be it from a more elaborate perspective, because it suffers from a developed intellectual capacity according to the circumstance; In this, it shows a consistent interest and sustainable political will to try it; That is, because it does not have at all an accumulated social capital sustained on the solid foundations of the work of a group over time, in study, in the continuous and sustained effort for the grammatization of ideas, concepts and ways of political action, distinguished in the creation and promotion of a sustainable common life project. In any case, and at any event, an undeniable reality, in the exercise of political power,We do not have the human capacity or the technical means to think about it, even less to try.

In short and consistent with the determining characteristics of what they have called politics in Venezuela, before and after the Punto Fijo Pact:

a) They do not assume nor are they willing to assume the derived risks, which in the area of ​​public security are significant;

b) they are only willing to apply the law of least effort, hence the sloppy work, and

c) one is only willing to enjoy the external signs of power, never to render an account of anything and to anyone; hence the desperate control over the private information and broadcast media, and especially over those public ones destined for criminal investigation; on the mechanisms of political control in the exercise of power, and in the jurisdictional area, the indeclinable and iron control over judges and courts.

Two realities

The first of these proven realities of the present, had already been summarized 22 years ago in these terms: "… The State in Venezuela… a dissimulation… is simply a 'legal trick' that formally justifies the desires, arbitrariness and other forms of a ' I feel like it '… deep down Venezuela is a provisional country… accustomed to perceiving that laws have nothing to do with life… from 1828 to the present day sun, an Apollonian state where reality acts as a frustration of what sublime… reality that destroys the dream… it is a simple sum of mediocrities… "(José Ignacio Cabrujas, El Nacional 030187)

The second of them of a technical nature, and very practical. We have sustained it for years in different ways, citing at each moment one and another example taken from everyday life: Those responsible for the exercise of political power in Venezuela have lost both the monopoly of the exercise of violence, and control of the media. materials for their application in strict accordance and in accordance with a body of laws in force.

National Police

Impossible to perceive results and benefits for the inhabitants of the Venezuelan territory in the discursive claims of some capitostes of the regime; in addition, manifest, visible and evident in the bungling and improvisations on the subject of the National Police.

We are in the presence of more of the same in terms of public safety.

Failure is painted on each other's faces, independent of skills, abilities, ranks and doctorates. Added to the audacity of the ignorant is the ignorance of history, ignorance of past and present realities, ineptitude in experience and practice, and nescience of the concepts, criteria and doctrines of a specialized subject.

It's written

The first time that in Venezuela it was studied and legislated with property and based on the future in terms of public security and specifically in what they call today the National Police, was on September 17, 1936 when the Training School was created by decree of Public Security Agents, then on August 4, 1937, by Organic Decree, the National Security Service was created under the Ministry of Internal Relations under whose authority were the three created civil organizations: The National Guard (as the National Police), the National Investigation Office and the unit called Identification of Foreigners.

In the moments prior to the signing and subsequent publication of the executive decision, derived from the political pressures of the moment, and in the face of strong opposition and serious questions from the military establishment that, perceiving a latent danger, did not accept the existence of a civilian body deployed throughout the national territory and depending exclusively on the civil power (IRM), was consequently established in Article 2 of that Organic Decree: “… Without prejudice to its civil functions, the National Guard will have a military structure and will be governed by the provisions of the Organic Law of the Army; by those of the Code of Military Justice… ”. In Article 3: "… the organization, weapons, military training and discipline of the National Guard will be in charge of the Ministry of War and Navy…".

On July 30, 1938, the Congress of the Republic promulgated the Law of the National Security Service, conferring on this service the responsibility for the execution of administrative and judicial police operations throughout the national territory; The National Guard remains as a service of the Army and if the suspension or restriction of constitutional guarantees is decreed, the National Guard will depend exclusively on the Ministry of War and Navy.


Faced with such political and legal facts in the known history of the country, it is stupid that today it is intended to grant the title of pioneers to the thousand-odd applicants who were "provisionally" crammed into tents without services of any kind on La Carlota land, to to start the alleged training of the personnel of a new National Police.

Improvisation and bungling are evident, and despite the bombastic speeches: “… Although we cannot guess how long it will be, we do have, at least, the right to imagine what we want it to be…” (Soraya el Achkar, rector of the camp, citing Eduardo Galeano) and the investment of 30 billion bolivars (Tarek el Aissami, María Daniela Espinoza, El Universal 231009)

“… The move was decided by Chávez… The National Police School Camp only had one week of activity… Due to the move, the re-training course for the agents should end on December 6. The launch date of the National Police remains for December 15… ”(Javier Ignacio Mayorca, El Nacional, 141009)

The camp rector's imagination did not last long; wasted money, and time, is over


The results, the importance and the transcendence of the issue of public security in any society have always been measured, are measured and will be measured in their subjective results, the existence, life and doing in peace of citizens, other objectives, the figures.

And those subjective and objective results, perception and figures, as has been sufficiently supported, for this regime in its 130 continuous months elapsed: They are pathetic.

The aforementioned Sir Robert Mark affirmed at the time: “… In theory the security and freedom of the social group depends on the laws, the Constitution, but in practice, the decisions of the Executive, the Congress, the courts, count for little if the police were not there to make them effective… "

And when we speak of police, we never speak of occupation armies since, police are not soldiers and parodying Casamayor, we emphatically maintain: “… The police have not been, are not and will not be repressive, repressive is the use they make of them the incompetence and political incapacity of a regime… ”.

On the mediocrity of security policies in venezuela