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Technologies applied to a library in cuba

Table of contents:


Pedagogical bases around the solution of a problem of their pedagogical practice related to the implementation of Technologies in Education.


In this paper, theoretical and conceptual aspects related to the field of information are described in a general way, mainly aimed at its realization with new technologies based on the library reality of the “José Martí Pérez” University Center of Sancti Spíritus.

Addressing the pedagogical substrate present in the digital design of the library and its interrelation with the community of potential users of the same.


The advent of the information society, supported by the progress of telecommunications and new information technologies, has produced significant changes in the modes of production because the processes necessary for the generation of goods are conceived as processes of high consumption of information. Submerged in technological changes, and to adapt to it, information entities have migrated from the sixties, from traditional structures to automated structures first, and later hybrids, in order to evolve towards the constitution of the virtual library. potentially capable of facilitating universal access to information sources and resources.

Information entity is understood to be information centers, information analysis centers, documentation centers, archives and libraries. Which have in common, as a substantial entity, the user, and as the main objective to satisfy the informational needs of said user, thus contributing to the generation of new knowledge.

The prestigious author Emilio Setién Quesada, in his book Information Services describes the different types of information institutions and states that these "contribute to education, teaching, culture, research and management to different degrees, depending on their type by which cannot be considered isolated, but rather as members of a single system, whose purpose is to transfer information. "

To the previous definition offered by the scholar, it can be added - where it says - "… whose purpose is to transfer information" to users, because they are, in short, the alpha and omega of any institution specialized in providing information, whether in print or electronic format.

According to Israel Núñez defines an information user: “(…) a person, a group or an entity (corporate user) that uses the information or information services. As users and information workers are involved in a continuous communication process, the term refers to all those who use the information, whether or not they are information workers ”

The users of these entities present informational needs given by various aspects such as profession, job position, area of ​​specialization, etc. In addition, the information needs are in constant change of hierarchy for the individual himself, who once presented the need for information, given a lack of knowledge at a precise moment.

Various authors have defined the term "information need", but when analyzing it, it can be seen that it has a lot of subjectivity and individuality of the person being treated.

That is why the need for information can be defined, taking into account the subjective nature, which for each user or reader at any given time are determined by:

  • The semantic content of the activity carried out by the user or reader, which defines the subject of the information needed to carry out said activity (semantic aspect) The structure of the activity (study, recreation, creative, etc.) The objective and subjective, material and social conditions for its realization and The socio-psychological-cultural characteristics of the user, reader, category (segment) or community thereof.

This is one of the most complete definitions in the literature reviewed; It not only recognizes the objective nature and dynamics of information needs, but also indicates a greater number of determinants of needs.

Problem of pedagogical practice:

Lack of an education program for users in the Web environment that refers pertinent and relevant information to the community of potential users of the Library of the “José Martí Pérez” University Center of Sancti Spíritus for adequate training as future integral professionals.

These aspects referred to above have been taken into account to design a user training and education program in the Web environment of the library of the “José Martí Pérez” University Center in Sancti Spíritus.

For this we set the following objectives:

  • Design a training and education program for users in the Web environment that allows developing skills for the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Raise the informational culture of users in the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Favor the development of the informational culture in society.

Proposal for a design of the training and education program for users in the Web environment

The Library is undergoing a transformation process with the emergence of ICTs, and in particular the Internet. All of this influences library services and products; that no longer have only printed materials. At this time, the electronic medium constitutes an impressive support for the transmission of scientific, technological, and humanistic knowledge, due to the high degree of information concentrated in the Network of networks and the high added value that online databases and catalogs represent, for these places where so much information is concentrated and that generates, therefore, so much knowledge. Taking into account the aforementioned, we can quote: "If libraries do not participate actively in the digital revolution, they will simply cease to exist."

Characterization of the José Martí University Library

The José Martí University Library, attached to the Sancti Spíritus University Center, has the mission of developing skills in users and creating the conditions so that they can produce, handle, use and access information on their own.

