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Study Techniques To what extent do fear and techniques influence a student's success or failure?


1. Introduction

Many people think that only a privileged few can be successful students whether in college or university. Often in a class of 30 to 40 students, only 3-5 students stand out. In general, in a class of 40 students, 5 are excellent students, 20 are regular students (not bad but not very good either), and 10 students have poor grades. These 10 students can be candidates for repeating the year at school or be expelled from the university. However, the 5 excellent students have a secret. They learned to overcome obstacles and developed their skills: fear and techniques.

2. From fear

In order for you to be a successful student in college or university, you must overcome fear. If you want to be the best student in your college or university, you must believe that you can do it. But you cannot achieve this purpose if you doubt or are not sure that you can do it.

I'll give you an example, when most of us first learned to write our names (as children), maybe we weren't sure we could do it. We were afraid of being wrong. But when we overcome fear, we were more confident and we remembered the letters that we had to join to write our name. Sure you think but writing my name is very easy. Now it is very easy. But before learning to write it, it was not so easy because you were afraid of being wrong.

In order for you to be a successful student in college or university, the first thing you must do is make the decision to radically change your life. You must set yourself the goal of being one of the best students at your institution. But if you ask yourself, will it be possible to be a successful student or the best student in my class? You already made a big mistake. You can't doubt, you just have to believe it. Don't get me wrong. Nor do I tell you that by magic you will be a prominent student. You will have to work a lot and use some tools to achieve this purpose.

3. Of the techniques

If you want to be a great student in college or university, you must develop a plan and have strategies to achieve your goal.

You will have to use some strategies and tools to be successful. Most successful students in college or university have strengths or abilities. In recent years, they have developed a particular "technique" to do very well in school.

Everyone can have a "technique." But developing a "technique" can take several months or years. For example, if you put two people to peel (each) 12 potatoes at the same time. The first person may finish peeling all 12 potatoes in 6 minutes. It will peel the skin of the potato very thinly so as not to generate waste. However, the second person will peel all 12 potatoes in 20 minutes. She will peel the potato skin very thickly. You will waste almost 40% of all potatoes. What is the difference between these two people?

Each of the two people begins to peel the 12 potatoes at the same time. But only one of them is more efficient and effective than the other.

The person who peeled the 12 potatoes in 6 minutes and with a very thin skin had already developed a "technique" unlike the other person.

The "techniques" allow you to study better and in less time, organize yourself, better face written or oral evaluations. They allow you to develop a winner or winner attitude in the classroom. They will help you get excellent grades on your evaluations. On the other hand, students who do not use "techniques" are the typical people who frequently pull several courses or subjects in college or university.

For you to be successful in college or university, it is essential that you use "techniques" that allow you to achieve your goals in the shortest time and generating the greatest possible benefits. To be successful in studies, you have to create "techniques" or use the "techniques of other specialists". Only then can you improve and have enough tools to succeed in your studies and in your professional life.

4. Conclusion

Fear and techniques play an important role in a student's success or failure in college or university. In order for you to be one of the best students in your class, you must lose your fear. Erase the word I can't! From your brain chip You must be sure that you will be an excellent student. Only then will you be prepared to generate a radical change in your life. This change must be 360 ​​° It does not matter that you have been the last student in your class or that you have repeated the year several times in college or that you have pulled the weighted of the university. What matters is that you make the decision Now! At this very moment, don't think about it anymore, just do it and you will see great results.

Do not think that the solution to all your problems will fall from the sky, you must work hard to achieve this purpose: to be an excellent student. For this, it is relevant that you use "techniques". The "techniques" will allow you to reduce the risks of failure and maximize your chances of success in school. I can assure you 100% that if you develop "techniques" or use "specialist techniques", your life will change in an extraordinary way. I wish you a lot of success.

Study Techniques To what extent do fear and techniques influence a student's success or failure?