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Theory of argumentation and systemic approach to the organization


On this occasion I dare to professionally describe the issue about the systemic approach of the organization seen from the point of view of argumentation theory, taking into account the concept of system that is "a set of elements, parts or dynamically related organs in interaction that develop an activity to achieve a common objective or purpose ”, and the focus is nothing more than the interdisciplinary study of civil debate, parliamentary dialectics, dialogue, conversation and persuasion. In if you study logic, inference rules and procedural rules.

Systemic approach of the organization:

The systemic approach in Human Resources Administration can be broken down into three levels of analysis:

1. level of social behavior or well known as macrosystems which allows visualizing the complex interaction between this (environment and this society), 2. level of organizational behavior: as such the system, which visualizes the organization as a whole. 3. level of individual behavior: which allows knowing the individual (interests, motivation, learning, etc.).

Within each of these levels it does not imply more than talking about a relationship or cohesion between the human being and the environment, who are in constant change in order to obtain greater productivity for the benefit of society.

What is a system?

According to the author Idalberto Chiavenato, a system "is a set of elements, dynamically related, that develop an activity to achieve a certain objective or purpose".

In itself, it is said that every system needs resources, material, energy, which are generally obtained from the environment that surrounds the human being, and which in turn will allow them to obtain what we know as inputs or inputs. that will later be processed or transformed in such a way that will result in exits or rewards to the organization.

It should be noted that every system always works and revolves around an environment, because it is a cycle basically where the environment provides the materials or supplies necessary for existence.

According to this same author, systems can be classified as follows: closed or open systems, the former occur according to the way they interact with the environment; which in turn have few inputs and outputs for the environment, that is, there is no correlation between environment and inputs (it is null). The latter refer to open systems, these are totally contrary to open systems because there is a close relationship between the environment and inputs, that is why it is called organic because there is a dynamic relationship with the environment, where they are received inputs, transforms them and produces products. This type of system modifies the structure and processes of its internal components in order to adapt to the environment.

Systems theory:

Systems theory presents a conceptual model that allows the analysis and synthesis of the organization to be carried out simultaneously in a complex and dynamic environment. Returning to the above, a system will depend on how much an environment can provide us to obtain from it the benefits that the organization requires, which is based on the open system where the most important are the inputs that can be both people, materials and money, among others that through these are transformed and elaborated diverse products for the society in general.

Based on the Kart and Kahn systems theory, they develop a broader and more complex organization model. According to this model, “the organization presents the following typical characteristics of an open system: import-transformation-export of energy, the systems are cycles of events, negative entropy, information as input, negative feedback and coding process, state of equilibrium and dynamic homeostasis, differentiation, equifinality and limits or frontiers ”. Undoubtedly, these authors describe the characteristics such as Idalberto Chiavenato himself although with other words but reaching the same conclusion as if it requires imports of inputs, the transformation of these and later export them to obtain profits, but maintaining a cycle.

What is an organization?

According to the author, Idalberto Chiavenato describes an organization as “a consciously coordinated system of activities, formed by two or more people, whose reciprocal cooperation is essential for its existence:

1. there are people capable of communicating, 2. are willing to act together and

3. they want to achieve a common goal ”; that is, without these three elements, an organization could not exist in itself because each of these help to make this relationship possible for the same goal or common objective.

Organizations tend to grow as they prosper, a fact that is reflected in the increase in staff. In order to manage this greater number of personnel, the number of hierarchical levels is increased, which produces a gradual distancing between people - with individual objectives - and the top of the organization, with its organizational objectives. That is why it is said that the more personnel, the greater forms of work but as long as each one efficiently performs the tasks assigned to them.

Large organizations, also known as complex organizations, have certain characteristics such as: complexity, anonymity, routines, standardized for procedures and communication channels, unofficial personalized structures, a tendency to specialization and the proliferation of functions and size. Some examples of organizations are: banks and finance companies, schools and institutions, shops and businesses, churches, hospitals and laboratories, radio and television, clinics, etc.

Organization structure, technology, resources:

The organizations themselves fulfill a double function: on the one hand technical, which is related to the coordination of work and the execution of tasks with the help of available technology; and on the other hand the social one that refers to the way to interrelate people, to the way of making them work together.

The technological system depends on the typical requirements of the tasks that the organization executes, which change according to the company and by the skills required to operate certain models of machines, by the equipment and raw materials used and by the physical arrangement of the installations.

Technology almost always determines the characteristics of the people that the organization needs: engineers and specialists for computerized technology, or labor for the execution of civil constructions. That is, everything that as a company or organization you need to have so that your workers work at ease and therefore obtain the skills required to operate optimal results (efficiency and effectiveness).

Tavistock's Sociotechnical Model, Trist et al. State that "every organization consists of a managed combination of technology and people, so that both are interrelated." This model considered the organization as a system which was divided into three main subsystems:

1. technical or task system

2. general or administrative system

3. social or human system

What are the resources of an organization?

The five resource groups can be synthesized as follows:

Operation of the organization:

Organizations arise because individuals have goals that can only be achieved through organized activity.

From this perspective, the members of the organization are made up of:

1. managers and employees (staff or human capital contributing within the organization)

2. suppliers

3. customers and users (who will make the company bigger)

4. the government

5. the company (to whom the product is sold)

Task functions and administrative functions:

When we talk about job performance criteria, we talk about the task functions which imply assessing the job analysis, which is the procedure that defines the content of a job based on tasks and human qualities, this in turn is divided into two perspectives: On one side

1. PROCEDURE ORIENTED TO THE TASK: where the position is understood, examining the tasks performed and taking into account the following:

* Homework

* Obligations

* Responsibilities

* Functions

Since it is achieved? Task specifications are developed then measurement scales are developed.

The analysis of the functional position occurs in two types of information of the task: a) what a worker does: that is, procedure and process that he uses; and b) how the task is performed: that is, the worker's physical, mental or interpersonal participation in the task.

The main purpose is to specify the tasks which is divided into three:

1. person (as such)

2. data (which allows us to know more about the person)

3. things (factors that influence the person to perform their functions)

On the other hand there is:

2. WORKER-ORIENTED PROCEDURE: Set of operations that identifies human attributes based on four categories:

Knowledge: specific information

Skills: skills to perform tasks (innate).

Capabilities: enduring attributes = cognitive ability

Other characteristics: personality factors (temperament, extroversion, experience, etc.).

So in itself, each of these characteristics will allow us to know the personnel with whom we are working within the organization will help us to know what the function of each member that makes up my organization is, making productivity possible as is the objective principal of any functional company and for the benefit of society.

By way of conclusion within this essay I can contribute that systems theory is nothing more than all these elements that make in some way possible the formation of an organization that together with the contribution of each member that is inside and outside the institution, but above all, the one that is within the company is the one who will achieve the main objective that is productivity, that is, the efficiency and effectiveness of said organization.

Of course, not leaving behind that resources are essential to take them into account because thanks to each one of them and the grain of sand they contribute, they make the growth and strengthening of said organization possible. In the same way, technology is fundamental within an organization which allows us to advance a product, knowing how to grow based on technology, knowing how and for what the function of things, tools.

As well as it is essential to know what are the functions that my employees must perform in order to know who I can address and assign the corresponding task according to the personnel and situation that arises.

And finally, it is society itself that defines the growth of an organization regardless of the environment that surrounds us, who provides us with production inputs, and as mentioned, this cycle does not end, if this is the case, it implies a negative entropy or stagnation, and said production would be null as the closed system.


Chiavenato Idalberto, "Human Resources Administration", Fifth edition McGraw Hill, pages 699.

Theory of argumentation and systemic approach to the organization