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Use and application of infotechnologies to literate human capital


The effective application of knowledge management as a factor that generates competitive advantage in organizations today demands the increase of an organizational culture in the contemporary world, its success, efficiency of the performance of organizations, whatever their corporate purpose, processes, products or services. They depend to a great extent on the correct use of their human, informational and technological resources, as well as the knowledge of their human capital and their management capacity.

It is true that the objective proposed by these authors shows the impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Universities on the new role of teachers and their performance as facilitators of learning in students through the different scenarios to which they through the use of ICTs, unavoidable for academic research and its future development in the forms of management. For this, we use scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, induction-deduction.

Keywords: infotechnologies, knowledge management, use of technologies, human capital, forms of management.

By way of prologue

History reveals that it was in the Department of Defense of the United States of America that carried out a project called ARPA, whose objective was the construction of a highly flexible and dynamic communication system between computers, which would allow the use of any type of device. transmission medium and technology and to continue operating even in the event of the destruction of some of its parts of the network created.

Thus, in 1969 of the last century, as a consequence of the ARPA project, the ARPANET network was born, interconnecting 4 large computers located in different locations. The decade of the 70s brings the ARPANET network, which grew slowly and at the same time served as a data bank for the research and development of human capital in the world. Also in this project, the TCP / IP protocol began to be used, as a need to establish a standard communications protocol, almost at the same time UNIX began to be developed, so TCP / IP became almost synonymous with UNIX.

In the 1980s, the ARPANET network had around 100 computers, then the "Usenet news system" appeared as an information service and forum for Internet debate. With the official adoption of TCP / IP as a standard protocol, such as the interconnection between ARPANET, MILNET (military network in the USA) and CSNET (scientific network), these materials being considered by the authors contrasted as the historical moment of the birth of the Internet at scale global. (Vallejos, 2000)

In all this matter, the birth of the NSFnet (National Science Foundation) network with the aim of facilitating the interconnection of data to the entire American scientific community and to five large supercomputing centers. Thus, the NSF, faced with the bureaucratic impediments to use the ARPANET network, decided to create its own network that would end up becoming the true backbone of the Internet, where given its open nature, the NSF unleashed an explosion of connections, especially by the universities

As a continuity, in the 1990s the creation of the ISOC (Internet Society) is appreciated in order to promote the Internet as a universal solution for data communication. It makes its debut in the Internet gopher at the University of Minnesota when the WWW (World Wide Web) information service appears at CERN in Switzerland and thus begins the process of privatization of the main trunks of the Internet network in the United States of America and with it a significant number of Internet providers appear in Spain.

It is also a fact that with the emergence of the Internet it allowed to mark a milestone in the development of society and information technologies, by 1996 it was recognized as a profession framed in the so-called Information Sciences and with it that of the Infotechnologist as part of the evolution of new information and communication technologies applied to developing human capital.

It is a reality, that with the technological advances on a global scale that occur today in the 21st century, the use and applicability of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are promoting important changes in various sectors of society for their development to future in the forms of management of which Higher Education is part because it is the human capital formation entity that interacts in this scenario; It is also palpable that the use of technological tools in the educational teaching process and the growth in scientific and technological development, which have stimulated a vertiginous increase in the production of knowledge whose transmission is becoming increasingly important in today's world,These factors have determined the appearance of new performances and scenarios for the educational centers of the planet by providing skills to those who use and implement them.

For Duart and Sangrá (2000) the use of ICTs in university spaces allows the development of three elements to those who use it with greater flexibility and interactivity; That is why the links with teachers and the rest of the students allow greater collaboration and participation, better facilities to access study materials and other complementary sources of information, which are located in the so-called cloud.

On the other hand, Cabero and Llorente (2005) pointed out that the use of technologies in educational centers favors in students the means to acquire the technological skills that are required in the current information and knowledge society, they have also notified that access to learning is expanded, the quality of teaching will be improved and the development and expansion of some technologies in this sector is appreciated.

For Delgado and Solano (2009), Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) allow a more flexible teaching structures, fostering new conceptions in learning in which students have a more active and leading role and at the same time work collaboratively.; on the other hand, teachers assume the role of facilitators and must find new strategies that allow participants to be active when they are in different places, promoting the construction of knowledge and collaboration in different settings.

