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Transformations in the 90s and Cuban higher education

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The crisis of values ​​exists in developed and developing countries and has been aggravated by the neoliberal globalization process that has in fact introduced new features and indicators to this crisis of social values.

In the case of the Cuban Revolution, in the face of the crisis of the 90s and the modifications of the material and spiritual conditions of life and what this implies, it has caused the formation of spontaneous directions of social survival behaviors, not always in a coherent and many times as a reactive response with inversion or substitution of moral values.

The new University is not alien to this situation because as a result of this economic crisis that has had its social impact on the youth, the revolution is waging a Battle of Ideas reflected in the different programs of the Revolution with the aim of eliminating its negative consequences, as they are:

1. Course for Young Integrals

2. Training Schools for Social Workers

3. Task "Alvaro Reinoso" of the MINAZ

4. The Universalization of Teaching with the creation of the Municipal Headquarters.

Our society has developed in a project of seeking equity in the distribution of wealth, of solidarity as an inspiring principle of inner life, of human improvement, equality, justice, solidarity and dedication. Understanding Cuba today means understanding its ethical, liberating, independentist, sovereignty and national identity traditions, accentuated by its social project, which constitutes one of our main strongholds. Cuba defends its social project in a unipolar, contradictory world and in a social crisis, the social power shown in this extreme situation is an expression of the values ​​consolidated during these years.

The period of the 90s was characterized by the fall in offers, the subsidy of the inactive worker, the deficit of the state budget and liquidity, loss of salary purchasing capacity, weakening of the intensity of work, the national strategy being the defense and survival of the country, for which measures were conceived that responded to the objectives set by the country, among them we have:

• A broad development of tourism

• The stimulus to foreign investment in the form of joint ventures or other forms of association where the State is the largest shareholder.

• Activation of self-employment.

• Decriminalization of the possession and employment of the> MLC and the opening of stores and services through this can be captured by the State.

• Authorization of remittances from abroad in MLC.

• Delivery in usufruct of most of the land to the workers of the state farms for the creation of the UBPC.

• Reorganization of the business system with the creation of corporations that operate in MLC.

• These reforms were necessary to maintain the Cuban political system but in turn brought with it a certain impact within the youth and especially in higher education, manifested in:

1. Disinterest on the part of the student body to pursue university careers.

2. Exodus towards tourism sectors of both students and teachers.

3. Exodus to self-employment.

4. Certain manifestations of pimping, prostitution and crime.

5. Imitation of other representative cultures of developed countries.

Crises, and those of values ​​in particular, represent moments of danger and also of opportunity for development, since there is no blind continuity. So we must rescue and oxygenate ethical and moral values ​​to preserve the principles of our society.


Promote the rescue of values ​​of our university students through the demands of curricular design.


If we deepen the rescue of students' values ​​through the subjects taught in university careers, we would raise the quality of life of the future professional.


Theoretical framework

We understand as Value the degree of importance, significance or meaning that abstract or material objects, actions, situations or positions acquire, insofar as they respond to the needs of the species and of the human being at a given moment, and the He fights for it, by placing and ranking material and spiritual goods in order of importance.

The degree of development and effectiveness of moral conscience as a regulator of man's moral activity depends on:

• The social position of the individual in society.

• Their material living conditions.

• The degree of education, self-education, character, temperament and moral culture.

• The socio-economic conditions and relations of which man is a part.

So that according to the material life of a specific society, so will be the moral relations of men and the content of the moral conscience

Here are some features that characterize the global stock crisis.

1. Crisis of meaning, expectations and life projects.

2. Rapid growth of behavioral marginalism

3. Incongruence between verbal discourse and affective moral behavior.

4. Growth of skepticism, apathy, hopelessness, desire for profit, etc.

5. Growth of simulation, double standards, the formalism of hypocrisy and deception.

6. Lack of family communication, of role models

7. The globalization of aesthetic tastes in this process plays a fundamental role the imposition of the culture of developed countries.

8. Tensions in the coexistence between groups and people

9. Economic instability affects and creates negative tensions in the family and social environment, in fact creating dilemmatic and conflictive situations that negatively affect the moral and general behavior of adolescent children and young people.

10. The growing disrespect for parents, teachers, and legitimate authority figures

11. Fall in work ethics and morals.

12. Egoism and increasing appreciation of the material problems of life.

13. Increasing self-destructive behaviors such as premature sexual activity, drug and alcohol abuse and in some countries the increase in suicide.

14. Imitation of negative behaviors that tend to reproduce insensitivity and moral emptiness.

In our Society, investigations carried out by the Center for the Study of Youth have found that:

1. In some young people there is evidence of an imbalance between what they “express, think and do” in their daily activities.

