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Solutions to security problems in a university

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The problem is that there is currently no good control for access to the Orizaba Technological Institute (ITO).

Tecnológico de Orizaba (ITO).

This is because the security guards who are currently at the entrance have a security system which is simply based on asking to show the credential.

Due to the large number of students who attend the institution, they only look at it and do not verify that they are really a student of said institution, neglecting security, which is the main reason for having these rules.

For this problem, 10 possible solutions will be determined.

Said solutions will be arranged in a comparative table in which the points for and against will be marked, so that they are evaluated and thus, determine the best possible solution.

Problem Solution Box.

Possible solution

Points in favor

Points Against

By designating a password

A fully automatic system would be used leaving behind the use of a security guard. The password could be used by people outside the institution

The equipment can deteriorate since the contact of those who make use of it is needed.

Fingerprint access control

It offers a lot of security because you have to be in the database to be able to enter

The equipment is fully automatic

It is quick to use

Equipment comes at a great cost

It is a bit fragile, thus being able to deteriorate

The database must be renewed every semester

Access control through the ocular iris

This equipment offers 100% security since it is as if it were a very personal password

It is fully automated

It is quick to use

The team the extremely expensive

The database may not be able to contain the large number of students

It is easy to damage

It is a bit slow, which is reflected in the large number of students

Admission to the university by control number

It's quick to enter

There would be order when entering

The equipment is inexpensive

The control number can be learned by outsiders of the institution

It takes staff to be observing

Equipment can be damaged

Access via barcode credential

The code is unique for students

A constant order would be maintained

Access is fast

The equipment does not have much cost

Can be cloned

A guard is needed to be watching

The laser may not read the codes

Using a smartphone app

It would be very fast

It is an application that is easy to use

There is no contact with the equipment avoiding being damaged

The data is personal

Not all students have a smartphone

The application is very easy to get

The system can be fooled

Using a chip credential

The system would recognize the chip by shaking it to have contact with the user

It is a quick method to enter

The process is automated

No staff needed

It is very expensive to buy chips for all students

It's fragile

Credentials can be lost, can be found and used for bad purposes

Credentials can be borrowed

Control with revolving security doors

It is very good as it forces the police to observe that it really is the person on the credential

Offers good security

The equipment is heavy duty

The access process is slow

It takes staff to use

Income would be very congested

Solutions to security problems in a university