Flores (2012) also described that technologies have favored a series of changes and transformations in the ways in which training processes are developed. Precisely, one of these tools are the EVAs, which constitute an optimal setting to promote spaces that integrate various tools through computers connected to the network, allowing the realization of teaching and learning processes in a specific pedagogical and methodological environment.

Authors such as Soler, Antúnez, Mercado and Ramírez (2015) mean that currently, universities must promote innovative experiences in postgraduate activities supported by the use of technologies contrary to the traditional model that has been implemented for many centuries, which It has made it possible to demonstrate the emphasis that should be placed on teaching, on changes in teachers' didactic strategies, on communication systems and distribution of learning materials, instead of emphasizing the availability and potential of technologies. It has been reported that teachers are the actors that can generate the greatest changes in educational centers. On the other hand, in universities virtual programs are being developed in undergraduate and graduate actions.

These analyzes will allow us to get into information technology and its impact on the formation of human capital through the legal labor relationship linked to the forms of management and their business development in virtual environments.

The infotechnologies, their applicability and use in the formation of human capital

At the end of the last century (Sebastià, 1996) he identified information technologies as “… a new profile and a new nomenclature…” and in turn proposed, to designate the training of professionals and users of information, the term: infotechnologies. But it is not until 2001 when technological development is consolidated, integrating with all spheres of society.

It is a reality, which this year is set as the beginning of the new Internet, also known as Web 2.0, whose technological premise is the support of the Universal Digital Network (RUD), although some authors prefer the name of New Environment Tecnosocial (NET) which makes up the new version of the Internet: “This New Environment would be a singular novelty in the brief but accelerated history of the Information Age, which has been reached, at least partially, thanks to a process of evolution of society-technology or infotechnologies ”.

In other words, infotechnologies are no longer only a new profile or discipline, but are also part of the "technological culture", where culture is understood as a set of "knowledge and practical skills" of individuals, which are essential to maintain successful relationships with the new environment and with other individuals (Fumero, Roca and Sáez-Vacas, 2007).

Therefore, in consequence with all the analyzes carried out around the criteria about Infotechnologies, it is just appreciated as it is at the beginning of the XXI century where it was affirmed that: "Good management of computers and the Internet is one of the skills that should characterize the competent citizen in the XXI century. Achieving, then, that at the end of their school stage, young people master the basic tools of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is an important objective of the curricular plan of any educational institution ”(Piedrahita Plata, 2003).

For this reason, it is also valued that adequate preparation with this tool for human capital will depend on successful results in the forms of management that apply them where they appear linked in their application to accounting sciences, environmental protection, productive development, to the implementation of clean technologies, in the development of internal and foreign trade among other related disciplines; providing added values ​​in the world of competition "business marketing" to the forms of management that apply them.

Where in the so-called "information and knowledge society", the generation of an unsuspected volume of information constitutes a challenge for professionals. As continuous training is essential to bridge the infoxication gap, distinguish between the enormous volume of existing information and that of high quality; Thus, it is also a priority to develop skills in the professional that allow them to be guided through the intricate labyrinth of information and obtain the information they need to rigorously deploy their professional activity within the forms of management. (Machado Ramírez, 2014)

At present there is a strong demand for combined communication services combining any type of information: voice, data, images and video at the same time that large capacity wide area networks are beginning to appear. Therefore, the forms of management have discovered that their natural service area extends worldwide and if they wanted to contact a new customer base these ICTs are the new way to achieve communication.

Others have found organizations and people with whom to share and communicate new ideas in various aspects of their work and others have found a new way of informing about the company's services and its products, where for all users the Internet network is the solution. This will allow to continue the analysis up supra of the infotechnologies in the formative process in higher education as the future of the development of human capital competencies.

The infotechnologies in the formation of human capital in the forms of management, its importance and reality.

It is a reality that in international and national scenarios, the use of ICTs today constitute essential elements in the development of all aspects of life, these are appreciated from the search for information to personal communication and the application of tools of the Web 2.0.

For this reason, it is also a reality that education is not alien to the use and implementation of technologies, where we increasingly appreciate that an unlimited universe of possibilities is discovered, offering a whole range of tools for learning with the possibility of expanding to an increasing number of users in different settings and with the ability to socialize knowledge, on the other hand it is also appreciated that this technology is allowing the creation of more flexible environments for learning and favoring collaborative work between students, breaking with traditional training scenarios, offering new possibilities for the guidance and tutoring of students and facilitating ongoing training. All these new spacesThey allow the creation of synchronous and asynchronous communication environments, facilitating the elimination of space-time barriers between people, promoting interactive contexts (Salinas, 2002; Carabantes, 2005; Cabero, 2008).

