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Improvement in economic culture of university professors at the Cuban university


The research is carried out from the identification of needs related to the preparation of teachers in economic culture; In the exploratory study, limitations were found, both in initial and permanent training, which have impacted on the adequate treatment of this problem. In the course of the research, different scientific research methods were used: theoretical, empirical and the procedures of descriptive and inferential statistics, which allowed to arrive at the final results expressed in the Model for the improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, with the intention of favoring their preparation, which guarantees the fulfillment of the objectives that the Ministry of Education guides in matters of economic culture.The assessment by expert criteria of the improvement model, its implementation in pedagogical practice in the conditions of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the progress found in the evaluated indicators, make it possible to recommend this scientific product as an option to contribute to the improvement of the teachers, with a high political and ideological commitment to the effective management of the students' training process.with a high political and ideological commitment for the effective management of the students' training process.with a high political and ideological commitment for the effective management of the students' training process.

Keywords: improvement, improvement of teachers, economic culture, improvement in economic culture.


The profound changes and transformations that have been taking place in all areas of society require the school to continuously prepare the cadres to achieve the integral development of the personality of its students, where aspects related to culture occupy a prominent place. economical.

When the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) was held, in the presentation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, the need for the entire Cuban society to achieve a solid economic culture was highlighted because of it depends on the sustainability and preservation of the Cuban social system and much more in the field of education, based on the importance that it has at the present time. Therefore, in Cuba, great importance is attached to economic culture, since the economy is a basic activity that guarantees human existence, which is present in one way or another in all the scenarios of action of man, both in his life not professional as professional;the assimilation of that culture influences the formation of the individual that society aspires in correspondence with the prevailing socioeconomic system.

When assuming this task, it is necessary to perfect the improvement of the professionals of the Pedagogical Higher Education (ESP) in favor of undertaking the preparation in economic culture, based on the dialectical assimilation of contemporary economic thought, integrating it with the national and the characteristics historical - concrete of Cuban society.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education (MINED) within its strategic objectives has conceived the economic culture from a multidisciplinary approach, given the intention of training generations with more responsible behaviors, highlighting in particular the Curricular Strategy for the Formation of a Tax Culture which constitutes an orientation towards the educational work to be carried out from school, and its purpose is not only to provide information on issues related to the economy, but to develop skills, convictions and competencies that ensure a citizen with responsible behavior in the face of problems that the economy presents the country.

In the Universities of Pedagogical Sciences, the economic culture has a great importance, since it allows to prepare the teacher in training in this sense, hence the importance of the improvement of the teacher of this institution as a promoter of it.

This is expressed from the intention of dealing with aspects for the formation of economic culture, in a country immersed in profound changes in the socioeconomic sphere, with a changing and contradictory global scenario.

The battle for culture, in which economic and environmental problems occupy a place of survival of the human species, bases the need to improve the improvement of teachers at this level, in correspondence with the demands posed by economic processes (in terms of internal and international) in the current stage of the Revolution, which constitutes an important contribution to the process of perfecting the socialist economic model.

To answer the scientific problem, the following objective is set:

-Develop a model of improvement in economic culture for teachers of FCT of the UCP "Rafael María de Mendive", which allows them to direct the training process with a high ideological political commitment in correspondence with the social demands and the needs of the ESP.

1.1 The improvement of teachers: definitions and forms

In Cuba, the term most used to determine the stage of postgraduate training of teachers has been that of overcoming, and there are different definitions, which can be found in the Regulations for Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Cuba (1996, 2004), in the studies of Añorga, J. (2000), Castillo, T. (2004), Deler, G. (2006), Castro, O. (2007), among others.

After examining the definitions given by the aforementioned authors, the author needs to assume the following:

“A process of individual transformation that allows him to change the school context in which he acts, as a result of the improvement and updating of the contents, science methods and values, which is achieved in the interaction of the group and individual, together with the theoretical - practical experience of the teacher and the individual and social commitment assumed, in order to satisfy the new demands of the Cuban Basic Secondary School of the XXI century ”. (Castillo, Estella, T, 2004, p. 51).

Of the organizational forms of improvement, those set forth in the Regulations for Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Cuba (Resolution No. 132/2004) of the Ministry of Higher Education and the theory of Advanced Education (Añorga and others 1999, p. 18).

The Regulation of Postgraduate Education in its article 20 refers to the fact that the main organizational forms of professional improvement are: “the course, the training and the diploma. Other forms of improvement are self-preparation, specialized conference, seminar, workshop, scientific debate and others that complement and enable the study and dissemination of advances in knowledge, science, technology and art. The programs corresponding to professional improvement are projected and executed by higher education centers and centers specially authorized for it ”. (Añorga and others 1999, p. 21).

