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Transfer of learning in training processes


One of the questions that worries managers who send their employees to events and training activities is precisely whether the amount of money invested in these training processes is commensurate with the expected increase in performance in the workplace? The question becomes even more critical when it comes to training aimed at developing managerial competencies, since the evidence of improvement is less tangible than when it comes to practical training.

The question is precisely related to the expected return for the company on the investment made in each of the people attending the education, training or training programs.

When we speak of transfer of learning we are referring to the percentage of application in the workplace in relation to what was seen and learned in the training event. Studies show that, in most processes, only between 8% and 12% * of this acquired learning is used in the workplace, therefore the accounts for the financial manager are usually easy to obtain and know well that something is happening in training management.

Some of the reasons why return rates, in terms of applicability of learning to the job, are so low may refer to some of the following causes:

A Diagnosis of training needs not adjusted to the corporate strategic framework or, carried out with a methodology that does not cover the organizational reality.

An inadequate selection of people who must attend each of the scheduled events. Sometimes people who do not need such training are brought in, to fill the quota, so as not to create internal conflicts or because the person is available.

Not having clearly identified the depth levels required for each of the topics offered to staff.

Training providers with learning methodologies not adjusted to the needs of the company.

Lack of follow-up and monitoring of the learning curve after each of the training events.

Not having measurable indicators of the expected results after the training events.

Carry out training events that result from specific and / or temporary needs of the company (eg Business climate) but are not related to structural needs of the organization.

Attendance at events, conferences and seminars that are interesting and fashionable.

These elements and some others become barriers for a true transfer of learning to occur.

On the other hand, it is important that the Training Management identify the actions and responsibilities that it must take care of so that the training and training plans and programs contribute to a significant increase in the learning return rate, some of them are:

Be clear that the training processes aim at the development of the organization but also of the person.

Recognize the importance and need to personalize the training process, since the same workshop or seminar may require several people but perhaps at a different level of depth.

Establish in advance the expected results in the training process and in this way take care that the learning achieved is required for the increase or development of the defined competencies.

Identify the different options available in the market or within the company to develop training programs.

Motivate in each of the attendees that it is an opportunity for improvement and growth in the professional performance of their management.

Establish a model for measuring, monitoring and monitoring the results obtained in the training sessions. In this sense, it is important to define questionnaires, models or tests that allow measuring the learning curve for each of the training interventions.

Keep track of training hours and costs per person. This will allow at the end of the period to show in whom the resources were invested and is an input for evaluating the impact of the training on performance.

Each participant must understand the reasons why they were selected to attend the training event, in this sense, if there is a commitment to the need and urgency of training and training, then there will be the possibility that the percentages of transfer of learning are higher than the averages mentioned.

I hope that these notes will help each of those responsible for the success of the education, training and training processes in companies to approach effective methods that increasingly guarantee a higher percentage of transfer in the learning actions promoted and financed mostly by organization.

Transfer of learning in training processes