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Organization theory in motivation and frustration


I want to invite you on this day to delve into the different areas of man's life, so that we can affirm that he develops in his environment through different motivational situations that lead him to success or failure.

Therefore, in the following lines the importance of MOTIVATION is exposed, as an indispensable element for the achievement of any objective, as well as one of its results, FRUSTRATION, this arises, when any of us exercises all their attitudes, aptitudes and physical efforts to achieve something and do not get it; However, if we put our intelligence in the foreground and clear the positivism towards this result, instead of considering it negative and provoking anger, you can reason it as an experience, which will help you motivate yourself in a next goal

In general: We can say that different theories and points of view focused on motivation and frustration are brought together, as well as their influence on one of the most important aspects of man's life, “work”, both concepts are palpable in the human being, one with a positive approach and the other negative, but both have the ability to face it and absorb it from the same perspective (the positive one).

Classical theories of organizations

Its general objective is to provide participants with a comprehensive view of the theories that, historically and from different disciplines, have been formulated to explain the structure and operation of organizations, especially business organizations.

In the first place and as a way of framing ourselves in the era or the historical moment in which the so-called Classical Theories of organization and administration emerged, some elements and facts that predominated worldwide or at least in a similar way in Europe are presented below. The United States, places where its main exponents such as F. Taylor, M. Weber and H. Fayol developed.



The word motivation comes from the Latin terms motus "moved" and motio "movement".

So psychologically and philosophically, motivation are those things that drive a person to perform certain actions and persist in them until the fulfillment of their objectives, in other words, motivation is the will to make an effort and achieve certain goals. Its antonym is demotivation, with which discouragement arises, despair in the face of obstacles (with pessimistic feelings and discouragement).

Critical appraisal of classical theory

The classical theory was only concerned with the formal organization, completely neglecting the informal organization by not considering human behavior within the organization. The so-called formal organization theory did not really ignore the human problems of the organization, however it failed to give a systematic treatment to the interaction between personalities and informal groups.

Theories and motivational cycle

It is necessary to analyze the term "Motivation" for its importance and influence in the life of every person, through the various existing theories:

The Human Being from its origins was influenced by certain impulses that led him to act in a certain way, to achieve his goals, dreams and achievements. Let's go back to a vast example, in primitive age man, to get food, needed to be motivated by something, his need to feed himself, a need located within the first link (physiological needs) of Marc's Pyramid, a psychological theory presented by Abraham Maslow in his work: A Theory of Human Motivation (A Theory of Human Motivation), 1943. Maslow formulates in his theory a hierarchy of human needs and argues that as the most basic needs are satisfied, human beings develop needs and desires more elevated.


Fayol's principles speak of a pyramidal structure in organizations, where communication is carefully controlled and follows a hierarchical order in decision-making.

To clarify what administrative functions are, Fayol defines the act of managing as: planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling.

Administrative functions encompass the elements of administration:

1. Plan: Visualize the future and draw the program of action.

2. Organize: Build both the material and social organism of the company.

3. Lead: Guide and orient the staff.

4. Coordinate: Link, unite, harmonize all acts and all collective efforts.

5. Control: Verify that everything happens according to the established rules and the orders given.

These are the elements of the administration that constitute the so-called administrative process and that can be found in any administration job at any level or area of ​​activity of the company.


Father of the theory of bureaucracy, he argues that the organization must be governed by rigid rules so that the execution and coordination of tasks are predictable and thus prevent possible errors. Synthesis: The classical theory favors:

-Pyramidal structures

-Little interaction between members of the organization

-Vertical communication processes (especially in the downward flow)

-Centralization in decision making

- Excess of rules and regulations

- Motivation of employees based on fear of need

Different theories of psychologists in our history

The psychologist Frederick Herzberg proposed the motivation-hygiene theory, whose criterion is based on the fact that the level of performance in people varies according to the level of satisfaction, that is, the responses to work were different when they felt good or when they felt bad. Unlike Maslow's, it is based on motivation in the external environment and in man's work and not in human needs. Motivational factors, Herzberg called intrinsic (recognition, responsibility) and hygiene, extrinsic (company policies, salary).

Another theory, that of Mac Gregory, defends the hierarchy of the importance of needs and their contributions are more business-like, according to McGregor, companies have to provide stable employment and job security.

