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Teamwork, interpersonal relationships, empathy and synergy

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Jacques Derrida belonged to the so-called '68 philosophical movement. The most important contribution of his thought is deconstruction. Deconstruction is a type of thinking that critiques, analyzes, and revises words and their concepts.

To deconstruct is to undo, decompose the structures. It is not a negative operation but an operation to understand how a whole or a set of things is constituted and rebuild it to its end. It is a questioning of what has been done, undoing it and questioning one's own.

Deconstruction consists of showing how any concept has been built from historical processes and metaphorical accumulations (hence the name deconstruction), showing that what is clear and evident is far from being so, since the tools of consciousness in which the true in-itself must be given are historical, relative and subject to the paradoxes of the rhetorical figures of metaphor and metonymy.

Perhaps Derrida's most famous mark was, from the beginning, différance, created to deconstruct the opposition between speech and writing and open the way for the rest of his approach:

Illustration of the différance

For example, the word 'house' derives its meaning more as a function of how it differs from 'mansion', 'hotel', 'building', and so on. of how the word "house" can be linked to a certain image of a traditional house (that is, the relationship between signifier and signified) (DERRIDAS, 1978)

On the other, it is intended to review how new labor trends and the need to reduce costs led companies to think of work teams as a regular way of working. Achieving and maintaining success in modern organizations requires talents that are virtually impossible to find in a single individual.

The new structures of organizations, flatter and with less hierarchical levels, require a greater interaction between people, which can only be achieved with a cooperative and not individualistic attitude.

The need to work as a team came from the hand of proposals such as Total Quality, integrated management systems, reengineering and change processes, regional integration programs, and others that require the participation and interrelation of various functional sectors of the companies. (BETELÚ & CAMPION, 2002)

Therefore it can be said that the concept of teamwork in organizations occurs as an evolution of administrative thought, which from scientific administration (classical school) evolves in the school of human relations, this due to historical circumstances such as unionism and the evolution of work itself, from the point of view of the deconstruction of knowledge we can say that it is given as a response of the organic intellectuals of the administration to unionism to continue increasing the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness within the companies.

I.- Interpersonal relationships

In order to mobilize the energy of the worker and channel his behavior in the desired direction, the administration scientists gave way to new ways of conceiving work within organizations, thus the theory of teamwork arises, which was developed from the knowledge of social psychology and which focuses on the studies of what motivation and leadership do within organizations, now not only the physical strength of the worker is sought, but also it is intended to take a step on what happens in his subconscious, which is the contribution of industrial psychology

In order to develop adequate teamwork, it is necessary to understand that the organization is a social entity and that the people who make it up are complex people and that it is necessary to understand some concepts such as interpersonal relationships. The interpersonal relationship is a reciprocal interaction between two or more people. These are social relationships that, as such, are regulated by the laws and institutions of social interaction.

Communication is involved in every interpersonal relationship, which is the ability of people to obtain information about their environment and share it with other people.

Keep in mind that interpersonal relationships function both as a means to achieve certain goals and as an end in itself. The human being is a social being and needs to be in contact with others of the same species.

The role of every leader and every person in charge of a team is to create a climate in which communication is fluid, others are listened to and disagreements are manifested, there is respect between people, and a minimum level of real understanding for the other and that there is some degree of affection between the members.

II.- Empathy, affinity and commitment

Elements such as empathy, affinity and commitment, are concepts that must be understood in organizations that intend to have good results from their work teams and it is necessary to know them well to be able to harmonize the group and that can enhance its social energy, which is form of the combination of skills of a work team

Empathy is the cognitive ability to perceive in a common context what another individual may feel. It is also a feeling of affective participation of one person in the reality that affects another.

Empathy describes the intellectual capacity of a person to experience the way another person feels; Later, this can lead to a better understanding of their behavior or decision-making.

Other definition of empathy; It is the ability to understand the needs, feelings and problems of others, putting oneself in their shoes, and responding correctly to their emotional reactions. As such it is an objective feeling whose development requires a certain kind of intelligence. Those who exercise altruistic leadership are usually characterized by the extensive development of this capacity.

People with empathy are those capable of listening to others and understanding their problems and motivations; For this reason, they normally have high social recognition and popularity, since they anticipate needs, even before their colleagues are aware of them, and they know how to identify and take advantage of the communication opportunities that other people offer them.

