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Values ​​in the family and their impact on society. investigation


Much has been mentioned that within the family nucleus customs are changing and adapt as time passes, the customs that a family has today are not the same as those that a family had two generations ago, in addition to that the roles played by each member of the family have also had certain modifications.


According to Nadia Esther Rodríguez Fernández in her article AN APPROACH TO THE FAMILY FROM A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE” (2012) comments;

“It is essential, therefore, for social organizations as a whole, to recognize that everything that happens in the family has repercussions on a broader level, transcends its particular environment to influence society as a whole.

The order of the exposition then follows the theses formulated below:

  1. Family development can be analyzed at both a macro and a micro level. The particularity of the conception of the family as a social institution is that family relationships are presented as a subsystem that are integrated as a whole and are related to a more complex system. broad that is the general society. The interpretation of the family as a group is represented in a conceptual model as a small system of interpersonal, intimate and affective relationships. The humanist pedagogical conception recognizes the family as one of the factors of greatest incidence in the education of the personality of children, adolescents and young people. The functions attributed to the family change according to the prevailing socioeconomic regime and the nature of their social relationships. "

This research shows the changes within the family over the years the implementation of ethical values ​​and how this has affected a larger social level.


Healthy coexistence in society is a topic of general interest that involves aspects such as the implementation of universal ethical values, the education and culture of each individual, all this is acquired or not, as knowledge and / or custom within the family.

But what has changed within families and what is its social impact, which makes the difference so that the level of family disintegration is greater each year? How does all this relate to security levels in Mexico?


According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the crime rate in Mexico increased 16.9% in 2012 compared to 2011, one in three Mexican households was affected.

In 2011, 27.7 million crimes were registered, which represents a rate of 35,139 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants, says the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety (Envipe) prepared by the Institute. The survey, carried out between March 4 and April 26, 2013 in 95,810 homes, indicates that in 32.4% of Mexican households there was at least one crime victim in 2012, that is, in 10.1 million households, for above the 30.4% reported in 2011.

At the national level, 41.8% of the population considered that the main cause of insecurity is unemployment.

They are followed by poverty (34.8%), drugs (32.5%), corruption (31.4%), bad policemen, criminals without punishment or mild punishment, family disintegration, lack of values, alcohol, poor quality education.


The principles and values ​​within the family nucleus and their impact on the possible solution and / or development of social problems are studied.


Nadia Esther Rodríguez Fernández "AN APPROACH TO THE FAMILY FROM A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE". (May 2012, Carlos Rafael Rodríguez University), Zócalo saltillo, (Daily circulation newspaper in Saltillo Coahuila) article published on October 2, 2013, author; "However



It investigates the impact that the practice of ethical values ​​within the family has on society, which ones are practiced today and which ones have been left aside. The possible solution or increase of social problems as they are; early pregnancy, family disintegration, delinquency, drug addiction, suicide.





Zócalo saltillo, (Daily newspaper in saltillo Coahuila)

INEGI statistics

Field research, through surveys of cabbage families. The rose garden in the municipality of San Luis Potosí and students from the Tangamanga University.


It is intended to find help to reduce the social problems that currently affect us, with the belief that reinforcing ethical values ​​in the family can help reduce social problems, likewise it is intended to discover which values ​​are practiced more frequently in families, which are little practiced and which have been discontinued.


A sample of students from Tangamanga University will be taken, who have an average age of 33 years, belonging to the Lower Middle Social Class which represents 20% of the population in Mexico (22.4 million citizens. Office workers, technicians, supervisors, qualified artisans, according to the classification of the new social classes in Mexico made by the secretary of economy) From different parts of the city of San Luis Potosí.


Probability (random) sampling


1.- How often are the following values ​​practiced in your family?

  • ToleranceCommunicationRespectTraditionsHonestyForgiveness

2.- Do you think there is a loss of values ​​in families today compared to 20 years ago.

3.- In your opinion, what values ​​have ceased to be practiced in the family and how does this affect society?

4.- Do you think that the change of roles in the family affects the practice of values, causing a social imbalance?

5.- What social problems could be reduced or eradicated if there were a better practice of values ​​within families?

  • Crime Early pregnancy Suicide Family breakdown Drug addiction


After analyzing the responses of the participants, we reached the following conclusions:

Honesty is the most practiced value with 70%.

Respect is the least practiced with 5%.

85% of the sample agree that there is a loss of values ​​in current families. 55% agree that respect is the least practiced value in today's families, affecting the increase in violence in the same family, at work, at school.

60% of the sample agrees that the new roles that are experienced within the family affect the implementation of the values ​​that were practiced years ago.

According to the opinion of the sample taken, suicide is the social problem with the highest percentage that could decrease if there were greater practice of values ​​within families.


The Family is the foundation of society, only in the family can people be properly raised, educated and receive the formation of their character that will make them good men and good citizens. The family is the basis of society and it is intended to form good men and women with principles and values.

People by nature have always sought well-being through human development, starting this objective from the moment of conception and then systematically reinforced within the family, as long as it is healthy.

As a consequence of the political turmoil and fanaticism in recent years, much violence has occurred within the family. Parents and children as enemies; brothers who do not speak; Entire families, which traditionally were very close, are today radicalized and placed at opposite ends of this great battle.

The family is the foundation of any well-built society, indispensable for the achievement of the common good and also appears as the most natural and necessary union to the community; being also prior to any other institution; it is first in the order of nature, in relation to the other groupings in which men and women can be found.


Unfortunately, the classic model of the family: father, mother and children living together and facing life as a unit, has been dramatically unraveling in recent decades.

The model of father-maintained homes, with the mother in the home raising her children, has been relegated in the past.

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Values ​​in the family and their impact on society. investigation