It has a bibliographic collection of 5,750 documents and a newspaper library of 45 journal titles as well as other types of documents, for example, editorial catalogs, folders, undergraduate, master's and doctorate theses.

It also has a growing number of documents in digital form from e-books to PhD theses.

The potential users of the University Library are students, professors, researchers and all the personnel who are immersed in the educational teaching process of higher education.

Availability of human resources:

  • 2 Information and Library Technicians 4 Information and Library Specialists.

Among the main processes carried out in the information entity are:

  • Collection development; Synthetic analytical processing of information; Interlibrary loan; Issuance of publication certificates to researchers; Automated catalog update; Publication of the University Library website with its different sections; Publication of the Centro Ciencia electronic journal.

The existence of a Web Site will integrate content to support the teaching process, raise the general and comprehensive culture and facilitate the acquisition of skills in the use and management of information resources of students, teachers, researchers and all those who are linked to this process.

Among these contents are:

  • Catalogs and databases Electronic books and articles Research results Scientific reports and reports by specialty that support the different subjects studied News and bulletins by specialty Online references Local, regional, national and world libraries Newspapers and online magazines. Issues of politics, art, environment, etc. Edition of the Electronic Magazine Centro Ciencia General information on the University Library

The use of the catalog is another of the fundamental elements that any training program should include. The catalog continues to be a library's main search, location and information retrieval tool. Knowing how to interrogate the system, today fully automated, how to pose a search and how to interpret the results obtained, have always been objectives to be covered in a training session on the use of the catalog. As we have said, all the public libraries studied offer some type of help on their website to consult their online catalog. These helps explain how to set up an assisted search, or an advanced search, or just a general search.

User / library communication is another fundamental aspect in the new digital environment in which libraries and users now move. As in the face-to-face environment, the user has made use of different systems to communicate with the library and its professionals when sending their queries and questions (in writing, by phone, by post, or in person), on stage. Web the library must make available to users all the resources necessary to maintain a fluid and friendly relationship with them. To this end, it is necessary to have an email address or query or suggestion boxes, from where users can ask and send to the librarians those questions that need to be clarified or resolved by them.

The Education and Training of the user in a generic way, includes any project or program intended to guide and instruct current and potential users, individually or collectively with the aim of facilitating:

  • The recognition of their own information needs The formulation of these needs The effective and efficient use of information services The evaluation of these services.

Final thoughts

The Cultural Historical approach as a pedagogical trend has among its principles directing the formation of the personality and forming the man for life, where the school plays a transforming role in society and the student is an active entity in the teaching-learning process.

Educational Technology as a pedagogical trend reproduces society, it is aimed at methods and means more than content, the student has a predominant role and self-learning predominates, the student-teacher relationship is very limited.

Doing an analysis we can affirm that the pedagogical practice of the University Library is directed towards the educational technology trend supported by the cultural historical approach as a pedagogical trend, where the student becomes the central axis of the educational teaching process, assimilating knowledge or information almost in a self-taught way, through the relationship with technology. The librarian or information specialist is in charge of putting in their hands the updated tool that they will use to delve into other branches of knowledge.

The university library, therefore, supports the educational teaching process by developing the skills present in users based on technology, causing the latter to strengthen its relationship with the growth of knowledge without ignoring the principles of Cuban pedagogy that aims at the

massive character and with equity, democratic participation in the tasks of education, coeducation and the school open to diversity, differentiated care and free.

It can be affirmed then that technology is a source in the development or growth of scientific and pedagogical knowledge with direct incidence. Therefore, we agree that the pedagogical trend of educational technology assumes a fundamental role in the current pedagogical universe, putting as an example the universalization of teaching and in fact the digitization of our university library.

Cited and Consulted Bibliography

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SETIÉN QUESADA, Emilio; 1983, p. 12

NÚÑEZ, Israel; 2000, p. 15

ROJAS, José L.; 2003, p. 10

Technologies applied to a library in cuba