It is also a fact that in the various careers studied in Higher Education where the professional model is seen as privileged with the ability to manage information and knowledge, which is basic and necessary to put the student in contact with the object of the Profile of his profession from the first years of the career in which he is studying, hence the importance of creating skills in these so that it allows them a better professional development in the mode of action that is located in his professional life.

This will allow systematizing with the curricular strategy for the adequate management of scientific-technical information through the use of technologies as a key issue to ensure a successful job performance where one performs as future professionals in the role that they play in the forms of management.

From this perspective, it is considered that mastering the information management process is an essential part of the developer dimension in the professional's future training process.

Where these professionals, to solve the problems of the profession, require scientific research for this, which is not only limited to professionals in research centers but also transcends the scenarios of management forms, thereby making the processes more reliable and economical. It is here where the graduate appears who, by carrying out research tasks related to the search for alternatives and improvement in his profession, also contributes to transforming the society in which he lives as a social being.

Bainton (2001), reflected on the importance of having skills for accessing and using information and how technologies have made information much easier to access and use; but at the same time he pointed out that with the appearance of the Internet and the increase in information it is necessary to "ask questions regarding the origin, correctness and reliability of the materials."

Hurtado (2006) also considered information processing as: “a logical activity of thought, which on the one hand is linked to cognition, communication, and on the other, to the way in which, through magnitudes, facts, processes and phenomena is attributed an interpretation based on the subject's culture at a given stage in its development and the context where it establishes its affective life relationships ”.

Therefore, it is valued that an example of what the authors have analyzed so far has been the process that took place in the Universalization of the Cuban University, consolidated as of 2002, since teaching and research in universities became massive and diversified with quality and relevance. Where university enrollment reached more than half a million students, 300,000 of them studied at the Municipal University Venues with a 50% increase in the Gross Enrollment Rate (18–24 years). (Medina Basso, 2006).

The constant rise in university enrollment brought with it the introduction of the blended pedagogical model from the development of distance education, the introduction of ICTs and the new conception of the blended pedagogical model, a factor that allowed the opening to begin to be glimpsed of a new chapter in Higher Education for which it was necessary to develop strategies and actions that allowed ensuring a proper quality in the mass of teaching (Benítez Cárdenas, 2005).

It is here where the teaching of the disciplines that make up the Business Sciences was not displaced, since actions can be verified through the preparation of texts in digital format, those that were placed in digital bases in the university network, the delivery of books students, access to social networks and the Internet for the search for information and socialization of scientific production, the development of complementary materials among other academic resources used, consider the authors.

Elements that will allow to continue the analysis of Business Sciences and the use of infotechnologies in the development of human capital, as one of the added values ​​to develop business competence.

Business sciences and the use and application of infotechnologies for their development in pursuit of sustainable development

Today's information and communication technologies cover a very wide range, which includes everything from cell phones to decentralized interconnection methods of computer networks - of which the Internet is the paradigmatic example.

On the other hand, under the protection of the progressive convergence of the flow of information on the Internet, in recent times there has been a dramatic acceleration of the process of deepening and expanding the Information Society, with the corresponding expansion of the legal spectrum involved.

It is in this Information Society, insofar as its concept refers to the new paradigm derived from the transformation driven by the currently available means to create and disseminate information through digital technologies (Castells, 1998), since it constitutes a new challenge at the same time to think about the most appropriate characteristics for the legal system called upon to regulate it. This is due to the complexity of the phenomenon, that is, the circumstance that by observing the events that occur in this context, causes and effects can be established, but not necessarily link an effect to a given cause (Olivera-Proto, 2009).

It is a reality that the science of Law and Informatics are related, since as a legal problem derived from the generalization of the use of informatics, insofar as it can be conceived as the “set of scientific and technical knowledge that make possible the treatment automatic information through computers ”, can be considered from different perspectives and using different strategies.

In principle, the relationship between law and information technology has offered two well-differentiated lines of study since the time of its first contacts: the application of information technology in the treatment of legal information and the regulatory aspects derived from the use of information technology.

