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Ethical theory, social approach



I will begin by commenting on the following: "Society represents the bond of union and coexistence of a people that accepts norms to establish a balance of relations between the members that make it up" (Encyclopedia of Mexico Student, 1998); This is the vision that every being as part of a society contemplates, and these norms enter into judgment according to each individual practiced them, and gain respect and acceptance within their context, because according to the environment in which we find ourselves, they will be the rules to be established, although it is necessary to mention that within the social environment there are environments that are interrelated within the social function and are creating, modifying or sharing norms, these are given more according to religious beliefs although there are others that also influence. Considering thatHuman relationships throughout history are manifested as a need for harmonious coexistence between people and nations.

The interests are mutual and the purpose is to obtain a benefit, which can be commercial, political, religious, sentimental or ideological. This is how the game of norms enters the social environment, although sometimes they have greater influence depending on the benefit that is sought, and that is where some sectors are weakened, especially the marginalized.

But before continuing, let's verify concepts related to this Ethics and Moral issue. Ethics "part of philosophy, which studies the moral and obligations of man" (Great visual encyclopedic dictionary, 1994), for this we can associate it with an intellectual reflection, thus basing it on our reason common to all men, in which we can Create neutral ground by offering and refuting arguments. And morality refers to the set of principles of conduct that we have acquired by assimilating the customs and values ​​of our environment; that is, the family, the school, the church, the neighborhood in which our childhood develops where we build the base of our personality and strengthen the interests of our search for the social role that we will develop.

This concern is the main one that focuses my attention to the development of this work, in other words, the attention to the conditioning factors of the development or socialization of the young person, essential in their adaptability and social participation; since the prolonged and difficult period of adjustment that individuals experience during their youth is consistent with the difficulties that society has to integrate them and offer them viable opportunities. The main objective of the present is to examine the meaning and projections of the youth sector, from the point that is given, considering its activity within our societies.

Ethical theory. Social focus

A community accepts to be governed by laws, mainly by the socialization of the individuals that make it up, to strengthen this bond and establish a certain order. It is important to reassess that the basis of social life is the family, from which the search for other factors that promote coexistence starts.

The situation of young people in today's societies is extremely particular. Indeed, at this stage of life, two different social scenarios confront and oppose each other: the closed and overprotected space of the family, which often becomes suffocating for the adolescent; and the open, threatening and unpredictable horizon of the larger society. This transition increasingly affects both young people and society on a larger scale; therefore, the importance of family support must be recognized. Although they affirm it, Ringeling, Horwitz, Maddaleno and Jara, 1991, when mentioning that "In the adolescent and youthful stage, the fundamental components of the social support network are the family, the group of peers or friends and the educational institution".

“All societies have institutions or resources that facilitate the integration of individuals and the fulfillment of psychosocial tasks and, therefore, protect physical and mental health. They configure social support systems or networks that, as their name indicates, provide the help or "support" that individuals receive from the different social groups to which they belong (Ringeling, et. Al., 1991).

Then the ethical theories have a normative character, they pretend the foundation of the postulates and moral norms. Ethics is only a reflection about morality, so it should not pretend to create a new morality, because it would be a useless pretense.

Aristotle begins by acknowledging that everyone seeks happiness; And within what Aristotle contributes, it is what most people no longer usually do, because they get confused within the moral environment, forgetting the generality with which ethics should be practiced:

Critically examine the concept of happiness.

Examine whether the choice we make in our actions is correct.

Propose the improvement of human nature itself as an authentic way to find happiness.

Explain how the virtues and moral standards, etc., are thus founded.

With this we identify what ethical theories do, allow human beings to justify and base our principles and norms. Norms express obligations, moral judgments are value judgments.

The complications adolescents face in his social life are varied, and he has gone through various stages of development, during which his accepted personal role and the role that others expect of him are very different from the role he should play now.

