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General theory of comparative law


I. PROBLEM 1. Idea, theme and title - 1.1. Idea

Many comparatists confuse the law compared with the comparison, therefore, they conclude that the indicated legal discipline is limited to simple comparisons, therefore, they leave aside other comparative institutions, within which we can cite the case of reception, transplantation, merger, spin-off, constitution, reorganization, transformation, influence, export import, migration, among others.

1.2. Topic

The general part of Comparative Law will be developed.

1.3. Title

General Theory of Comparative Law.

2. Formulation of the problem

The comparatists do not have specialized books on the study of the general theory of comparative law, which undermines research in such an important legal discipline, it has even been noted that many of the comparative law books consider it as a simple comparison of rights of different countries, and others go to the extreme of considering the one indicated as the simple comparison of laws of several countries, for example when they compare the Peruvian Penal Code of 1991 with the Spanish Penal Code of 1995, or the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 with the Spanish Civil Code of 1889, or the Peruvian Political Constitution of 1993 with the Spanish Political Constitution of 1978, or the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 with the Italian Civil Code of 1942, French Civil Code of 1804 and with the German Civil Code of 1896,in force since 1900, among many other cases of international legal comparison, which although it is true are important cases of comparative law, it is also true that they are not all indicated, but there are other cases such as the comparison of jurisprudence, enforceable, social reality, custom, principles, doctrine, manifestation of will, among other assumptions.

In addition, it must be taken into account that in addition to comparison there are other institutions of comparative law, which can apply to all sources of law and to all branches of it.

Everything indicated determines that legislators, legal operators, researchers, professors, doctrinaires, academics, and other agents that are involved do not have tools that are useful to them in their work.

3. Objectives of the investigation

The objectives of this research are the following:

  • To know the institutions of comparative law. Show that comparative law is not limited to the simple comparison of law. Show that comparative law is not only international. Publish on topics of the general theory of comparative law.

4. Justification

The present investigation is justified for the following reasons:

  • The study of the general theory of comparative law is neglected within comparative law. Many lawyers consider that there is no general theory of comparative law. It is necessary to know the general theory of comparative law to study any of the legal disciplines indicated. Comparatist must master the general theory of comparative law. Many comparatists are unaware that comparative law is divided into two parts which are the following: general theory of comparative law and application of comparative law.

5. Limitations

The major limitations of this research work have been mainly the following:

  • Lack of studies in other languages, but with a technical legal level, which is different from sworn public translation. Not have completed doctoral studies in comparative law, master's in comparative law, postgraduate courses in comparative law, graduates in comparative law, Specialization courses in comparative law, among many others. Having few books on comparative law in the Peruvian Republic. Lack in the Peruvian state of libraries specialized in comparative law. Comparative law studies are scarce, especially in the Spanish language. There are few professors who dominate comparative law. Comparative law is little studied as an autonomous legal discipline, but it is widely studied as a subject within the general theory of law.


At present, the subject studied is quite neglected within Peruvian law and something similar occurs in foreign law, which generates a series of problems for comparatists, because they lack current books, and this prevents them from investigating in the most adequate way on issues of comparative law.

7. Theoretical foundations

Comparative law is not limited to the simple comparison of laws, but goes further, and the opportunity to clarify that comparison is one of the various institutions of comparative law is propitious, which can be applied to any source of law and to any branch of it.

III. HYPOTHESIS 8. Elaboration of hypotheses

The hypotheses of this project are the following:

  • The greater the dissemination of the general theory of comparative law, it is likely that there will be a better understanding of the indicated one. The greater the number of publications on the indicated subject, it is very likely that there will be fewer problems for legislators, and legal operators, among others. studies of the subject in question, it is likely that the study and application of comparative law will be simpler. The greater the number of chairs of general theory of comparative law, it is likely that its teaching will be simpler.

9. Operationalization of variables

9.1. First hypothesis

Independent variable:

Greater dissemination of the general theory of comparative law.

Dependent variable:

Better understanding of the one indicated.

9.2. Second hypothesis

Independent variable:

Greater quantity of publications on the indicated subject.

