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Suggestions for the performance of a thesis tutor

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The purpose of this work was the development of a set of suggestions that contribute to the improvement of the work of professionals who work as tutors, at the University of Pedagogical Sciences "Héctor Alfredo Pineda Zaldívar" Havana. A search for information about the performance of the thesis tutor was carried out, both in Cuba and in other countries, in the case of Cuba, data was taken from the experience obtained from the development of the first edition of the master's degree in Professional Pedagogy at this University, and the first edition of the wide access master's degree in Education Sciences. Surveys were carried out with graduates of these master's degrees to corroborate the behavior on this problem in our conditions. On this issue there is a general consensus among the different authors by stating that,In the success of postgraduate training, it has a direct dependence, the existence of a full identification between the thesis student, the advisor and the chosen topic. The results obtained in the inquiries made by the authors of this research show agreement with those obtained in other countries.


The purpose of this work was the development of a set of suggestions that contribute to improving the work of the professionals who serve as mentors at the University of Pedagogical Sciences Alfredo Pineda Hector Zaldivar »» Havana. We searched for information about the performance of the thesis advisor, both in Cuba and abroad, in the case of Cuba took the experience data of the development of the first edition of the Master in Professional Education at this University, and the first edition of the mastery of wide access in Educational Sciences. Surveys at these master's graduates to corroborate the behavior of this problem in our conditions. On this subject there is a general consensus among authors to argue that, on success in postgraduate training, has a direct dependency, the existence of a total identification between the thesis student,the advisor and the theme. The results of the investigations carried out by the authors of this research show agreement with those obtained in other countries.

The thesis tutor: suggestions for its performance


Much has been written about techniques and methodologies applicable to the research and writing of its results and there is a wide bibliography with recognized quality on these issues, but despite this, the completion of graduate or postgraduate theses remains a somewhat difficult task. full of difficulties for thesis students who aspire to reach this level, even though in their training they have developed investigative skills.

In the search for the reasons why a large percentage of those who finish a postgraduate degree, a master's degree for example, do not present their thesis in the time provided after having completed the corresponding studies, numerous studies have been carried out at the international level, and Although multiple causes influence this, most authors state that the advisor or tutor of the thesis is highly dependent.

At the University of Pedagogical Sciences these difficulties also arise and although different actions have been carried out to minimize them, such as, a more direct control of the tutor's work, participation of tutors in thesis workshops, where teachers present the results of the preparation of the thesis work, the percentage of those who present their thesis in the scheduled time is still low in many groups.

As this is a concern of the Research Methodology Collective, the authors of this work conducted a search for information on the status of this problem, both in Cuba and in other countries, and a systematization of the experiences obtained in two master's degrees developed in the University of Pedagogical Sciences '' Héctor Alfredo Pineda Zaldívar '' Havana, with the purpose of developing a set of suggestions that contribute to perfecting the work of the master's thesis tutor.

The article deals in a first part, on theoretical aspects raised by different authors on the subject of thesis advice and the fundamental concepts that are handled and a second part, on orientations or suggestions for the development of the tutor's work.

I - Theoretical aspects about the tutoring of master's theses

1.1 - Fundamental concepts

The Dictionary of the Spanish Language defines the thesis as: (1) Conclusion, a proposition that is supported by reasoning, (2) Someone's opinion about something and (3) Written dissertation presented to the university by the candidate for a doctorate in a faculty.

According to Romano Yalour and Tobar (1998) thesis means position, it is a decision to take sides to solve a problem, the research problem; To do a thesis is to hold a position regarding a particular question in a certain area of ​​knowledge, hence its character as the maximum requirement to achieve an academic rank.

There are different expectations for Master's theses and for Doctoral theses. This difference is not in the format but in the relevance and the level of discovery as evidenced by the problem to be solved and the summary of contributions; a doctoral thesis necessarily requires solving a more difficult problem, and consequently implies more substantial contributions (Hernández, 2005).

Master's or Degree Thesis: In (CVU, 2001) it is stated that the master's thesis, called the degree work, is characterized by being an investigation that delves into a field of knowledge or presents it in a new and critical way. It must be a personal product, represent a valuable contribution to the subject and demonstrate autonomy of intellectual and scientific criteria, critical, analytical, constructive capacity, in a systemic context and the theoretical and methodological domain of the research designs of the subject.

Synthesizing these conceptions, Padula (2008) expresses that this type of thesis is nothing more than the written form of the thinking of a professional regarding a specific and specific issue. A set of ideas and a rationally sustainable position with respect to them.

The thesis tutor

Valarino (2006) defines it as the professor who exercises the role of academic supervisor of the thesis, assigned by the program authorities, in agreement with the student, who accompanies him throughout the research process. This role is poorly described in official documents and is called in various ways: guide teacher, adviser teacher, counselor teacher and tutor.

From the analysis of these definitions it is inferred that the tutor teacher is a learning facilitator who stimulates self-expression and internal organization, which teaches how to learn. Their level of exchange with the student must be as human as possible and both will act in the search for knowledge.