To begin a socialization it is relevant that young people discover what are the commitments they have with society and learn to fulfill them in a satisfactory way; they will have to adopt the behaviors of the roles to be performed; They have to learn to distinguish between what they would like to do and the expectations of others for them and for themselves. and they must also use the resources of their society to carry out these tasks. Thus, here it is intended that the boys prepare for the future by strengthening values, aptitudes, capacities, receive the necessary motivation (both from parents and teachers, patterns of the main axes of the formation of citizens), and help to relate and socialize, thus contributing to the benefit of a healthy personality,without forgetting that the group of peers and friends also intervenes for this, an important factor for adolescents.

To achieve socialization it is important to clarify some important aspects for it and thus be able to achieve a good relationship with society, of which it will soon be a part. One of these is the role of the social context, where the key elements of the conditions in which the social and professional insertion of young people are carried out are framed.

This how acceptable can be, according to the judgment of each one; Let us remember that ethical theories want to establish principles that justify norms and judgments of this style, but the way of justifying them changes from one theory to another. Let us also return that the grammatical structure of a moral norm is "Everyone must do X", the form of moral judgment is "X is good".

Now let's review some statements of the following classification of ethical theories (Claudio Gutiérrez, 1997):

Cognitivist theories, which affirm: That "GOOD" is a quality of X. That "X IS GOOD" is a descriptive sentence. That such a sentence brings new knowledge about X. Theological (material) theories They try to determine the end of human life, that which, if we succeed in doing so, will make us good. They base their duty on the good that is offered to the will to do it.

Naturalistic theories affirm that moral terms equal observable natural properties.

-Deontological theories (formal), try to determine what is correct.

-Non-cognitivist theories, deny the three assumptions of the cognitivists. They are emotivism and prescriptivism.

• Aristotelian eudaemonism (happiness). Aristotle maintains that the highest good of man is happiness, it is the only thing that is self-sufficient. "It is an activity of the soul according to a perfect virtue." What makes us happy is an activity of the soul, and the activity that makes us good is thought. The good choice is always a middle ground of everything. Aristotle's ethics is one of perfecting man.

• Hedonism (pleasure) is living according to nature, and happiness is identified with pleasure. Living according to nature implies the moderation of pleasure. The excesses come from false opinions. Only those who choose wisely, know how to restrain themselves in moderation, and ignore the opinions of libertines will be happy. Three types of desires are distinguished: Natural and necessary desires, Natural and unnecessary desires, Non-natural or necessary desires.

• Utilitarianism (good), utility is the property of any object to produce benefit, advantage, pleasure or happiness. Utility principle: the principle that approves or not any action according to its tendency to increase or decrease the happiness of the interested party. The utilitarians tried to turn morality into science. They did not want to make saints, but men who would collaborate in a happier society. If the principle of utility applies directly to particular acts, it is called act utilitarianism. The utilitarianism of the rules is the general norm, the one that fulfills the principle of utility.

Intuitionist theories affirm: that moral terms are not "natural" coincidences, that moral terms can only be defined by other moral terms, that at least one moral term will be indefinable.

Moore proposes a teleological ethic, a morality whose goodness is known by intuition.

The ethics of values ​​denies that value is a natural quality, affirms that it is a “sui generis” quality, affirms that it can only be grasped by intuition.

Subjectivist theories, values ​​lack objective reality, it is man who gives value to things. These theories are psychological, irrational and relativistic.

Objectivist theories, values ​​are independent of the human being, who does not create them, but only discovers them. They are also independent with respect to the things themselves. Scheler's theory of values ​​(general theory: all values ​​have a foundation, an end); values ​​are essences; the values ​​are totally objective; man does not invent them, he discovers them; and discovers them by intuition; it has a hierarchy of values. When we contemplate a thing we discover the set of values ​​that reside in it. We intuit a hierarchy, with the following scheme: sensitive values ​​(joy / pain, pleasure / pain); values ​​of civilization (useful / harmful); vital values ​​(noble / vulgar); cultural values ​​that can be: aesthetic (beautiful / ugly), ethical-legal (fair / unfair), speculative (true / false);religious values ​​(sacred / profane).

Non-cognitivist ethics, if the ethical terms do not represent observable qualities, they mean nothing. The use of these terms has to represent some meaning, although not cognitive.

Procedural ethics.

Kantian "formal" ethics.

The fundamental question of ethics is: “What should I do? Although it can also be asked: What conditions must a moral norm meet in order for it to be binding?