In correspondence with this, Advanced Education, Añorga, J. (1999) pays, according to the purposes of this research, the non-academic forms common to all human resources and the non-academic forms for university graduates, where there are “self-preparation, conferences, seminars, workshops, exchange of experiences, consultancies, interviews, instructional trips, appreciation of human work, strategies, technologies, instruments, as well as the postgraduate course and training ”(Añorga and others 1999, p. 25).

The above-mentioned ways of overcoming enable the acquisition, expansion and continuous improvement of the knowledge and basic and specialized skills required for the professional performance of teachers, where the fundamental aspects that guide the economic culture of the context of the teaching must be taken into account. contemporary school.

1.2 The improvement in economic culture of teachers: a necessity in the Faculty of Technical Sciences

Today, the improvement of teachers constitutes a concern for most countries, in order to obtain optimal results in the educational sphere, consequently it has been emphasized that it is revealed as an essential factor and important condition for professional improvement, this means that One must become aware of the need to deepen this, in accordance with scientific progress and the demands that society imposes on educational institutions.

The author considers that the improvement of teachers has to organize the response to the vertiginous development that sciences have achieved in the world, which university graduates require, to assume an attitude that allows them to renew the knowledge in the science they work. This antecedent acquires special connotation in teachers given the formative role they play in society.

In educational activity, saving has been the object of permanent attention given the social impact of the training work, however there are still problems related to the irrational use of human, material and financial resources; the lack of care and control of the facilities that are in the custody of each group of workers, especially the teaching facilities, their furniture, shelter facilities, textbooks and notebooks; uniforms, food; as well as the wasteful habits that still persist and the habit of consuming regardless of the value of the assigned goods ”. (Ruiz Peraza and others 2011, p. 2).

For which the priority given by the educational leaders at each level and the pedagogical group of each educational center is important to the economic culture of students and workers in general, as the care and conservation of the means and resources that they are destined to the schools is a responsibility of all, elements that must be introduced in the overcoming of the teachers of the FCT.

For what the author defines and operationalizes as improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the FCT:

As a dynamic and systematic process characterized by the transforming role in the teacher in order to solve the problems of the educational teaching process from the acquisition, updating and improvement of the knowledge and pedagogical skills related to the economy, in close relationship with the ethical - economic values ​​as a way to fulfill their social order in the FCT.

The variable is operationalized in three dimensions: development of improvement, cognitive and evaluative, which contribute to the identified indicators:

  • Development of overcoming: the process of overcoming and how is its development in the FCT The cognitive: at the level of knowledge that FCT teachers have in terms of economic culture The evaluative: the ethical-economic values ​​of the teachers.

1.3 Presentation and analysis of the results obtained in the determination of needs for improvement in economic culture of FCT teachers

In the diagnostic process, various scientific research methods were applied that allowed a study to be carried out on the current state of the preparation of teachers in economic culture, which included the review and analysis of the methodological scientific work strategies and improvement, the methodological work plans, individual development plans of teachers derived from teacher evaluation, as well as observations to classes by teachers of the FCT, surveys and interviews to verify the treatment that teachers provide to economic culture, as well as the technique of methodological triangulation.

In integrating the results of the initial diagnosis, the analysis and evaluations made of the behavior of the different indicators proposed were taken into account, where it is verified:

About the teachers of the FCT:

  • As a regularity, they only solve problems related to the subjects they teach, while they are not able to identify problems related to the economy and thus do not contribute to their solution. In general, they do not know the relationship of the work functions they perform with the students. problems related to economic activity.

About overcoming:

  • It is aimed at reaching the degree of preparation both pedagogically and in the content of the disciplines taught. Economic culture issues are not addressed.

About the improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the FCT:

  • The need for an economic culture is understood, as well as the incidence and contribution they can make to the integral education of teachers in training and other workers of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The importance of economic culture in pedagogical work is considered. The ignorance of the problems related to the provincial, local and institutional economic activities that the teachers of the FCT have stands out.

1.4 Model for the improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Components

The components that make up the model are assumed from the definition given by Dr. Alberto Valle Lima previously. Which are:

  • Aim and objectives. Essential characteristics of the improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the FCT. Strategy for the implementation of the model. Form of implementation. Form of evaluation.

What is described in the following graphic representation:

Improvement in economic culture of university professors at the Cuban university

Regarding the strategy with which the model is implemented, it is structured as follows:

In this sense, its design takes into account the following structure:

I: Introduction. It explains the fundamentals of the strategy.