1.2 - Problems in relation to the tutoring process

Rosas (2006) points out that there are very few studies that have detailed the characteristics of the tutor's role, its most important dimensions and the evaluation that students make of their tutors, this process generally taking place in a silent and hidden way. academic managers and administrators and even for the tutors themselves.

Several authors, including Valarino (1997), Meneses (1996) grouped those variables associated with the success or risk in the productivity of research projects and undergraduate work, in four fundamental dimensions:

  1. supervisor or tutor, researcher or thesis thesis advisory relationship and institutional support systems.

García (1988) established four possible causes of the phenomenon:

  1. Lack of financial support from educational centers, characteristics of the thesis, decreased motivation, and characteristics of supervision.

Buckley and Hooley (1988) conducted a study at the University of Bradford Management Center. According to the results obtained, they explain that once the students choose a topic for their work, their interest and motivation towards research increases, however, what may be needed is commitment and enthusiasm on the part of the tutor.

According to (Valarino, 2000), among the conflicts that stand out, there is, in the first place, the one referred to the thesis that seems to place most of the responsibility of the research on the tutor and does not assume it as their own.

Secondly, it has been observed that when there are high expectations on the part of the thesis regarding the tutor and not being fulfilled, frustration arises, which leads to negative consequences regarding the completion of the thesis.

Third, on occasions, the execution of the role of the tutor has a low level of performance and also does not obtain any type of reinforcement or recognition.

The authors of this work, in their inquiries about how this problem has behaved in the University of Pedagogical Sciences '' Héctor Alfredo Pineda Zaldívar '' of Havana, found that: In the two master's degrees that are developed, in one of them only 30.7% have defended their thesis and 25% in the other. The causes of this situation, according to the teachers, are given by: Lack of time, tutor performance, institutional support, material resources and in some cases not having a tutor. Of these causes, 45% of those surveyed refer to the performance of the tutor.

Another cause, according to what has been verified, refers to the characteristics of the teacher (aptitudes for research activity, little motivation, among others), which in this case represents 6% of those observed in one of the master's degrees.

II. Guidance or suggestions to develop the thesis tutor's work

Once the responsibility of tutoring a thesis has been assumed, they must be aware of the characteristics and limitations, both their own and that of the student, and promote a healthy academic environment, in order to avoid the intellectual narrowness in which they can fall due to the lack of options and alternatives.

In the development of this aspect, the logic of the research process that leads to the preparation and presentation of a degree thesis will be followed.

2.1 - Topic selection

Rosales (2007) points out that the choice of the topic is a vitally important step to obtain the help of an advisor, since if he accepts the direction of the thesis, not only the institutional registration requirements are met, in reality the availability Technically speaking, it represents having the work, time and knowledge of an expert committed to a subject that also meets your professional aspirations.

In general, the student who is going to choose a research topic must consider that the topic belongs to an area in which they already have prior knowledge and experience. An alternative is to enter this cognitive field to learn about the existing theories around the subject and the problem of interest.

The main objective factors to consider in choosing a topic, and that are related to it itself, are:

  1. Consider whether the topic can be developed in an investigation. There are topics so broad that it would not take a lifetime to develop them. Usefulness of the topic. That is, consider whether the topic has any social application viable. The topic must contain a problem that can be solved according to the current state of knowledge. Lack of bibliographies on the topic of interest.

All these limitations must be overcome by the thesis student, to decide to choose the topic. Hence, the selection of a simple and well-defined topic is suggested, in order to successfully carry out the investigation.

2.2 - Justify the chosen topic

Rosales (2007) points out that the preparation of a thesis will necessarily imply an investigation; however, the investigation should begin with the statement of a problem that will ultimately be the first written result of the choice and definition of a topic. The value of the chosen topic generally depends on the degree of precision that the thesis achieves for the analysis of a specific phenomenon, therefore, it is a question of examining the phenomenon arguing from two consequent levels of investigation:

  1. A priori, the thesis student must estimate the importance of the phenomenon and establish its significance supported by a set of observations, assumptions or analogies, which help define the scope of the research to be carried out.A posteriori, the behavior of a specific phenomenon will be investigated using a theoretical and referential framework, supported by hypotheses, concepts, systems and analysis methods within a spatio-temporal context, which will imply the establishment of objectives to define the specific location, validity and validity of the phenomenon under study.

The quality of the argumentation that is exposed in both levels strengthens the justification of the chosen topic and demonstrates the capacity that the thesis has to carry out a timely, consistent, transcendent and reliable investigation.

Thinking with a scientific criterion: The thesis student must understand that doing science requires an investigation based on a way of thinking aimed at verifying real facts, within certain limits of activity that are often established in the objectives, and can also happen that reality contradicts the conclusions obtained. A review of epistemology will allow us to clarify this situation and understand the importance of thinking with a scientific criterion.