For all the aforementioned, we can begin to analyze what legal informatics is, whose origin has been established in the United States, at the end of the 50s (Téllez Valdés, 1987: 1118), is “the science and technique of the treatment of legal information ”(Bourcier, 2003). The object of this discipline, which other authors call Iuscibernética (Losano, 1968; for Peñaranda Quintero, 2000), is the “automated treatment of the sources of legal knowledge (legislative, jurisprudential and doctrinal documentation systems), of the sources of legal production and its organization (operation of legislative and judicial bodies) and of judicial decisions (decisional legal informatics) ”(Pérez Luñó, 1996).

For this “it is necessary to consider certain elements of origin, such as the application of the logic of law or legal reasoning; analysis of legal discourse; application of systems theory; application of information theory, among others ”(Ríos Estavillo, 1997).

Téllez Valdés, points out that Legal Informatics can be considered as an “interdisciplinary technique whose purpose is the application of informatics (understand computers) for the retrieval of legal information, as well as the elaboration and use of the analysis and treatment instruments of such information, necessary for a decision-making with legal repercussions ”(Téllez Valdés, 1987).

From the foregoing, it follows that Legal Informatics constitutes an auxiliary discipline of legal work, in which the technological element predominates, being interdisciplinary. In other words, in the field of Legal Informatics, technology is put at the service of the law and the legal operator. (Gordillo, 2001)

Therefore, it is considered that Legal Informatics has as its main purpose the organization of legal information -which entails its treatment- in order to create instruments that allow access to that information, all through the application of technologies of information applied to legal sciences.

However, it is extremely important to review the doctrinal criteria about regulation, in the Anglo-Saxon world, where it is recognized as cyberlaw - Edwards and Waelde (1997), Rosenoer (1997) and Johnston, Handa and Morgan (1997) should be mentioned.), going through Lessig (1999 and 2000), Susskind (1996) - and from there efforts are devoted to addressing the problems involved (Barrio, 2008).

In Ibero-America, questions concerning the relationship between law and ICTs, both by the authors and the academy, have used various designations. The first consigned as Telematics Law (Delpiazzo and Viega, 2004), the other as New Technologies Law (García Barrera, 2005; Rico Carrillo, 2007), Computer Law (Ríos Estavillo, 1997), Law of the Society of Information (Delpiazzo, 2004), Cyberspace Law (Peña, 2001) and among the latest names, Technology Law and Internet Law as a citizen's right. (Ferrajoli, 2001; Fix Zamudio, 2011)

As can be seen in the criteria contrasted by the broad spectrum of issues derived from the relationship between the science of law and computer science, it is justified that there is still another approach to the question in which the impact of the technological developments on the modes of relationship and consequently on the expected response of law, which puts the legal paradigm of modernity in crisis.

It is true as it has been valued so far, the emergence of a computer lex is a regime highly dependent on technological standards (Reidenberg, 1998), which would be applicable to the relationships established in the network, a proposal that has been emphatically rejected from the ius perspective privatization (Feldstein de Cárdenas, 2005). Where it has come to glimpse, also the existence of an eminently legal system, the lex retialis (Olivera, 2008; Iuale, 2009), "law of the network" that achieved recognition as a source of transnational law.

Which brings as a culmination, to note that the development of training for human capital within the forms of management in the commercial scenario allows with this to give better responses to entrepreneurs and to take on challenges in trade in the face of increasingly demanding markets where it is weighted the application of new technologies and business certification with ISO 26000. (Argandoña, 2011)

It is also of utmost importance to note that the development of infotechnologies, which is advancing in giant steps where not all forms of management have immediate access due to the fact that their high costs in the market, the market is marked by competition and ranked by IT multinationals in hardware and software.

In the Cuban environment, we appreciate how by decision of the Public Administration an academic center was created as an alternative to the countries of Latin America that in its beginnings was attached to an administration body and later became part of the national higher education, which stands out for the training of competent professionals who, from their undergraduate training process, participate in the development of applicability software in the training of human capital, in business development applied in various branches of scientific knowledge, in the activity of public services aimed at citizens, factors that have already allowed their commercialization within the country and outside borders due to product competition.

It is also a reality to assert that ICTs, after their massive incorporation into business activity, have modified production processes and the development of business activity within the forms of management. This penetration of ICTs has led to an increase in the use of knowledge as input and as business output (Vilaseca, 2003).

Therefore, in the changing business world of the 21st century, we appreciate as a consequence of this digitalization process in the forms of management, the increase by companies of the demand for new skills for work, where ICTs have an essential role in process development. In this way, occupations that require higher levels of training, greater autonomy of the worker and new management skills are promoted, which make them much more competent.

