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Social etiquette tips in the elevator


In our daily work we are used to using the elevator and, therefore, it is convenient to familiarize ourselves with the procedure that is recommended to exhibit in this public space. However, I frequent institutes and companies in which these considerations, apparently, are on the way to extinction.

Once again, I stress the relevance of integrating the guidelines and suggestions of civility with the aim of forging an optimal coexistence, even with those who are fleetingly in contact. A good start is to say hello, yield, and convey kindness. In my opinion, it is necessary to reiterate: social etiquette is a bridge of harmonious human relationship.

Say hello when entering the elevator? Whoever enters is obliged to do so. Yet in countless offices I see bosses, directors, and senior executives waiting to be greeted. Let us refuse to resign ourselves to this submissive performance of one who should be saluted. In the same way, I suggest saying goodbye when leaving. You can use a simple "goodbye", as you determine.

The greeting describes our personality, self-esteem, social skills, temperament and becomes our calling card. I insist on doing it spontaneously and fluently. It is the first step to achieving impeccable reciprocity and a display of elegance. You just have to have "common sense"; the least traditional of discernments in a community riddled with moral, civic and cultural hardships, such as the kingdom of "Peruland.

There are people who push the button for all the available elevators; without caring which one is up and down. If you need to climb, press the switch you are descending from. A little elementary criteria would not be bad at all. Although judgment and sanity are no longer inherent qualities of our environment.

Do not try to enter one that is full. Be considerate and await the arrival of another before attempting to enter, inconvenience, and even exceed your carrying capacity. Remember: it is also a security issue. The elevator is a common point of use. So, it is pertinent to contemplate the demands of our neighbor; This implies assuming an empathic gaze in a context that is indifferent, apathetic, mean and with little sense of belonging.

When entering it is advisable, even more so if we go to a raised floor, to avoid staying near the door. So we will not disturb those who must leave before us. In case of being located next to the control panel, we have the deference to ask the floor where people go and press the respective button.

If we are close to the door, the appropriate thing will be to go out so that they can move away comfortably from those who are behind us; it is unfortunate that few people do. When the elevator is loose, we ask permission to withdraw in advance, in order to facilitate our way.

Soslaye entering by taking a phone call. This will inevitably cause your conversation to be overheard and can be uncomfortable. Think of the general welfare, before your selfish individual interest. Living in a community should motivate us to develop our tolerance and assertiveness.

Keep in mind: "Our rights end where those of others begin." In this sense, actions that disturb others should be avoided. An everyday example is entering eating, smoking, carrying bundles that will cause boredom or having heated personal and / or telephone discussions. Worse still, when someone who is not used to their daily body hygiene enters.

It is important that men facilitate access to women. When leaving, for physical reasons, the people closest to the door pass. If you are waiting for the elevator, stand at the ends in order to let the exits circulate. It is annoying to navigate a tangle of human beings huddled up like a honeycomb. It is convenient to make a queue on one of the sides of the door. In this way, the exit and entry will be ordered.

When a disabled person, elderly person, pregnant woman or anyone who, for reasons of age or physical limitations, requires priority to enter is in line, do not hesitate to grant the step and offer help. A gesture of solidarity that is often elusive in "Peruland" and that, furthermore, impoverishes and wounds us. We stop contemplating, with selfishness and individuality, the square meter that we step on to begin to get involved with our surroundings.

Let's make courtesy a lifestyle. The elevator is not a setting other than the behavior that should characterize men and women capable of seeking friendly interpersonal relationships. Let us sow with enthusiasm the seeds of education, kindness and consideration for our fellow men. Let us be fully convinced that, sooner rather than later, we will be able to conceive a more dignified society.


(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

Social etiquette tips in the elevator