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A tribute to the intrapreneur. internal entrepreneur


Alexander Schnarch

Entrepreneurship is in fashion. Much is said and written about it, courses, manuals and private and public support are offered. It is stimulated at all levels, even in children from an early age. Being an entrepreneur has become something laudable and positive, personally and socially… They are the new heroes of society

It supports, facilitates and multiplies the creation of new companies to solve problems and needs of different markets. The whole world gave itself to the maxim that training entrepreneurs to create new companies is the best platform for economic development and personal progress. Tobías Acuña rightly says in relation to the latter that “entrepreneurship is so fashionable that today it is almost a responsibility to be. A caricature of the office worker as a slave and the entrepreneur as the prototype of the perfect and happy man has been created… ".

Andrés Pallaro points out that “this path became more acute over the years, reaching the current explosion of the so-called“ entrepreneurship ”. Education and training programs for entrepreneurs of all types, duration and methodologies; proliferation of contests and contests for entrepreneurial ideas and projects; creation of new support platforms such as incubators, accelerators, company builders, etc.; new forms of venture capital investment such as different configurations of angel investors, more sophisticated instruments such as convertible bills, the phenomenon of crowdfunding and the expansion of venture capital; new startup management techniques and knowledge (lean startup, business models, etc.);and many other expressions of this pro-startup economy have invaded our realities, shaping the so-called “entrepreneurial ecosystems” of each city, region and country (nucleation of all the actors linked to entrepreneurial development to enhance their interactions, projects and achievements) and promoted true bacchanalia of the show of the "estarters". Almost like a succession of epiphanies, we all ran to enthusiastically embrace this source of business creation ".

But what happens when business opportunities, risks and resources are identified within an existing company? That's where the not-so-Hollywood intrapreneur enters the scene ". This term is attributed to Gifford Pinchot III that defines the executive who does not want to leave the company where he works, but who is able to identify new business opportunities and implement a series of actions that allow him to innovate in the processes and products that are presented for it, turning them into new businesses for the organization.

Because the economic and social development of the country requires entrepreneurs, both within all types of organizations, public or private, capable of changing and improving products, processes, methods or systems to make companies grow, as well as people with an entrepreneurial spirit who create their own companies, to translate their visions and generate employment and progress.

But most of the literature and incentives refers to entrepreneurs, that is, those people who create companies and the intrapreneur has been neglected, that is, the people who make innovations in established organizations...

For example, Steve Jobs is often cited as a way to motivate external entrepreneurship: If you don't work for your dreams, someone will hire you to work for theirs… but if he hadn't had teams of creative and innovative people, he would not have achieved his…

Indeed, the company itself postulates that “at Apple we don't just create products. We create wonders that have revolutionized entire industries. Diversity of people and ideas inspires innovation in everything we do - from our incredible technology to our exceptional commitment to the environment. Join Apple and help us improve the world ". Steve Jobs himself said our heroes are innovators. We are in favor of innovation. If you want to work at Apple, we hope you innovate.

Apple, which has ranked first among innovative companies since 2005, “has a culture that looks for passionate, creative people who innovate in everything they do, breaking paradigms and introducing the best products, always one step ahead of the Business necessities"

For this reason, organizations have to “attract creative people if the company hopes to build a group of innovators at all levels. Obviously, if companies want innovative ideas from employees, they should look for innovation potential from the hiring process ”…“ Google also uses an innovative technique to find qualified and creative candidates called “Google Code Jam”, a tournament problem solving in which participants compete online to solve the same problems under the same time constraints ".

No matter how big or small the organization is, it is necessary to have collaborators who have the distinctive trait of being innovative, positive and daring. “They are called intrapreneurs, and they are those internal entrepreneurs who have no desire to leave the organization, but are willing to put their energy into improving the environment. Intrapreneurs are capable of identifying opportunities for improvement, as well as implementing actions to innovate processes and products in the companies where they collaborate, thus building new business opportunities. Intrapreneurs: entrepreneurs willing to innovate within your business

So, “the time has come to put intrapreneurs at the center of the scene. Leaving the glamor or the poster aside, the internal entrepreneurs are the ones who will make it possible for many more creations to continue to exist not only by repeating at scale what they have done well from the beginning but also by assuming change and innovation as a permanent activity to face the speed of the markets, devising and executing the new projects that are increasingly needed in order not to die ".

Sometimes it is postulated that in addition to this type of employees, those who follow orders and only execute are also required, which many times is sinned because daring people are hired in operational positions and they do badly (side and side: the employee is frustrates and the company too). Now, this does not mean that there is always the possibility of proposing changes and improvements, that is, accepting that the man in the company must transcend from object to subject. that is, that they be valued as a person, with the ability to create, innovate, solve problems, transform processes, work as a team, make decisions and participate in the development of their organizations.

“How many times do you hear companies say that their main asset is their own people? Phrases like these can seem empty of meaning until those employees appear willing to identify new business opportunities and develop innovative processes, products and services that grow the organization. They are those collaborators with passion for what they do, proactivity in the face of uncertainty, vocation towards the execution of solutions and the conviction of generating added value in each proposed objective. Those employees called intrapreneurs who develop their entrepreneurial spirit under the umbrella of the organization. In a context of global change and uncertainty,these internal entrepreneurs are becoming the most sought-after figure by companies that need to innovate and adapt with great speed to new technologies, needs and demands of society ".

But that you have to create the right environment. Management can help by providing a climate in which people understand that each idea will be carefully evaluated, that ideas can be played with, talked about and experimented on, that they will not be snubbed with "not working" or "not in place." the budget ”, which discourage creativity.