2.3 - Basic processes of the tutor

As an example of the tutoring process, a model proposed by Ruíz (2006) is presented to improve the performance of the undergraduate thesis tutor, which materialized in a Tutorial Mediation System (SMT).

This tutoring model was operationalized through a 40-hour seminar-workshop, mainly aimed at higher education teachers. It has been developing since 1993 in various Venezuelan universities.

Some of the characteristics of this model are the following:

  • The preparation of the Degree Thesis constitutes a process of professional and personal growth that actively involves the participant in the construction of their own learning.The fundamental role of the tutor consists in systematically intervening in the thesis in order to help him overcome his academic and personal weaknesses and to become aware of the use and control of the thought processes that must be used to achieve each of the subgoals into which the general process of preparing the degree thesis is broken down.The tutor will guide said process in such a way that the participant progressively go from a state of maximum dependence, especially at the beginning of the thesis, to a situation of self-management.The objective of this tutorial approach is not only for the student to successfully complete his thesis,but also grow professionally through this process, particularly with regard to the development of skills as a researcher.The tutor, in the context of the SMT model, is conceived as a professional expert in a specific area of ​​knowledge who acts as a strategist, because he not only knows what to do, but when, where and why, to get results.

In short, the tutor acts as a mediator of learning processes and strategies, which promotes and stimulates the active and self-managed participation of the student in the preparation of their degree thesis. The SMT model is an attempt to help develop a graduate thesis tutor with such characteristics.

The quality of the mentoring relationship. The willingness to listen permanently, the ability to understand the subjective context of their interlocutors. The professional training of the tutor as this provides confidence to the tutor and enables a climate of respect by recognizing the relevant contributions received from her tutor.

The Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba (Marcané (1998), indicates that the tutor has the following duties:

a) Properly advise the applicant in relation to conducting the research, preparing the Thesis, the Summary and the act of defense.

b) Provide all information about the applicant and the progress of the work he is executing.

c) Carry out periodic evaluations on the progress and quality of the applicant's work.

d) Present to the Court, -in the defense act- precise information on the particularities of the applicant. Which in turn also has the following rights:

  1. Receive in time, information about the applicant, research topic and type of aspiration Participate with a voice in all the analyzes carried out on the applicant's work Have access to all information related to the defense of the Thesis.


There is a general consensus among the different authors in stating that, in the success of postgraduate training, there is a direct dependence, the existence of a full identification between the thesis student, the advisor and the chosen topic.

The preparation of the tutor for efficient performance, according to different authors, both from Cuba and from other countries, has a determining influence on the results achieved by the teacher.

According to the study carried out, it is inferred that it is necessary for the institutions to carry out preparation plans for the master's thesis tutors, taking into account their characteristics and the conditions in which their work will be carried out. An aspect that constitutes a generality in different countries, including ours, is the little recognition by universities that the tutor receives, which is considered to be a factor that influences their motivation to carry out this work.


  1. National University Council (CNU). (2001). General Regulations for Postgraduate Studies. Central University of Venezuela Hernández, Carlos Evaristo. (2005). Preliminary considerations for the preparation of a degree thesis. Buckley, P. and Hooley, G. (1988). The non-completion of doctoral research in management: symptoms, causes and cures. Educational Research, 30 (2), 110-119, Marcané Laserra, José Ángel, S. Gómez Castanedo. (1998). Guide for the evaluation of thesis and other academic research works. Coordinating Center for Management Studies. Ministry of Higher Education. Havana, Cuba Meneses, R., Valarino, E. (1998). Research Project Management (GEPI): program for advising research papers Academic Agenda (Online Magazine) 5 (2), 13-22. Available at: Padula Perkins, Jorge Eduardo. (2008).Ideas, reflections and suggestions for the time of the thesis.Romano Yalour, Margot. Tobar, Federico. (1998). How to do theses and monographs. Rosales Reyes, Perseo. (2007). The professional thesis: Notes for its development. Technological University of the Mixteca, Oaxaca, Mexico Rosa, Ana Karina / Daniela Flores / Elisabeth Valarino. (2006). Role of the thesis tutor. Competences, personal conditions and functions. Research and Postgraduate. Year / vol. 21, number 001. Experimental Pedagogical University. Libertador, Caracas, Venezuela. P 153 - 185 Ruiz Bolívar, Carlos. (2006). How to Become a Competent Tutor. A Strategic Approach in the Preparation of the Degree Thesis. Editorial Santillana, S. A, Caracas, Venezuela, Central University of Venezuela (UCV). 2001. General Regulations for Postgraduate Studies. Issued by the CNU.Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 37328 of November 20, 2001 Valarino, Elizabeth. (2000/1997). Thesis on time. Barcelona, ​​Spain: Grupo Editorial Carnero, Chapter 5, pp. 207-209 Valarino, E. (2006). Role of the advisor in undergraduate and doctoral thesis projects. Behavior, 1 (1), 57-68.
Suggestions for the performance of a thesis tutor