Dependent variable:

Less problems for legislators, and legal operators, among others.

9.3. Third hypothesis

Independent variable:

Further studies on the subject in question.

Dependent variable:

Simpler the study and application of comparative law.

9.4. Fourth hypothesis

Independent variable:

Greater number of chairs in general theory of comparative law.

Dependent variable:

Your teaching will be easier.

IV. METHODOLOGY 10. Design of information gathering techniques

To collect information, files will be used, but not on paper, but on electronic media, using computer programs specially designed for this task. In addition, when appropriate, use will be made of footnotes or footnotes, which will make it easy to exercise the right of appointment, because copyright must be respected.

11. Determine population and sample

It is not developed because this item is only for applied research and the one we intend to carry out is dogmatic.

12. Analysis techniques

An introduction to the subject will be made, but with different approaches, in addition the comparative law institutions will be grouped to study them separately and finally this knowledge will be applied to the study of each comparative law institution separately, and the same happens with each branch of law compared and by each source of law.

13. Thematic index of the project

Chapter I: General

Chapter II: General (Continued)

Chapter III: General (Continued)

Chapter IV: Generalities (Continued)

Chapter V: General (Continued)

Chapter VI: Generalities (Continued)

Chapter VII: General (Continued)

Chapter VIII: General (Continued)

Chapter IX: Defining Terms of Comparative Law

Chapter X: Legal reception classes

Chapter XI: Legal reception classes

Chapter XII: Reception classes

Chapter XIII: Some cases of legal cooperation

Chapter XIV: Some assumptions of legal reception and comparative law

Chapter XV: Regarding the internal legal comparison

Chapter XVI: Legal branches and disciplines of comparative law Chapter XVII: General theory of comparative private law

Chapter XVIII: General Theory of Comparative Business Law

Chapter XIX: Legal Systems

Chapter XX: Ignorance of Comparative Law

Chapter XXI: Consequences of the application of comparative law

Chapter XXII: Comparative Law Issues

Chapter XXIII: Differences between comparative law and other legal disciplines

Chapter XXIV: Characteristics of Comparative Law

Chapter XXV: Comparative Law and Sources of Law

Chapter XXVI: Comparison of legal systems and comparative law

Chapter XXVII: Coding

Chapter XXVIII: Export and import of law

Chapter XXIX: Theories about Comparative Law

Chapter XXX: Legal comparison and comparative law Chapter XXXI: Legal reception and comparative law

Chapter XXXII: Legal institutions of comparative law

Chapter XXXIII: Acclimatization of law: regarding comparative law

Chapter XXXIV: Inclusion in Comparative Law

Chapter XXXV: Fusion of law and division of law: on purpose

of the reorganization of law applicable to comparative law

Chapter XXXVI: Classes of Comparative Law

Chapter XXXVII: Classes of Comparative Law

Chapter XXXVIII: Application of legal reception, transplantation, import, export and incorporation: regarding comparative law

Chapter XXXIX: Utility of Comparative Law

Chapter XXXX: Comparative Law

Chapter XXXXI: Initiation to the study of comparative law

Chapter XXXXII: Jurisprudence: a study of comparative law

Chapter XXXXIII: Public Law, Private Law and Social Law

Chapter XXXXIV: Comparative Law and Foreign Law Chapter XXXXV: Copying in Comparative Law

Chapter XXXXVI: Comparative Method: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter XXXXVII: Comparative Law

Chapter XXXXVIII: Values: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter IL: Chemistry: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter L: Sports: A Comparative Law Study

Chapter LI: Nursing: a study of comparative law Chapter LII: Philosophy: a study of comparative law

Chapter LIII: Informatics: a study of comparative law

Chapter LIV: Graphotechnics: a study of comparative law

Chapter LV: Administration: a study of comparative law Chapter LVI: Accounting: a study of comparative law Chapter LVII: Custom: a study of comparative law Chapter LVIII: Doctrine a study of comparative law

Chapter LIX: Economics: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter LX: Executions: a study of comparative law Chapter LXI: Finance: a study of comparative law

