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Emotional intelligence workshops in the company

What can we do so that emotional intelligence is developed in our companies? Is it enough to spread the concepts? What must an emotional intelligence program have to be successful?

What can we do so that emotional intelligence is developed in our companies? Is it enough to spread the concepts? What must an emotional intelligence program have to be successful?

This article proposes a key tool that should be considered in any program for the development of emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence workshops.

At this point, surely you already have theoretical knowledge about emotional intelligence and know the advantages that its development entails, both on a personal and professional level:

• Communication improves;

• the worker feels more person, happier, fuller and with a better quality of life; increases motivation;

• personal relationships improve;

• people are more involved in their work and are more responsible and autonomous;

• the work environment is improved; our power (especially charismatic) and our leadership are strengthened;

• increases the effectiveness and efficiency of people and teams;

• processes of change and continuous improvement are streamlined;

• improve relationships with customers and with all public of the company;

•… and they also improve an endless number of small and subtle things in addition to the profitability of the company.

You have probably tried to put into practice some of the concepts that the books that talk about the subject tell you, how did it go?

Undoubtedly, and as in so many other things, although it is relatively easy to understand and commune with the theory, putting it into practice is much more expensive and, often, we feel lost before we start or we do not see the results of our effort and dedication.

And it is that the key to the success of the development of emotional intelligence in the company is in the personal development itself, in the effort of each of the subjects involved, at their own pace and from introspection, awareness and will of change and continuous improvement of each one of them.

Because, in order to develop emotional intelligence in the company, everyone (and especially senior managers) must develop their own. Therefore, if we want to manage and direct the development of emotional intelligence, it is necessary to facilitate a climate of trust and openness, raise the level of awareness and self-knowledge of each employee and increase their motivation.

An effective tool to achieve this are the emotional intelligence workshops, where through an experiential and participatory methodology, a space for reflection and knowledge of the areas is created that each participant must "work" on himself to achieve his objectives within the framework of the company's needs.

But for emotional intelligence workshops to be effective they must take into account some guidelines:

• The objectives must be very well defined and fall within the area of ​​emotional intelligence.

• Must be guided by emotional intelligence professionals.

• They must take place in a climate of trust, openness and sincerity.

• They must follow an experiential methodology, using "in-door / out-door training" type methods or games and experiences that facilitate connection with the individual and company reality.

• They must promote introspection, reflection and awareness.

• They must connect with the emotions and motivation of each participant.

On the other hand, it is advisable that they be residential, because in this way we break with traditional schemes, we favor concentration and group cohesion, which allows a greater climate of trust and openness. In addition, they are very well received by the participants, in turn they serve as a reward and normally, and although at first glance it may seem otherwise, they make costs profitable.

It is also preferable that the workshops are included in a broader program where coaching sessions and individual tutorials are inserted either externally or internally.

In any case, they should be adjusted to the needs of the organization in such a way that the shared values ​​and culture of the organization or the role are worked on without forgetting at any time the interests of each of the participants individually and in a personalized way.

In this way, a change in behavior and habits will be achieved consistently, where both the organization and the participant will feel satisfied with the improvement project undertaken.

And, as is well evidenced in the very essence of emotional intelligence, emotions are the engine of any action. If we do not use methods that directly contact the interior and the "heart" of people, we will hardly be able to cause changes in them, or in ourselves, therefore, any well-structured program that seeks to influence attitudes and obtain energy for change and The improvement must have emotional intelligence workshops.

«He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is powerful. Lao-TseA

Provided by Uch - RRHH the portal for students of RRHH


Emotional intelligence workshops in the company