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Professional transit in Spain. tips to deal with it


In these times, in which the economy is faltering and jobs are no longer stable, it is increasingly common to find oneself in a situation of professional transit. Scary, right?

Of course, there are also times when we are the ones who make the decision to change jobs, undertake, or temporarily take a work stoppage. But doing it voluntarily is not always easier.

The circumstances that lead us to this professional transit situation are different, and depending on each one, there are different things we can do in addition to the obvious: take a deep breath and add courage.

When you decide to change companies

The unemployment rate in Spain is currently 25%. Every day companies close that cannot stand the lack of income due to the economic situation, so in addition to having many people to fill each job, there are also fewer and fewer companies to switch to.

Despite this, there is still a certain movement, it is not a utopia to think about changing jobs, although it is true that we tend to be more conservative regarding changes for fear of the solvency of our future company.

If you are clear that you need a change, no matter where you are, do not let the economic situation paralyze you. Of course, check the financial solvency of the company that wants to hire you before taking the leap. The saying "the bad known is better than the good to be known" is made for cowards.

When you decide to undertake

There are areas where entrepreneurship is not crazy, especially in the Services and New Technologies sectors. For example (and it is not a recommendation), there are more and more elderly people, so they need more and more services: at home, day centers, leisure, residences, etc.

At the ICO - Official Credit Institute, they give some loans to entrepreneurs with new ideas, although when submitting the application they demand that it be accompanied by a viability plan (if you do not want or cannot pay it, they will do it for free in your Autonomous Community). It is not just about completing a procedure, this viability plan will give YOU the peace of mind of knowing that you are not jumping into the void.

Be cautious, do not leave your current job until you have a good business model, an expert has told you that your project is economically viable, you have been granted the loan if you need it, you have rented a place if you are going to need it, and you have your City Council permits. When you have all that, take heart, YOU can!

When you make a work stop

In life there are circumstances that make us leave work even though we think that one day we will return to the world of work. A sick family member, the desire to extend maternity leave, the decision to study when it is not compatible with your work schedule, travel the world…

The first thing, always try to ask for a leave of absence. As you are voluntarily terminated, you do not have the right to collect unemployment benefits, nor do they have the obligation to rejoin you in their staff when the leave of absence ends, although they will be obliged to rejoin you when they need to hire someone in a position similar to yours. At least you know that at some point you will be able to rejoin. (According to Spanish law, I don't know how it is in other countries).

If you do not have a one-year contract with the company, you do not have the right to leave. Do not let this discourage you, live this period enjoying having another type of life, and not thinking if you will find a job when you return. Once the decision is made, face it and don't live in fear.

When you run out of paid work

First of all, you are not “standing”, you are “in professional transit”. The expression "standing" is terrible and false, the connotations it has demoralizes even the strongest. Think that you are not stopped because you move. You move around preparing your resume, sending it to job offers, showing up for interviews, thinking about possible options, etc.

Emotions can handle us when we are scared. Do not let this happen to you, you run the risk of becoming "bad blood". I'll give you an example: sometimes it happens to us that even if we leave the company believing the argument of whoever gives us the settlement, “you are the newest in the area” or “there is no money for x”; after a few hours you start to inflate the balloon and think "my boss is a bad person", "deep down it was an excuse", "my partner X has hurt me", and so on.

It is natural to feel fear when you find out that you have been fired, it is human and often inevitable. Although you must react quickly, always think that:

- You are worth the same whether you have a job or you don't. Your self-esteem should not be affected.

- Nothing is forever. You will get out of this situation, and you will do it sooner if you have a proactive attitude.

- Do you think that in 10 years you will remember these days with the drama with which you live it today?

It's not that I want to downplay what's happening to you, I know it's serious. What I am trying to convey to you is that the less dramatic your vision is, the less you will suffer and the clearer you will be to find solutions. Proactivity is essential to get out of this situation. Move as much as possible and as soon as possible; entrepreneurs don't come home to offer us jobs. And if you take time to find it, do not panic, nothing stops the human being as much as fear.

"Failure consists in not persisting, in being discouraged after a mistake, in not getting up after falling." Thomas A. Edison.

Professional transit in Spain. tips to deal with it