Chapter LXII: Engineering: a study of comparative law

Chapter LXIII: Legal Institutions: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter LXIV: Jurisprudence: A study of comparative law Chapter LXV: Law: A study of comparative law

Chapter LXVI: Literature: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter LXVII: Manifestation of will: a study of comparative law

Chapter LXVIII: Mathematics: a study of comparative law Chapter LXIX: Medicine: a study of comparative law

Chapter LXX: Journalism: A Comparative Law Study

Chapter LXXI: Politics: A Study of Comparative Law

Chapter LXXII: Comparative private law Chapter LXXIII: Comparative civil law Chapter LXXIV: Comparative personal law

Chapter LXXV: Right of comparative legal act

Chapter LXXVI: Comparative inheritance law

Chapter LXXVII: Comparative real rights

Chapter LXXVIII: Comparative Law of Obligations

Chapter LXXIX: Sources of Compared Obligations

Chapter LXXX: Comparative private international law

Chapter LXXXI: Comparative registry law

Chapter LXXXII: Comparative extra-patrimonial civil law

Chapter LXXXIII: Comparative patrimonial civil law

Chapter LXXXIV: Comparative Commercial Law

Chapter LXXXV: Comparative corporate law

Chapter LXXXVI: Comparative Exchange Law

Chapter LXXXVII: Comparative charter law

Chapter LXXXVIII: Comparative bankruptcy law

Chapter LXXXIX: Comparative insolvency law

Chapter XC: Comparative Communications Law

Chapter XCI: Comparative Telecommunications Law

Chapter XCII: Comparative Stock Market Law

Chapter XCIII: Comparative aeronautical law

Chapter XCIV: Comparative Internet Law

Chapter XCV: Comparative Information Technology and Communications Law

Chapter XCVI: Comparative Industrial Law

Chapter XCVII: Comparative trademark law

Chapter XCVIII: Comparative Patent Law

Chapter IC: Comparative International Commercial Law

Chapter C: Comparative maritime law Chapter CI: Comparative lake law Chapter CII: Comparative public law

Chapter CIII: Comparative procedural law

Chapter CIV: Comparative Civil Procedural Law

Chapter CV: Comparative criminal procedural law

Chapter CVI: Comparative constitutional procedural law

Chapter CVII: Comparative Family Procedural Law

Chapter CVIII: Comparative commercial procedural law

Chapter CIX: Comparative procedural registry law

Chapter CX: Comparative notarial procedural law

Chapter CXI: Comparative Constitutional Law

Chapter CXII: Comparative Tax Law

Chapter CXIII: Comparative Customs Law

Chapter CXIV: Comparative Administrative Law

Chapter CXV: Comparative notarial law

Chapter CXVI: Comparative Political Law

Chapter CXVII: Comparative public international law

Chapter CXVIIII: Comparative Municipal Law

Chapter CXIX: Comparative Constitutional Law

Chapter CXX: Comparative Consular Law

Chapter CXXI: Comparative Diplomatic Law

Chapter CXXII: Comparative Mixed Law

Chapter CXXIII: Comparative Labor Law

Chapter CXXIV: Comparative Mining Law

Chapter CXXV: Comparative Family Law


The human resources for this research will be the following:

  • - He will be the author of the thesis to be carried out.– He will be the person who types when appropriate, type in citations. Text editor.- He will be the person who will correct the texts entered by the researcher and typist. Printing staff.- It is the person who will print The research report.– It is the person who will fill in the thesis. Slide designer.- It is the person who will be in charge of designing the slides to support the research work.

15. Budget

The budget for the research will be as follows:

  • Typewriter: typing of one thousand pages one thousand new soles Text editor: correction of three thousand pages ten thousand new soles Printing: printing of 30,000 pages three thousand new soles Binder: fifty fillings five hundred new soles Devices: design of twenty two hundred slides new soles Books: six thousand new soles for the purchase of books and tracts Passages: five hundred new soles. 8) Other expenses: one thousand new soles.

Total budget: twenty-two thousand two hundred and fifty new soles.

