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Corporate University as alavanca da vantagem competitive

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A formal education for work, at a higher level, begins to face an unusual concorrência: the corporate universities, arising from experiences of corporate training and professional development programs and gives verification that the university is not adequately prepared for or work. The concept of corporate university emerged in the USA in 1995, when General Eletric created Cotronville. But it was only from the 80's that a considerable increase in these new training spaces was assisted. Another component that contributes to the rapid growth of corporate universities and the need for continuous learning, as a consequence of vertiginous changes in the world of work, due to two permanent technological advances and the process of globalization of the economy.Corporate universities emerge as a solution for or aligning training initiatives with a strategy for the organization and creation of competitive vantage, by means of permanent learning.


The world is going through constant and significant transformations that place companies due to the need to adapt to a new, very competitive environment, fast and permeated by uncertainties. The great technological development observed and experienced by all in the last decades has contributed to this change.

Either conhecimento is becoming a more important production factor, leaving behind or capital and labor.

Diante disto, as organizations are forced to alter their way of atuação to respond to the market. The companies must accompany the moves with speed, or what it means to say that the individuals who are part of the organization must accompany these moves, at the same speed. This reflects the non-growing investment of companies in the training of their profissionais, which has a strategic approach and uses, offering an understanding of the context not which the organization is inserted.

In this sense, more corporate universities emerge as a strategic complement to the management, learning and development of two employees of a company. Once the organizations need to learn more quickly, accompanying the speed of the knowledge generation of the current world, they are seen as a miss of aligning the training initiatives with the organization strategy, considering the organizational culture, or organizational context (industry, suppliers, market) and essential competitions.

For Eboli (2003), in the belief that the competencies, skills and knowledge are formed based on competitive vantage, reinforce the need to intensify or develop two functions in their areas and thus justify the existence of the corporate university.

In fact, corporate universities embody the philosophy of organizational learning, whose goal and offer, to all employees, or knowledge of the competencies necessary for the strategic objectives to be achieved. They also go through the process of selection of apprenticeship partners, which involves training professionals, consultants and higher education institutions.

Or higher education in search of excellence

The challenge of higher education will be the recognition of its relevance, second to UNESCO (1999), in view of the rapidity and amplitude of ongoing changes and the expected developments, both in the world and outside the scope of each society. A society is becoming more and more cognitive and dependent, therefore, it gives superior teaching quality and its international opening.

In accordance with UNESCO (1999), the XXI Society will be a Communication Society. A chegada dessa society provokes innumerable consequences in the world of work: a decision is made every time more two places of production and can be made, in real time, at thousands of kilometers of distance; or dinheiro circulates no more in kind on paper, but virtually; the accounts are becoming increasingly dislodged; The places of production, distribution and research are increasingly spatially separated, more interlinked in the network, thanks to new technologies.

It is an essential element to invest in higher education, but governments are aware of what to support or higher education, which has a need for high-level researchers and professors, and an effort that demands long-term resources.

The UNESCO document, entitled “Mudanças e Desenvolvimento no Ensino Superior” (1995), gives an idea two challenges that governments of the Superior Ensino must face in our days: “In our time, a country that does not have a system of training and research of non-superior quality, cannot ensure sufficient progress to respond to the needs and expectations of a society in which economic development respects the environment and is accompanied by the construction of a 'culture of peace', based on democracy, tolerance and no mutual respect, in short, no human development. Or higher education is called in all places to adapt and respond to the demands of a time in which the new possibilities that opened up side by side with the emergence of new challenges and profound disturbances.Or in higher education, as many other graus and forms of education, it is called upon to reexamine, considering its relationships with a society, and in particular as an economic setting, as it is organized and, especially not at an institutional level, financed and administered.. It is necessary for him, with the help of all his partners, to follow a global vision of his objectives, tasks and foundations ”.

This same document says that, not in the future, it is presumed that the higher level must advance so that it can respond to the evolutionary challenges of the world of work in accordance with many experts, no matter, since: - continue to consider it essential to equal accessibility in função das origins socio-biographical; diversify more your structures and, therefore, the conditions of studies and the teaching purposes; give more attention to generic competences, social qualifications and the year of personal development; prepare students for globalization and internationalization of the economic and societal dimensions of life; Serve years of students, offering them, além do ensino e da appizagem, serviços de comunicação e de aconselhamento for two courses, offers various categories of experience of work and life, ou, ainda,Support in search of entrepreneurship, implementing regular forms of communication between the higher education and the world of work.