As Mc said. Person, about 30 years ago !: "A successful corporation is one that stimulates the emergence of a creative spirit, adequately rewards employees who demonstrate that they possess it, and subsequently allows them to participate in the action undertaken as a result of their initiative". Adding, “innovation and business creativity go hand in hand if what you want is that together the management and employees of the organization respond to the urgent call that the business world is making. Either you adapt to new market trends and are innovative or you disappear. Being part of the modern world is possible if within your daily work you work with innovation and business creativity and, most importantly, you are part of your work team ".

Definitely, “to enrich the flow of ideas within companies, it is necessary to make an effort to create a work climate that favors this process, supporting the initiatives of employees, motivating them, recognizing, valuing and taking their contributions very much into account.; establishing efficient horizontal communication channels; providing them with the indispensable means to carry out this task of identifying ideas for new products; implementing training programs that help them to display their creative skills, creative thinking, handling techniques specially designed for the generation of ideas, such as group sessions to contribute ideas, and the relationship of attributes for product improvement "

In the opinion of María Sanz de Galdeano consultant of Navarra Factori de Cein (European Center for Business and Innovation of Navarra), innovation always has to be integrated into the company's strategy. When people generate new ideas, they have to know in which direction, where they have to direct those ideas, otherwise they would be striving in a direction contrary to that set by the company's objective. "When it comes to generating ideas, you have to get people in organizations to be generous because creativity requires three aspects: knowing, wanting and being able"

Adding that, “none of this is possible without innovative and transformative leadership in companies, ensuring that there is a truly innovative culture. The figure of the leader is key so that people feel free to generate ideas. You have to avoid the fear of failure, the fear of error or making a fool of yourself. A person cannot think that when he tells an idea they will crush it, because then he will not say anything and will continue doing the same because it will be more comfortable for him. That is why the work environment is essential for innovation to take place, because in a rigid, critical environment, where ideas are killed, where failure is punished… there will be no creativity ".

In the opinion of the Cein innovation expert, "the roles in the company are terrible, they are very frustrating and demotivating." Therefore, to get people to generate ideas, you have to create a climate of collaboration, you have to believe in them and give them their own space, make them work within what they like, in their passion, and let them develop their concerns. The leader must make them feel part of the project, that they know that they are important because they are the ones who are going to generate creativity and innovation. ".

Leaders, consequently, play a decisive role for the development and promotion of creativity and innovation, but leaders in the best sense of the concept, that is, people capable of communicating, training, motivating, empowering and rewarding, But, as Weismantel and Kisling point out, 'What good is an idea? You're welcome! Not unless you make it meaningful. That's where innovation and creativity come into play ». That is why it is important to bear in mind that creativity does not automatically lead to innovation, and that many times the most complicated step is precisely putting an idea into practice, which is why the necessary climate is so relevant that an adequate administration of the process should be considered.. Peter Drucker has gone so far as to say that "generally what is in short supply are not ideas, not even good and quite useful ideas, what is lacking is the willingness of managers to welcome them."

Innovation is the key to business success, says Sir Ken Robinson. “The right climate in business organizations and the drive for risk-taking ideas are what make innovation flourish in today's world. In this way, Sir Ken Robinson, considered one of the world's leaders in education, creativity and innovation, summarized the challenge that Latin American nations and companies must engage in to make the leap towards higher levels of competitiveness ".

Naturally, there are debatable and conflictive issues, but that's what it is all about: provoking a critical reflection on intraprenership… After all, as Les Luthiers said, "absolute truth does not exist and this is absolutely true…"

Chilean, author of several books on creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing. A lejandro schnarchs

Ver, por ejemplo, Rubén J. Lapetra: Los emprendedores son héroes. 1 de MAYO DE 2012.

TOBÍAS ACUÑA: 3 indicios de que no eres un emprendedor. 1 Diciembre 2015.

Andrés Pallaro: La hora de los Intrapreneurs. Junio 14, 2015.

José JIménez: El intrapreneur, un valor en la empresa. 23 de agosto de 2015.

Gifford Pinchot III: Intrapreneuring. Ed. Norma, Colombia 1985

Ahmed, Shephererd, Ramos y Ramos: Administración de la innovación. Pearson, México 2012. Pág. 172

Jeff Dyer y Hal Gregersen: El Secreto de las Empresas Innovadoras: No es la I+D. noviembre 29, 2015.

http://www.univision.com/noticias/dinero/intrapreneurs-emprendedores-dispuestos-a-innovar-dentrode-tu-negocio abril 24, 2015.

Andrés Pallaro: La hora de los Intrapreneurs. Junio 14, 2015.

Ana Falbo: En busca del innovador interno. 22.04.15.

Joseph Mc Person: Innovación y creatividad, palabras de advertencias sobre recetas para triunfar. International management. Enero de 1985. Pág. 47

Fomentando la innovación y la creatividad empresarial: Dos armas indispensables en el mundo moderno. Publicado en Estrategia por S y C. febrero-9-2013.

Salvador García e Isabel García: Desarrollo de nuevos productos en la micro y pequeña industria. En Administrate Hoy N° 42, México 1999. Pág. 27


Citada por E. Suberviola Noáin: Cómo fomentar la creatividad en las empresas y obtener resultados. Mayo 22, 2013.



Wesimantel and Kisling: Business Growth. Ed. MacGraw-Hill Colombia 1991. Page 207

Peter Drucker: The Power of Small Ideas. It appears in Harvard Strategies, Educar Editores Colombia, Volume VI. P. 11

See El País, Cali, Colombia, May 22, 2013.

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A tribute to the intrapreneur. internal entrepreneur