16. Schedule

The schedule of activities is as follows:

Thesis project: September 2010.
Purchase of books: October 2010.
Fingering: until March 2011.
Correction: April 2011.
Print: May 2011.
Stuffed: June 2011.
Slideshow: July 2011.
Lift: 2012.


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Registry. To be published.

  • ROCA SASTRE, Ramón. In: Registry Law. Compilers:

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2. Books

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3. Articles

  • DE LA RICA Y ARENAL, Ramón. Qualification of Judicial Documents. In: The Registry Qualification. Volume I. Page 1011. Francisco Javier Gómez Galligo. Madrid Spain. 1996.BECK FURNISH, Dale. Sources of law in the United States: the death of common law, written sources in the age of positive law, and the role and effect of restatements of the law. In: Number 13 of the Ius Et Veritas Magazine. Lima Peru. First edition. 1996 CARENAS QUIRÓS, Carlos. Legal Convenience of the implementation of the cadastre in Peru its importance in the transfer of real estate. In: Legal Gazette. Volume X. October 1994. GIMENO-BAYON COBOS, Rafael. Registry Qualification of Judicial Documents. In: The Registry Qualification. Volume I. Page 1015. Francisco Javier Gómez Galligo. Madrid Spain. 1996 KEMELMAJER DE KARLUCCI, Aida.Registry Qualification of Documents of judicial origin. In: Registry and Notary Law. Teaching Materials. Volume I. Page 221. Lima Peru. 1997 SILVA DIAZ, Marta. Negative Qualification of Judicial Documents. Possibilities of filing Appeals in case of reiteration of the Court Order to Practice a Previously Denied Registration (The Peruvian Experience), In: Registry Law Issues, National Superintendence of Public Registries, Lima Peru, volume IV, 2000, pp. 147 - 176.MENA AND SAN MILLÁN, José María. Registry Qualification of Judicial Documents. In: The Registry Qualification. Volume I. Page 921. Francisco Javier Gómez Galligo. Madrid Spain. 1996. GOMEZ GALLIGO, Francisco Javier. Defects in the documents presented for registration in the Property Registry. Discrimination between rectifiable and insurmountable faults.Chapter relative to judicial documents. In: The Registry Qualification. Volume I. Page 912. Francisco Javier Gómez Galligo. Madrid Spain. 1996 HERNÁNDEZ GIL, Francisco. Registry Qualification and its preventive effectiveness in civil and criminal areas. In: The Registry Qualification. Volume I. Page 1044. Francisco JavierGómez Galligo. Madrid Spain. nineteen ninety six.

10) TORRES GONZA, Isaac. Of the Law Schools. In: Journal of Legal Sciences & Alternative Media for Conflict Resolution. Page 79. Lima Peru.

11) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. Economic Analysis of Law. Reflections on incentives and disincentives. In Supplement Facts and Rights of Editor Legal Norms SAC Number 41. February 2006.

12) TORRES MANRIQUE. Fernando Jesus. Qualification of judicial documents. In: Registry Law Issues. Volume IV. National Superintendency of Public Registries SUNARP. Page 75. Lima Peru. November 2000.

13) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. Codification in Peruvian Law. In: Journal of Legal Sciences and Alternative Media for Conflict Resolution. Number 1. Year 1. Lima Peru.

14) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. The Registry reduces transaction costs. In: Journal of Legal Sciences and Alternative Media for Conflict Resolution. Number 1. Year 1. Lima Peru. Page 76.

15) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. Legal Research. Work to be published.

16) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. The registry qualification of judicial documents. In: Critical Magazine of Real Estate Law. Year LXXXI. May-June 2005. Number 689. Page 927. Madrid-Spain.

17) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. The Classification of Goods in the Peruvian Positive Law. In: Legal Review of Peru of the month of September 2004. Volume 58. Page 127. Lima Peru. 2004.

18) TORRES MANRIQUE, Fernando Jesús. Legislative Technique (Repeal, Abrogation, Substitution, Addition and Modification). In:

Legal Norms Magazine. Volume 326. Volume II. Lima Peru. July 2003.


Italo. Economic analysis of law. Unpublished work for a doctorate in law in the Legal Epistemology course at the Federico Villareal National University.

