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Beat job demotivation

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It is easy for a worker to fall into job demotivation if he neglects certain aspects of his responsibilities, such as allowing himself to be infected by a negative environment, carrying problems around the house and not having a stable plan of professional goals.

If you take on your work tasks with distaste, you feel tired frequently doing your professional tasks or you have confrontations with your colleagues, it is very likely that you are in a period of demotivation. This generates a significant drop in the work level and an inability to constructively criticize professional activities.

Feeling this is normal. The important thing is to identify it quickly and change your attitude.

Boredom, low pay, difficult tasks, high demands, low commitment, and conflicting colleagues are some of the most common factors that demotivate a worker. In this article, we will give you some tips to avoid letting these factors alter your mood at work.

Home and work… It is not easy to disconnect work life from personal life, because human beings are integral beings. Bringing our personal problems to work is very common, but it is not recommended. Work problems must stay in those facilities; Likewise, the difficulties of the home or family should not accompany us outside of it. Allow time for each responsibility and facet of your entire life.

Spreading the good… When in the work group there are people with negative or pessimistic thoughts, it is very common and easy for this energy or way of seeing things to spread. You must focus your attention on your responsibilities and your personal opportunities, and not let negative ideas, which are not yours at first, enter your mind and distract you from your goals.

Analyze the situations and think about them in advance, for yourself.

Influence colleagues… Share the good, share advice and words of encouragement with your colleagues. If someone goes through a personal or work crisis, be supportive, this does not mean that you also get discouraged, on the contrary that you encourage the partner and make him see the positive of the circumstances he is going through. Life requires strong behavior, positive attitudes, to motivate others.

Problems are opportunities to prove to yourself that you should and can stand up in the face of circumstances.

A poem by Facundo Cabral says: "You are not depressed, you are just distracted…" do not get distracted in life and stop seeing your goals and objectives, even in a small cubicle within the company, you can shine and be free, complying with your goals, earning the admiration of your peers. Do not get out of focus, most of the people who are demotivated within companies are people who know what the company wants from them and much less how they can do it.

The force is in yourself:

There are some exercises to strengthen the optimistic attitude and motivate yourself more frequently…

Take a cold look at what you believe to be your shortcomings, and see what you do have. In most cases you will find that you have more than what you need.

Do not settle only with what you have today, strive to achieve your dreams, the previous paragraph refers to not seeing your life with pessimism, not conformism.

To achieve your goals, invest in yourself. In order to develop its full potential.

Expanding your knowledge is almost a must. Read books, attend workshops, etc. Even better if they are related to the tasks you carry out in your job and / or profession.

To change some attitudes, be more proactive, have more initiative, and increase your flexibility.

Get to know better the structure of your company and the advantages that you will find in it to be able to contribute and be a valuable person within it.

Beat job demotivation