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Value of research in the educational field


Research, implicitly or explicitly, has always been linked to the human being, since, in the desire to obtain knowledge, it has created various mechanisms to approach that truth related to the explanation of the functioning of life in different planes of knowledge. Therefore, for this writing I want to demonstrate the value of research in the educational field.

We know that knowledge is currently in constant change, an example of this is that since the 15th century in the middle ages, to date different approaches have appeared to understand the realities that are woven in the social plane, going from positivism, Marxism, until finding visions such as systemic, holistic models that seek to break with those old school paradigms.

It is for this and in accordance with those constant changes in the ways of seeing the world and how the latter is built and deconstructs at an accelerated rate, a rate that is closely related to research and the desire of man to know and advance. It is also important to understand how research can contribute at the educational level to understand how the different theoretical-practical relationships are woven around education.

It is vitally important to generate space for reflection and criticism around the role that research should play in education:

The first place we must promote spaces in which from basic education the student is motivated to take part in search processes, since from these exercises the students are interested in learning how to consult and inquire about various topics, by giving these first steps that are obviously part of the action of investigating, are breaking down erroneous ideas that have dismissed the investigation as a tedious and boring action.

But it is not only about the action of the teacher, the teacher must also create pleasant spaces that invite the student to join, to a process in which not only will a grade be obtained, but also skills will be developed that will allow them the student to develop in his professional and personal life. It should be noted that these skills such as searching, writing, reading, classifying, when developed and having basic research knowledge, it is easier to solve problems of different kinds. That is, it will allow the student to function in different levels of social life.

But it is important to remember that this work must also be developed by the teacher, since not only does it serve to give the subject to the students and assume that the virtual platforms are going to explain the subject, the teacher must be empowered and be a guide that interacts and guides in the development of the aforementioned skills, understanding that each young person learns and understands differently.

Within professional academic spaces, it is important to begin to rescue the relevance of research at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Since in these academic spaces, students acquire advanced knowledge regarding theory and research methodologies.

According to Hernández Arteaga:

But there are several dilemmas that prevent the university from being established as an enjoyable learning space, where the student has the possibility of developing research skills. The first dilemma is the possibilities that the undergraduate student has to graduate, that is to say, carry out diplomas, continue in a postgraduate degree and that the first semester serves to obtain the professional title. As can be seen, there is an economic benefit that the university obtains by offering these ways to obtain the professional title, but finally the non-completion of the degree work, the non-research and the non-implementation of the knowledge learned are promoted, because It is a fact that research allows students or the researcher to put into practice in the development of their work, theories, methodologies,allows to make contrasts between what has been studied and reality. In other words, research is a prelude for that professional who faces the labor field for the first time.

The other dilemma that arises within the university level is the dilemmas that are generated between students and teachers, due to the superiority relationships that are woven in the classroom, that is, there are no horizontal training processes where the teacher has the capacity to transmit their knowledge, without imposing their theories or concepts in a hegemonic way.

Knowledge zones should be spaces for discussion where students and teachers interact around the construction of knowledge. For this reason, he is: a researcher professor at the university, who, from the historical knowledge of the context, carries out his training activity and, therefore, assumes the responsibility of fully educating the student for contemporary life, strongly marked by scientific, technological and technological development. sociocultural problem (2009.p 190).

Therefore, research must be immersed from initial education to university education, since the action of research allows training professionals and competent citizens with the ability to solve different setbacks. Likewise, the importance of research within the educational plane goes through the capacity and commitment of educational entities, universities, teachers and students, to study, understand the relevance of research when transforming dynamic realities into which we are immersed.

In this way, the research must also go through a constant reevaluation, since it must adapt to the changes that current society presents, it must have the virtues of adapting to the uncertainty that brings with it being able to generate changes in an educational model where the economic is found academics and student interests.


Cristian Felipe Sanchez Peña

Cohort 58 Specialization in university teaching


Hernández Arteaga. (2009). The researcher teacher as a creator of knowledge. Tumbaga Magazine Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Pasto, Colombia.

Value of research in the educational field