Kofi Annam pointed out and I quote: “Information and communication technologies are not a panacea or magic bullet, but they can improve the lives of everyone on the planet. There are tools available to reach the Millennium Development Goals, instruments that will advance the cause of freedom and democracy and the necessary means to spread knowledge and facilitate mutual understanding ”.

It is a reality that in the current 21st century, technologies are being conditioned by the evolution and the way of accessing content, services and applications as broadband spreads and users adapt, changes in services occur getting older. Since these first services were focused on the dissemination of static information, in addition to new and exclusive tools of this technology such as email, or the search engines that today are socialized on the network.

Therefore, companies and entities started to use ICTs as a new channel for the dissemination of products and services, providing their users with ubiquity of access. A second group of ICT services appeared, such as electronic commerce, online banking, access to informative and leisure content and access to Public Administration.

These are services where the supplier-client model is maintained with a sophistication, more or less great depending on the technological possibilities and the evolution of the way of providing the service.

An example of what has been mentioned is the use and application of electronic commerce as a modality of distance shopping which is proliferating lately through a telecommunications network, generally through the use of the Internet, as a result of the growing familiarization of citizens with the new technologies. Where this new service includes sales made in auctions made electronically, called electronic commerce.

Another activity that Internet users do the most is visiting public service websites, where they find not only the search for information and emails, but other services and applications. It is a reality that more and more Internet users are asking for an administration capable of getting more out of it and adapted to the information society.

Faced with this reality, the implementation of this type of services is a priority for all the governments of developed countries in the applications of public services to citizens, among which the payment of taxes, the search for employment, the benefits of Social Security, unemployment benefit, family assistance, medical expenses, scholarships, personal document procedures, vehicle registration, application for building licenses, complaints to the police, use of libraries public records, the processing of birth and marriage certificates in public registries, enrollment in higher education / university, the declaration of change of address,the processing of identity documents and passport and health-related services among the most relevant.

In the business field, public services to companies can be conceived in the application to the processing of contributions to social security for employees, the payment of company taxes for the declaration, presentation, VAT: declaration, presentation, registration of new companies, data processing for official statistics, customs declarations, environmental permits and public purchases or tenders.

ICTs also open up wide possibilities for the renewal and improvement of patient-doctor, doctor-doctor and doctor-manager relationships. The objective is to improve care processes, communication mechanisms and monitoring, and streamline bureaucratic procedures.

Therefore, ICTs are significantly influencing the processes of creation and change of the currents of public opinion. Today objects as common as television, mobile phones and computers, as well as radio, are constantly transmitting messages, trying to bring listeners, viewers or users of these media to their territory, where the use and application of infotechnologies are of Common use.

That is why through text messages, emails, blogs, and other spaces within the internet, people allow themselves to be influenced without hardly being aware of it, stating that they believe that version because "the media have said it" or " it comes on the internet ». These are the way of truth for many of the citizens, without knowing that they also lie and are manipulated. Depending on age, social status, level of education and studies, as well as life, work and customs, ICTs have a greater or less impact, there is more one type of opinion or another and different ways of changing it in the application of participatory democracy.

For this reason the authors just appreciate that their adequate literacy will depend on their results by the people who apply them in the forms of management are optimal, hence the future result of them is more competitive in the internal market and abroad.

By way of Conclusions

The incorporation of information and communication technologies is considered as a heterogeneous social phenomenon, it causes changes in access to knowledge, which has repercussions on human activity. The fact of not having access to them hinders equal opportunities and creates an important cultural, economic and social gap in contradiction with the right of access to information as a human right.

Information and Communication Technologies are considered essential tools in the training activities of professionals in Business Sciences, thereby favoring adequate training of human capital according to current times in response to new educational scenarios mediated by technologies, which generates added values ​​to the forms of management where they are performed and applied.

The teaching of Information and Communication Technologies allows entrepreneurs to position themselves in increasingly demanding markets, with a human capital literate in the use and application of ICTs. Faced with a market where the forms of competition change, these factors force entrepreneurs to create and accumulate new knowledge faster than others, being an investment that generates future profits.

The formation of human capital today acquires importance and flexibility, since it provides them with the necessary skills and competencies for their evolution in the market, which today is strengthened with one of the tools of the infotechnologies "e-Learning" as a strategy of the business innovation when applying Information and Communication Technologies.

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Use and application of infotechnologies to literate human capital