Taylor was one of the most prominent promoters of the scientific direction of work, setting the rules that allowed increasing the performance of machines and tools. It proposes a series of actions to increase productivity: creating economic rewards, hiring skilled and skilled workers, conducting a scientific analysis; study the tasks in detail, their execution time, etc.

Conclusion according to the psychologists of history

My conclusion according to what our psychologists think of history would be that, all opinions focus on a single reality, the Human Being unfolds in everyday life through motivational behaviors that are generated to satisfy its various areas and from My point of view, Abraham Maslow covers all these areas, as seen in the following illustration:



From the Latin frustatio, frustration is the action and effect of frustrating (leaving without effect or foiling an attempt).

It is an unpleasant feeling that occurs when a person's expectations are not satisfied by not being able to achieve what they intended.6 In other words, it is a feeling that flows when you fail to achieve the goal you have set for yourself and for which you have fought. You feel anxiety, anger, depression, anguish, anger. Self-destructive feelings and thoughts for the subject.

Frustration can lead the individual to either constructive activities or non-constructive forms of behavior, such as aggression, withdrawal and resignation. Let's not forget what Randy Pausch mentioned in this regard "when a wall appears in our path, it is there for a reason, it is not to stop us, but to show us how much we want to achieve." 8 So with an unfavorable result, it may happen that frustration increases the energy that is directed towards the solution of the problem and that this is the origin of many technological, scientific and cultural advances in history.

However, this phenomenon does not occur by itself, it originates through various causes and in turn causes certain consequences:

Frustrating processes

• Frustration by barrier.

An obstacle prevents us from obtaining the objective.

• Frustration due to incompatibility of two positive objectives.

We have the possibility of achieving two objectives but we cannot because they are incompatible with each other.

• Frustration due to avoidance-avoidance conflict. We must avoid two negative situations. It usually causes flight or abandonment.

• Frustration due to approach-avoidance conflict.

We find ourselves undecided in a situation that causes positive and negative results in equal measure, which causes us anxiety.

Consequences of frustration

• Aggression.

• Regression and infantile behavior.

• Sadness and depression.

• Introversion.

At the same time, it is important to be able to avoid frustration, through these easy mechanisms:

• Identify the origin (analyze the cause according to the frustrating processes).

• Find alternative goals.

The best way to stay motivated and avoid getting frustrated is by planning things well, having realistic expectations, and being persistent. Remember that by having a bad result, rather than causing frustration, we can put an end to unhealthy behavior and learn to do something new and exciting, in the end, changes and experiences are emotional. If not, life would be very boring!


In general terms and according to the theories and points of view analyzed, it has been determined that of all the motivational situations in the life of the human being, many other situations are defined, especially positive ones. On the other hand, it can be seen that just as motivation positively influences all areas of a person's life, frustration can also cause severe damage in all these areas, for which, it is necessary to consider it, more than as a negative result, which can cause many alterations in behavior, such as productive, before which it is important to create a base of positive ideas in the mind.

Finally I want to tell you, specifically in the workplace, currently motivation is in a rut. During the performance of the tasks assigned in the workplace, most and depending on the degree of motivation result, others due to various factors do not. For example, when starting a normal work day, full of expectations, ideas, wishes, etc.; surprisingly, complications arise around us that prevent us from doing things the way we think, managing to isolate our motivation (impulse) and causing us to perform actions badly or wrongly, allowing negativity (discouragement, depression). According to what the Psychologists explained to us,Leaders should develop emotional and social intelligence (emotional intelligence has to do with oneself, with how the person handles himself, and how he makes individuals achieve great performance. Social intelligence is having direct contact with people, knowing them and be able to interact with them), to achieve good staff performance and the success of the company).

I think that the organization has presented in the last decades an evolution both in its structure and in its way of being conducted, this evolution or transformation is also described by some authors and scholars of the subject such as Castell, 1996, Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995 and Cornejo 2004 among others, these changes being largely due to the effects that globalization and new technologies have had on them, which in my opinion allows us to deduce that new organizational theories will emerge in the very near future that complement or modify the existing one giving way to new organizational and managerial paradigms.

Author: Nayeli Gálvez Hernández


Author: Randy Pausch

Bibliographic references


Carmen María Pelayo Cornejo A. 2004. Complexity and Chaos: Guide for the Administration of the XXI Century.

Chiavenato I. 2002. Administration in the new times. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.

Nonaka and Takeuchi. 1995. The knowledge creating company. How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation, Oxford University Press. New York.

Organization theory in motivation and frustration