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Shyness and enthusiasm in a job interview


The difference between being shy or enthusiastic in job interviews is the whole world, in one we will not have done anything different from the other candidates who are interviewing for the same vacancy, and the second can not only win the sympathy of who we interview but it can turn into a very attractive job offer.

Neither shyness nor enthusiasm are parts of our personality but rather they are habits to correct or acquire. Both originate in the same way: in our thoughts. We have all mistakenly believed that feelings originate thoughts but this is not the case, thoughts are the ones that originate our way of feeling in the short and medium term.

It seems that many interviewers have taken classes on how to make life squares in the interview for the same reason that they want to evaluate if we are sure of ourselves, if we let our environment affect us or if we are mature and independent of thought.

What happens in interviews to make us nervous? An unfriendly interviewer, who does not pay to break the ice, sullen, moody and even aggressive. Having such an interviewer in front of us, we get nervous not because the interviewer has been like this, but because we decide to have negative thoughts. What do I mean by negative thoughts?

Instead of paying attention to the content of the interview, we are focusing on the form of the interview without realizing that it may simply be an artificial scenario created by the interviewer to evaluate ourselves. As you begin to have thoughts such as:

  • Surely the interviewer already hates me I'm taking part of his time Sure I said a lot without realizing it and the interviewer already noticed it I think he already realized that I didn't brush my teeth

And so the list becomes endless, so it was not the interviewer who caused you to get nervous, but it was your thoughts that were reducing your performance throughout the interview. Then you justify your failure by saying: "The interviewer and I did not do chemistry from the beginning."

I have news for you: Chemistry is not reciprocal, what do I mean by this, you can dislike a person (in this case the interviewer) but if you ignore their attitude and do not stop wasting charms In the interview, you may have liked the interviewer very badly, but you surely liked you.

I have other news for you, an experienced interviewer is going to use these bullying techniques On Purpose to assess whether you are confident or not. On the one hand, he will ask you: Gonzalo, are you sure of yourself? And you are obviously going to answer. "Of course". (To date I have not met anyone who says no in this answer.)

Well, as surely the same thing has happened to the interviewee as me, he will already want to evaluate whether you sleep as you snore. And how is he going to do it, then pouting you throughout the interview so that you show him that you really are sure of yourself.

What if you arrived at the interview knowing in advance that the interviewer is going to use techniques to stress you out but that he likes you very well even if he doesn't show it? How then would your thoughts change?

  • Look at him how serious, if he knew that I already caught his tricks. I know that even if he has that angry face, I am really liking him. The interview is going well for me. How good I feel today.

If you have these types of thoughts during the interview, your attitude will change and you will automatically change from shyness to enthusiasm. Making a huge difference in your performance. Suppose the interviewer is not trained enough to use intimidation techniques, but is simply really grumpy - better for you anyway.

This is how this happens, not only in interviews but in life in general, when we are with sullen people, this person does not invite us to become extroverted and enthusiastic, but rather his bad mood infects us. If this happens then we will not have made any difference with the other candidates because they too will have been moody and serious.

However, if you are aware that he should not infect you with his mood and that you must be enthusiastic and cheerful despite him, he may not have liked you, but you will like him. Having liked him despite his seriousness, then you are going to have made a difference between the other serious candidates and when they have to make a choice you are one of the first people who will be on their minds.

Of course, it is essential that you fill the profile that the vacancy requires, but first they have to fall in love with you as a person and then as an employee, then you, if as a person you show integrity, enthusiasm, desire to improve, loyalty and interest in the job and the company in question, even if you cover the profile by 90%, I guarantee that you will have a better chance than someone who has 100% of the profile but as a person has not completely convinced them.

You do not know how many opportunities can appear in your life with a simple and easy change of attitude. Take the test and see for yourself.

Shyness and enthusiasm in a job interview