New studies allow us to suppose that there is a relationship between the imitation or simulation of behavior and the ability to empathize; Even in the animal world, the capacity to empathize is investigated as a possible advance in evolution, by enabling cooperative relationships or symbiosis.

Another important concept is affinity

The term affinity (from the Latin affinĭtas) refers to the attraction or adequacy of characters, opinions, tastes or other circumstances that exist between two or more people.

On the other hand, another important element in work teams is the concept of commitment that refers to Responsibility.

A committed worker is someone who is fully involved in and enthusiastic about their work. When you have the opportunity, you act in a way that goes beyond the interests of your organization.

III.- Interdiscipline, contribution and collaboration

For teamwork, this series of concepts allows you to amalgamate the different skills that team members have, this concept is very important because currently you cannot conceive of a person who possesses all the knowledge, rather it is thought in a group of people with different abilities who put their efforts and knowledge at the service of the team to achieve institutional objectives

The first concept to analyze is interdisciplinarity, which is a set of disciplines related to each other and with defined relationships, so that their activities do not occur in an isolated, dispersed and fractional way (Wikipedia.org, 2012)

The term interdisciplinarity first emerged in 1937 and its invention was attributed to the sociologist Louis Wirtz.

The concept of contribution refers to the action of giving or providing something: ideas can be contributed, an economic contribution can be made, its synonyms are contribution, financing

Collaboration, for its part, is any process where the work of several people together is involved; both to achieve an impossible or very difficult result through individual work and to help achieve something that he could not by himself.

IV.- Synergy, creativity and design of work groups

Synergy (from the Greek συνεργία, "cooperation") is the result of the joint action of two or more causes, but characterized by having an effect greater than that resulting from the simple sum of these causes.

The synergy; It consists in that advantages are obtained in the associated work. It is the additional effect that two organisms obtain by working in common agreement, synergy is the sum of individual energies that is multiplied progressively, reflecting on the entire group. Appreciation of differences (mental, emotional, psychological) is the essence of synergy. «Synergy is collective action and creation; it is union, cooperation and competition of causes to achieve joint results and benefits; it is concertation in pursuit of common objectives ”.

For its part, creativity describes original thinking, constructive imagination, divergent thinking or creative thinking, it is the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between known ideas and concepts, which usually produce original solutions. (Wikipedia.Org, 2012)

The verb "design" refers to the process of creation and development to produce a new object or medium of communication for human use.

The design process usually involves the following phases:

  1. 1. Observe and analyze the environment in which the human being develops, discovering any need.2. Assess, through the organization and priority of the identified needs 3. Plan and project proposing a way to solve this need, through plans and models, trying to discover the possibility and viability of the solution (s). 4. Build and execute taking the initial idea to real life, through materials and production processes. (TORANCE, 1977)

V.- Conclusions

The team refers to a set of interrelated people who are going to organize to carry out a certain task, while the group refers to that set of people without considering the task for which they have formed a set, considering it as a whole. From the point of view of the deconstruction of knowledge, this administrative concept arises as a need to counteract the ideas of unionism and rights acquired by workers, such as making people become more efficient and effective and have better results with fewer employees. working hours.

There are different aspects necessary for proper teamwork, among them we can mention; effective leadership, that is, having a process of creating a vision of the future that takes into account the interests of the members of the organization, developing a rational strategy to approach this vision, obtaining the support of the fundamental centers of power to achieve the above and by encouraging people whose actions are essential to implement the strategy.

Promote communication channels, both formal and informal, while eliminating communication barriers and also encouraging adequate feedback.

Existence of a harmonious work environment, allowing and promoting the participation of team members, where disagreement is used to seek an improvement in performance.


  • Betelú, S., & Campion, f. (2002). Teamwork techniques. Buenos Aires, Argentina: University of Buenos Aires.Derridas, J. (1978). Positions. Chicago: U. of Chicago. Medina, AC (2000). Leadership and communication in the organization. Santiago de Chile: University of Chile Torance, E. (1977). Education and creative ability. Madrid: Marova.WIKIPEDIA.ORG. (JULY 05, 2012). WIKIPEDIA. Retrieved on JULY 05, 2012.WIKIPEDIA.ORG. (JULY 3, 2012). WIKIPEDIA. Retrieved on JULY 03, 2012.
Teamwork, interpersonal relationships, empathy and synergy