-Moral norms must have universal validity (everyone must do X).

Kant rejects the ethics of good, and considers the ethics of happiness selfish, because the pursuit of happiness can not found universal norms. It proposes a deontological and procedural ethics, it does not appear only as a search criterion, but also as a moral norm (categorical imperative)

Kantian morality rests on freedom. The categorical imperative supposes that it is the moral subject who gives himself the moral norms. It is deontological and procedural, because it only attends to the procedure to establish what is correct.

The social transformations of the twentieth century, and its profound effects on the family, have marked a strong family dysfunction, within which one of the challenges it faces is to meet the basic requirements for the healthy development of adolescents and young people. To face this challenge effectively, it is convenient to review the family functions that are important for the socialization, development, and well-being of adolescents and their families.

Consider Natalia Calderón, who defines “socialization is a process by which the individual adopts the sociocultural elements of the environment and integrates them into his personality to adapt to society. In other words, socializing is the process by which the adolescent learns to differentiate what is acceptable from what is unacceptable in their behavior, in addition, it is a very important process that must be promoted from a very young age ”.

As a result of this analysis, we can affirm that the difference between morals and ethics refers to the way in which our convictions are rooted in us; it does not necessarily affect the content of those convictions. In relation to content, ethics and morals are rather coincident: both refer to questions of value, that is, what we consider good and what we consider bad, what we must approve or disapprove, condemn or try to avoid. As well as the lines of the theories, some with spiritual limits and others more materialistic.


The family is the engine of the individual to start their training and obtain the tools of socialization with others; Therefore, although the people around the adolescent play an integrating role, it is the parents who will help the young person to know, in an oriented way, the relationships that can be given, and take care that they in their search for identity, do not lose your vision by belittling family values, which will guide you through the risks you face.

The family system, especially in marginal urban settings and rural areas, generally obeys a highly hierarchical structure in interpersonal relationships. The authoritarianism in the relationship is repeated between parents and children, and between older siblings and children. This asymmetry can lead to abuse towards the weakest members of the family group. Young people clearly perceive this risk implicit in the need to be better understood by their parents. That both groups interact better.

Parents, regardless of the relationship they establish, should not neglect the orientation of their children, especially during adolescence and childhood, where the individual's views are based, which may be inadequate for the adolescent who did not have a full childhood.

In summary, the importance that parents and children assign to family interaction corroborates the value of the family as a support factor in the socialization and development of adolescents. The external support to the family, with adolescents so that they can more satisfactorily perform their protective role for the healthy development of young people, emerges as a task that will be multiplied and refined, as well as the programs aimed at preventing and treating specific risk behaviors Of the youngs. The abundant information that is produced today can be used from an individual perspective, by health professionals or by teachers who work with adolescents; From a collective perspective, the information is applicable to preventive and health promotion programs for this age group.

Below I point out the following important annotations about the function of the family and within the role of this:

The family is the cell group of society, which, in turn, is made up of individuals.

The family environment is the setting where the individual forges the values, habits and basic knowledge, which will help them to interact and socialize with individuals outside the family nucleus.

It is of a strategic nature, the fact of considering the knowledge available about the conformation and behavior of the family nucleus, as a basic tool in the generation of support programs or public policies, examined to contribute to improve or offer options, especially to adolescents in street conditions, violence or drugs.

It is important to design public policies aimed at the generation of forums, events or conferences, which are catalysts in the development of the socialization of the adolescent individual. Also, to provide adequate training options for parents and children.

Information sources

Encyclopedia of Mexico student, COLOR visual educational program, Colombia, 1998.

Great visual encyclopedic dictionary, Pragrama educative visual, SL; Colombia, 1994.

Ringeling, I., N. Horwitz, M. Maddaleno and C. Jara, "a psychosocial model for the study of adolescence" in R. Florenzano et al., (Eds.), Issues of mental health and primary health care, Santiago, University of Chile, Faculty of Medicine, 1991.

CALDERÓN Astorga Natalia, Socialization as a fundamental element of life, Pedagogy, www.monographies.com.

Didactic presentation of the main theories and ethical principles within a humanistic context.


Ethical theory, social approach