4. Dictionaries

  • ARGERI, Saùl. Dictionary of business and commercial law. Editorial Astrea de Alfredo and Ricardo DEPALMA. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1982. Francisco and GLEESON, Mary. Bilingual Dictionary of Legal Terms. Second Edition. Mc Graw Hill. Madrid Spain. 1998.CABANELLAS, Guillermo. Encyclopedic dictionary of usual law. Volume II. Editorial Heliasta. 23 edition revised, updated and expanded. Buenos Aires Argentina.CABANELLAS, Guillermo. Legal Directory. Argentina. 1976 CAPITANT, Henri. Legal vocabulary. Castilian translation of Aquiles Horacio Guaglianone. Depalma editions. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ninth reprint. 1986.COUTURE, EJ Legal Encyclopedic Dictionary. Offset type printing press. Lima Peru CHANAME ORBE, Raùl. Comparative Constitutional Law. Lima Peru. Without date.
  • CHANAMÉ ORBE, Raúl. Modern Legal Dictionary. Editorial Gráfica Horizonte SA 2002. Third Edition. Lima Peru CHENETT & PRAELI. Legal Dictionary. Law Dictionary. First Edition 2004. Lima Peru.

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12) EDITORIAL SALVAT. The encyclopedia. Volume IV. 2004.

13) OMEBA LEGAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. Volume II. Editorial Bibliográfica Argentina Limited Liability Company. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14) FLORES POLO, Pedro. Fundamental Legal Dictionary. Second edition. Grijley Legal Editor. Lima Peru. 2002.

15) FLORES POLO, Pedro. Dictionary of Legal Terms. Volume 1. Marsol Perú Editores SA 1987. Second Edition. Lima Peru.


Edition 2004. Barcelona. Spain.

17) MASIAS ZAVALETA, Demetrio. Legal Dictionary. Editorial ADRUS. First edition. June. 2005. Arequipa Peru.

18) MARCONE MORELLO, Juan. Criminal Legal Dictionary and Auxiliary Sciences. Afa Importers Editors. First edition. 1995. Lima Peru.

19) OSORIO, Manuel. Dictionary of legal, political and social sciences. Editorial Heliasta. 28th edition updated, corrected and augmented by Guillermo Cabanellas de Las Cuevas. 2001. Buenos Aires Argentina.

20) PINTO-BAZURCO RITTLER, Ernesto and others. Dictionary of foreign relations. Editorial Fund of the Diplomatic Academy Foundation of Peru. Second edition. June 2006 Lima Peru.

21) RIBO DURAN, Luis. Law Dictionary. Bosch Publishing house. Barcelona, ​​Spain. 1987. First edition.

22) ROSENBERG, JM Dictionary of Administration and Finance. Centrum Ocean. Barcelona, ​​Spain.

23) VASQUEZ OLIVERA, Salvador. Civil Law Definitions. Palestra Editores. Lima Peru. April 2002. second edition.

5. Peruvian legal regulations

  • Peruvian Political Constitution of 1993. Peruvian Civil Code of 1984. Peruvian Civil Code of 1936. Peruvian Civil Procedure Code of 1993. Code of Civil Procedures of 1912. Code of Civil Procedures of 1852. Peruvian Criminal Code of 1991. Peruvian Code of Criminal Procedure. Peruvian criminal procedure code.

10) Code of criminal procedures.

11) Peruvian Commercial Code of 1902.

12) Code of children and adolescents.

13) General law of companies., 14) Law of securities.

15) Stock Market Law.

16) General law of the bankruptcy system.

17) Organic Law of the Peruvian Judicial Power.

6. Foreign legal regulations

  • United States Constitution. German civil code of 1896 in force from 1900. Spanish civil code of 1889. Swiss civil code. Austrian civil code of 1916. Italian civil code of 1942. Mexican civil code. Brazilian civil code. Argentine civil code.

10) Polish Code of 1834 11) Polish Code of 1964.

12) Venezuelan Code of 1942.

13) Portuguese Code of 1967.

14) Bolivian Code of 1976.

15) Paraguayan Code of 1987.

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General theory of comparative law