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Personal and business values. the story behind the product


Do you want to have a "winning" business idea? Do you want a "spectacular" idea that will make you millions?

We receive many emails every week, especially comments on our weekly articles, which we write "from practice and not from theory." How good it is to see so many people starting their own business, men and women who have made the decision to own their own business, to achieve financial freedom, success and wealth by living the lifestyle of the entrepreneur.

Many comment on how difficult it is to come up with a truly extraordinary business idea, a winning business idea. One of the comments that came in today forced me to write something brief about all this business idea search: there is a story behind every product.

Look how appropriate and inspiring this comment:

“Thank you Enrique, your advice is always so timely. In our case, the most valuable element of our company is people, in fact it is the most important image since the owner of the company is a young visionary of 22 years with a significant disability, but he believed in his idea and today we are a family business that employs other people. Being young, showing equal opportunities and the value of the whole family together working for that dream has inspired friends and strangers. That is why I believe that the values ​​or the history behind the product is very important that is why we must strengthen those areas and identifying the roles of each one is vital to better perform our functions, all walking towards the same objective. Thank you all your advice is very helpful. "

I have advised many companies in these thirty years and I assure you that it is true: there is a story behind every successful product, there is a story behind every entrepreneur who has achieved spectacular success.

And also, I completely agree with what the person who wrote that message indicates: Values ​​are fundamental to success. Values ​​are the principles that govern decision-making, the way you think, your behavior and the turn you want to give your business.

I do not want to add more to this article. I just recall the essence of what this friend wrote for you to reflect on this weekend, whether you are looking for a business idea or you already have a business going.

"I think the values ​​or the story behind the product are the most important aspects"

Look at yourself years ahead, where you want to be, where you want to go, where you are right now, what you should do to get to this ideal place.

And answer the following:

• What are the values ​​and principles that govern your own life?

• What are the values ​​and principles that govern the daily life of your company?

• What is the story behind your product or your company?

Personal and business values. the story behind the product