II: Diagnosis. Made from the application of techniques to identify existing weaknesses and strengths during the implementation of the improvement model through the improvement strategy and its structuring, taking into account the criteria of the social actors and agencies.

III: General objective. His approach is aimed at developing the improvement in economic culture of FCT teachers in Pinar del Río.

IV: Specific actions. They are oriented to the development of the process of improvement in economic culture for teachers of the FCT, with an emphasis on actions and sequenced operations that translates into political and ideological commitment and the direction of the training process.

V- Evaluation of the strategy. The development of the process of improvement in economic culture is evaluated according to the variables and indicators identified in the research.

They are assumed as fundamental organizational forms: a diploma, workshops, self-improvement, these are integrated and combined with a scientific symposium, as well as the training seminar for the pedagogical group.

1- Diploma in Economic Culture for non-specialist teachers in Economics.

Objective of this action: to contribute to the improvement in the economic culture of FCT teachers in their close link with the transformations of the Cuban economic management model, providing them with scientifically based knowledge so that they assume the transformative role that corresponds to them in training.

2- Workshops.

Objective of the action: to systematize the improvement in economic culture, based on the proposal of workshops that promote its improvement, for the sake of participation and critical and reflective debate.

3- Self-improvement.

Objective of the action: to systematize content that is developed in the field of economic culture in the diploma course and in the workshops, based on the proposal of a textbook that enhances its treatment.

4- The scientific symposium.

Objective of this action: to systematize the domain of economic culture, based on the proposal of a scientific symposium aimed at enhancing its development from the socialization of experiences in the solution of professional problems, through scientific-technical, methodological and practical exchange.

5- Preparation seminar for the pedagogical group of the FCT Economics department.

This form of improvement stands as a specific action to stimulate the others to be developed within the process of improvement of teachers.

Objective: Train the pedagogical group of the Department of Economics of the FCT, in the theoretical foundations of the process of improvement of teachers, for the implementation of specific actions.

1.5 Relations of the model for the improvement in economic culture of the teachers of the FCT

The model as a system, part of the dialectical interrelation that is established between all its components (which are expressed in the model graph), which are constituted in turn, in subsystems of the model system, with a higher level of integrality and generality. The purpose, objectives and principles components maintain an interrelation between them, and in turn establish relationships of determination with the rest of the components of the model. The relationship and interdependencies between the components of the model for the improvement in economic culture of FCT teachers can be observed in the diagram that appears at the end of this section.

1.6 Comparison of the results of the triangulation carried out in the verification of the problem and the results of the evaluation of the practical validity of the model.

In order to verify the status of the problem under investigation, we proceeded to compare the results of the triangulation carried out in chapter two and in the assessment of the practical validity of the model.

  • The results achieved with the application of the model of improvement in economic culture for teachers of the FCT show the positive transformations operated in the sample in the order of knowledge, assessment and implementation of content of economic culture in the development of the work functions they perform, as they contribute to the solution of economic problems in the center and in the areas where they work and to a change of attitude in close relation to ethical-economic values.


  • The systematization of the theoretical references that support the improvement process identified their essential characteristics and features, recognizing the links established between the economic culture, the content of the improvement and the social relevance in the attention to the teachers of the FCT. Diagnosis of the current state of the level of preparation of teachers allowed to determine shortcomings from the development of the improvement, the cognitive and the evaluative to design the improvement in economic culture in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The model for the improvement in economic culture is based Theoretically and methodologically from the assumptions contained in the Regulation of Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Cuba and the theory of Advanced Education, it was structured in six components,allowing the organization of the process of improvement of teachers in the context of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.The experts recognize the relevance of the theoretical positions assumed, the theoretical and practical utility of the model, by favoring the improvement in economic culture of teachers of The FCT. The results achieved in the validation of the improvement model indicate the coherence of the actions that comprise it, corroborating the level of satisfaction of the teachers with the improvement received.The results achieved in the validation of the improvement model indicate the coherence of the actions that comprise it, corroborating the level of satisfaction of the teachers with the improvement received.The results achieved in the validation of the improvement model indicate the coherence of the actions that comprise it, corroborating the level of satisfaction of the teachers with the improvement received.


  • Castillo,, T. (2004). A model for the direction of the improvement of teachers from the Basic Secondary school. Thesis in Option to the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, ICCP. Havana. 51.Añorga, J. (1999). Advanced education: Alternative educational paradigm for the professional and human improvement of labor and community resources. pp. 21-29 Ruiz P, and others. (2011). Strengthening the general economic culture of the students. p. 8. City of Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación
Improvement in economic culture of university professors at the Cuban university