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Use of tics in higher education in Mexico


The purpose of this work is to review various scientific articles and books, to analyze the impact of the use of information and communication technologies in higher education, reviewing empirical studies and statistics on this phenomenon, to conclude which strategies should be to implement successfully using ICT in it.

Keywords: ICT, higher education, education, computing.


The purpose of this paper is to review various scientific articles and books, to analyze the impact of the use of information and communication technologies in higher education by reviewing empirical studies and statistics on this phenomenon, to conclude which strategies should be implemented successfully the use of ICT in it.

Key words: ICT, higher education, education, computing.


In order to talk about the subject at hand, it is necessary to specify what ICTs are. Ibáñez and García (2009, p. 21) define them as "a set of electronic tools used for the collection, storage, treatment, dissemination and transmission of information represented in a variety of ways". In turn, Melo (2011, p. 220) considers that they are “a set of tools, equipment, computer programs, applications, networks and media, which allow the compilation, processing, storage, transmission such as voice, data, texts, ideas and images".

Let us consider the fact that, in a modern society, the use of technology and the Internet, facilitate the communication of ideas and content of various kinds, both those produced with great dedication and professionalism, as well as improvised and lacking in seriousness, and that they only serve as entertainment or in the worst case to promote anti-values ​​and generate confusion among people, such is the use that is given to websites or social networks with misinformation and malicious ideas oriented towards violence and promotion of hatred.

Hence the importance that, when using these technologies for a noble purpose, such as education, it is necessary to have a well-defined strategy to produce content and choose activities that are really focused on promoting study and taking advantage of the time that is spent. dedicate yourself to these activities.

Bonilla (2003) points out:

The new technologies were not conceived for education; they do not appear naturally in educational systems; they are not 'demanded' by the teaching community; they are not easily adapted to pedagogical use and, most likely, in the future they will develop only in a very partial way as a function of demands from the educational sector (p. 120).

From the foregoing, it can be inferred that the teacher's commitment is crucial for the application of ICT in the activities to be carried out in an academic year, but it is even more important that educational institutions adapt the study plans and programs, so that the curriculum contains well-defined activities, which must be mastered by students to achieve the necessary competencies according to the curriculum. It is also required to have virtual platforms such as Moodle or Google Classroom, so that the activities take place in a controlled environment.

In a study carried out at the University of the State of Mexico (Ruiz, J., Martínez, M., & Sánchez, M. 2016), the instrument called "Use of computer tools by teachers" of the University of Seville was applied Spain, to a sample of 50 teachers, in which the use of computer tools such as word processor and presentation programs, databases, spreadsheets, specific programs in their professional field, web page design and materials was measured multimedia, use of the internet to search for information (bibliographic and scientific databases and web pages), the internet as a communication tool (email, forums, chats, instant messaging), the internet as a means of obtaining resources and computer programs,virtual platforms for training (lifelong learning and training) and platforms for teaching (virtual-teaching); In addition to these variables, the sociodemographic variables (age, sex, degree of studies, etc.) are considered, obtaining the following results:

Source: Ruiz, J., Martínez, M., & Sánchez, M. 2016, pp. 37-38.

From which it is concluded that the most used tools in the development of their teaching activities are: the word processor, the presentation program, the use of the Internet to search for information (scientific databases, digital libraries and web pages and the use of Internet as a communication tool (email, forums, chats and instant messaging).


It is undeniable that using information and communication technologies enhance the possibilities of learning more and better, as long as its application is considering equipment, content, teacher training and Internet connection in schools and not only in equipment (Ramírez Martinell, Alberto, 2014).

We must also take into account that resistance to change occurs in all organizations, in which mature and young teaching staff converge, that is, it would be assumed that young teachers use technology more and better, but although it seems surprising, also Among them is the phobia of technology or technophobia (Sorroza Rojas, NA, 2018).

In summary, it is necessary that teachers receive adequate training in the use of technologies, institutions adapt their plants and study programs to digital change, and provide students and teachers with the appropriate platforms to properly apply ICT in the higher education.


Sorroza Rojas, NA, Jinez Sorroza, JP, Rodríguez Villacis, JE, Caraguay Ambuludi, WA, & Sotomayor Sánchez, MV (2018). ICT and resistance to change in Higher Education. RECIMUNDO, 2 (2), 477-495. Recovered from

Ramírez Martinell, Alberto. Tell me about ICT: Digital Technology in Higher Education / Alberto Ramírez Martinell and Miguel Angel Casillas Alvarado. - 1st ed. - Córdoba: Brujas, 2014. 180 p.

Ricardo, C., Iriarte, F. ICT in higher education: experiences of innovation. Barranquilla, Editorial Universidad del Norte, 2017.

Ruiz, J., Martínez, M., & Sánchez, M. (2016). The impact of ICTs on the quality of higher education. Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Contables Y Administrativas, 1. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2009). MEASUREMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) IN EDUCATION - USER MANUAL (pp. 15-20). Montreal, Quebec, Canada: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved from:

Boza Carreño, A. and Conde Vélez, S. (2015) Web 2.0 in higher education: training, attitude, use, impact, difficulties and tools In: Digital Education Review, 28, 45-58. Retrieved July 7, 2019 from:


Borrego, N., Rodríguez, H., Walle, R., & Ponce, J. (2008). Virtual Higher Education in Latin America: Technological-Business Perspective. University Education, 1 (5). doi: 10.4067 / s0718-50062008000500002

Bonilla, J. (2003). National policies on education and new technologies: the case of Uruguay, In Education and new technologies. Experiences in Latin America. Buenos Aires: IIPE-UNESCO.

Ibañez P. and García G. (2009). Informatics / Computer Science, vol. 1. Mexico: Cengance Learning.

Use of tics in higher education in Mexico