From formal education to the evolution of two models of education

A formal education, at the higher level, given in universities, university centers, integrated faculties, faculty and school or higher institute.

As a professionalization of teaching, the universities will identify firstly the basic subjects and, secondarily, those specific for use in the labor market.

A formal education can offer, to the business world, courses and programs aimed at professional training and specialization, at the post-graduation level (updating, training, specialization or professional training), training (to complement studies or for training for or) or extension (courses of shorter duration, as the objective of professional recycling / updating or of information and updating of gerais knowledge). The programs can be open to the business community or dated, specially planned for a certain organization, taking into account the needs of the client and the characteristics of their business.

A higher education must be decided, second Meister (1999), will continue to dedicate only to the traditional one (or young person from 18 to 24 years old, who can attend a university in full time) or it will also go on to consider, em Its academic model, or professional adult public in need of permanent learning, which has never been served only by corporate universities, but also by consortia (groups of companies that act as training brokers, acquiring content from traditional institutions or corporate universities to depois oferecê-lo no open market), virtuais universities (institutions of ensino a distance that offer graduation courses) and educational companies with lucrative purposes.

Meister (1999) says that for traditional institutions it is to rethink their relationship with companies and reexamine their methodologies, products, services and vehicles of presentation, pois, from the moment they assume their role of business partners, be able to adopt A higher level of strategies oriented to markets, which varies from a local presence in an organization to licensing / merchandising of your curriculum.

The evolution of the educational model, provided by the companies and the market, after the pontual training, corresponding to an event, for a continuous and systematic process.

Tendências da educação superior para o Seculo XXI

As trends in higher education, in the economy of knowledge and information, can also be summarized, according to Monteiro (2003):

  • It should be focused not educating and developing in environments and in diversified organizations, not being exclusive to the university or other formal education institutions. Participation of companies in dissemination of learning, via corporate education, will be increasingly intense. Institutions of formal education and business organizations are tending to expand, turning between leading entities in these areas. It will be a synergy of learning between the business world and the academic world. Distance education will be used more intensely, universalizing or consolidating. As virtual universities, with the use of multimedia resources, via network or satellite, megauniversities will emerge, with programs directed to all continents.More intense use of educational technologies from Ponta in support of advanced and more attractive methodologies, which facilitate the process of learning. Continued education; Necessity of permanent apprenticeship. Courses on measure, which have as focus the qualifications, or knowledge of the required competences, professional hair or market. real tempo. Or educating as a consumer of knowledge. Valorization of the consumer. Educational services with a greater variety of products and use of strategies aimed at the market. Higher education programs - the formal institutions or the corporate universities - aimed at training human talents for the world of work,must develop qualifications, competencies and basic knowledge, not educating, for or business environment. Learn to learn. Be responsible for your own continuous learning and know which is the ideal way to learn new qualifications, communication and collaboration. Communicate effectively with work colleagues, know how to work in a group and collaborate as team members to share practical skills. Creative rationale and problem solving. Know how to identify problems and see the connection that exists between a proposed solution and possible approaches to the next problem. Technological knowledge. Use the most recent technologies to connect as team members in any part of the globe. Global business gathering.Understand a large global picture of how companies operate through a basic set of business techniques such as finance, strategic planning and marketing. Development of leadership. Term a vision for your team or department that is compatible with the mission and goals of the organization. Have the ability to manage your own careers, identifying the qualifications and knowledge necessary so that you have value in a non-business environment and depois work to acquire them.Identifying the qualifications and necessary knowledge so that there is value in a non-business environment and depois work to acquire them.Identifying the qualifications and necessary knowledge so that there is value in a non-business environment and depois work to acquire them.

Corporate education

A corporate education, via universities, institutes, centers or schools of various types and structures, is emerging and is growing, rapidly, to meet the needs of continuing education and, according to Meister (1999), to support a competitive vantage, inspiring a permanent learning and an exceptional performance of two human values ​​and, consequently, of organizations. It is based on the purpose or development of the education of employees, clients and suppliers, as the objective of attending to the business strategies of an organization as a means of advancing new opportunities, entering new global markets, creating deeper relationships with clients and promoting the organization to um novo future.

It represents the generating energy of modern subjects, capable of critically reflecting on the organizational reality, of constructing it and continuously modifying it in terms of competitiveness and success. For Eboli (2003), it favors intelligence and high organizational performance, in search of great results. Figure 1 shows this migration for a new model of education.

Corporate University as alavanca da vantagem competitive