2. Incongruence between knowledge about the content of a social value and the personal meaning that it has for the young person and their behavior. In adolescents and young people it becomes more evident because this stage of life is a period of intense personality development and a stage very susceptible to all kinds of influence.

3. Negative behaviors and attitudes are noted, especially in which a predominance of material interests is expressed, such as having plenty of money doing anything a) have a comfortable job that makes life easier and b) marry a foreigner to solve problems and have friends to "solve".

It is a challenge for us to be able to face survival and achieve an economic takeoff without sacrificing the conquests, without abandoning the search for paths promoted by rectification. The rescue of an enriched and functional own model with respect to the current reality is imposed, preserving the values ​​conquered while developing them. In this, educational action has an important mission, although we agree that values ​​are not taught and learned in the same way as knowledge and skills and the school is not the only institution that contributes to the formation and development of these.

Education in values ​​must be aimed at ensuring that the person endorses the content that society presents as a value if moral norms are met for formal or external reasons, but rather that the subject is intimately convinced that the act must act in accordance with them. morality will not be morally good and in the case of the future professional it is obvious that this aspect must be well defined and for this we meditate on the thought of our apostle when he said “Men go into two camps: those who love and found, those who hate and undo ”that is the difference.-

A college student is not responsible because he knows the concept of responsibility, but because he feels the need to act responsibly. Responsibility in this case becomes a motive for action, therefore only when values ​​constitute motives for the subject's actions do they become true regulators of behavior.

We can develop our educational work taking into account the following aspects:

* The need to approach the teaching-educational process with an ethical, communicative, interdisciplinary and autonomous vision.

* Problematize the contents of teaching with conflictive situations that reveal the real contradictions of today's society and the role of values ​​in our society.

* The student as a subject of learning that manages to experience the contents of the teaching (unity of the intellectual and the emotional through a daily dialogue between the teacher and the student and between them, as well as stimulating their self-evaluation and education through the application of a correct evaluative procedure that contemplates the various evaluation forms.

* Need for specific training for teachers

University students for the formation of values ​​in young people, from the introduction in their practice of strategies such as professional orientation, group learning and the use

of participatory methods, as well as the development of the communicative competence of teachers, and the redemption of their role.

* The university professor should provoke self-reflection and self-evaluation on the competence of his work in the formation of values

* The exemplary nature of the faculty and the functioning of the university

* That the values ​​responsibility, fidelity, solidarity, authenticity, patriotism, industriousness, sense of belonging, honesty, autonomy and others that are considered appropriate are highlighted.

* Emphasize in the class, as a fundamental way for the education of values, the realization of independent work, along with other university extension activities.

* Consistently link qualitative and quantitative research paradigms.

When working to achieve an education in values, the following results are achieved:

First: Know the student regarding: internal determinants of personality (interests, values, conception of the world, motivation, etc.); attitudes and life project (what you think, what you want, what you say and what you do).

Second: Know the environmental environment to determine the context of action (possibilities of doing).

Third: Define an ideal model of education.

Incidences of education in values:

* It develops the evaluative capacity in the individual and allows to adequately reflect the objective system.

* Develops the transformative and participatory capacity with positive significance towards society.

* Develops spirituality and personality towards integrality and human improvement.

* Transform what is officially instituted through moral norms, educational systems, law, politics, and ideology.

* Enrich the ethics of the professional


1. The collapse of the socialist camp and the neoliberal globalization process have had a worldwide impact on the current crisis of values ​​from which Cuba is not exempt.

2. That this crisis is manifested in our society, so social programs have been structured within the Battle of Ideas that allow us to combat these negative manifestations.

3. That the role played by the new contemporary university will allow us to assume a decisive role in the training of the professional that our society needs.

4. That the role of the university professor must respond to the integral formation of the future professional in the face of the challenges that our socialist society faces.

5. Let us remember that values ​​participate as regulators of human behavior since they produce peace, happiness, gratification, well-being, enthusiasm, positive feelings and personal growth.


• That the educational and instructive actions of higher education continue to be deepened as alternatives to contribute to the enrichment in the formation of the values ​​of our university students.

• That the educational projects of the students be systematically monitored in order to determine the causes of negative attitudes of the students and to be able to draw up strategies in the short, medium and long term to achieve integral professionals.


• López Bombino, Luis R. “The Ethical Knowledge from Yesterday to Today”, Volume I. Editorial Félix Varela La Habana 2005.

• Silva León Arnaldo. "Brief history of the Cuban revolution." Editorial Félix Varela, Havana 2000.

• Sánchez Hernández Yamilé, reference material on Education in Values, CUSS “José Martí Pérez”, 2007.

• Beltrán Marín Anna Lidia, reference material on Politics and Society, CUSS “José Martí Pérez”, 2007.

Transformations in the 90s and Cuban higher education