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Violence against children


Democratic states do not have this title by grace of divinity. It is an adjective that is based on the values ​​that society transmits to students, especially children.

In Chile, we cannot speak of a democratic state in this regard.

On the contrary, it is about a nation and a corrupt society, brutally undone in the fundamental bases where the transmission of values ​​to future generations is sustained. The ethical social inheritance, a fundamental pillar of healthy sociological development.

If we observe our reality we cannot have confidence in the future.

We cannot bet that the replacement generation will gather the characteristics that serve to guide their men and women on the paths of equality, solidarity, charity, tolerance, in a word love for the other, respect for the other in whose place we we put to better understand your concerns and desires.

The education of minors does not imply giving them an abundant and detailed knowledge.

This is only a minor part of man's development program, a task in which society is involved and for which it is responsible. It is not about harassing children with first-level knowledge, it is also necessary that all information, knowledge or skills have an ethical sense that leads the student to integrate it into the social bosom with the weapons and tools necessary to carve out their future, but also with a sense of belonging and social responsibility, absolutely necessary imperative to make this man a contribution to society as a whole and as a consequence to others.

Education for society implies an ethical determinant of profound consequences, then, it breaks with all the selfishness that is born from the love of material things, to transform it into love for the others with whom it lives, studies, works or directs.

But, unfortunately, the eager search for the preparation of infants for combat against others, is fixing in developing beings an evil potentiality, making aggression, discrimination, contempt and even hatred, for others, a catechism appropriate to the epoch in which material goods tend to supplement the value of men.

Can we educate the man of the future in a system of intra-family aggression and in an environment external to the family redundant in violent, degrading and oppressive fetishism?

The answer is necessarily negative.

During the first years, minors are fixed on all the symbols that in their youth and adolescence, will serve to cement their personality and their way of being. In this vein, the daily teaching that children receive in colleges and schools are, in addition, their own subjects: the absolute lack of respect for the other, the search for leadership based on force and aggression, contempt and discrimination for the weakest, the helplessness and loneliness of many.

In short, the anguish and despair of those who the school has ceased to be the place of meeting and search for a prototype, the teacher, and instead, must attend to the values ​​that elevate anti-heroes: quarrelsome, aggressive, violentists, drinkers, smokers, and let's not cover our eyes, many drug addicts.

The formulas of teaching have varied in recent decades. It has been tried to benefit the economically weaker children, when, perhaps, the correct proposition was the opposite; make them see that for them everything costs double. Everything is more difficult, but that difficulty is what tempers the spirits and makes them strong and mature.

On the other hand, the gift has reached the spiritual aspect, conceptualizing help as a necessary alms to the most deprived. She forgot the maxim that fish should not be given away, but rather, teach how to fish. We have turned a great number of Chileans into opportunistic members of a Court of Miracles, and now each one demands his crumb, without ever wondering what these demands are. Hiding the significance of the question, How much do I do for my country, which gives me moral authority to ask for what I request?

The lines of beggars are long and growing: I don't want to pay for my house, I don't want to pay for transportation, I don't want to pay for my studies, I don't want to pay in stadiums. I do not want to resound through the streets and squares, without at the same time hearing the cries of how much I offer to my country, how much I am willing to give for it, how much effort and sacrifice I can give, in the understanding that this effort and sacrifice is of interest of the whole nation.

These values ​​cannot be taught if we still think that the slap, the slap or the spanking are applicable formulas to educate children. Neither are the abandonment of parents towards their children, psychic and physical aggression, the malignant pressure of alcoholic parents who form the archetype of man in the eyes of children. The lack of respect taught in the day to day to the children in the treatment of others, neighbors, co-workers, teachers in schools, the passive citizen and the elderly.

All this load of waste in habits and customs, as well as the constant violation of the Law, make up the domestic, school and environmental culture with which we educate our children, reason to believe that the children of tomorrow will not be the men who we wait for our country and our world. The cultural heritage will be too poor and violent, so that as human beings we can take pride in our management.

If we go to the statistics, more scientific information provided by UNICEF, the United Nations body for the protection of children, we will be amazed with a result of 75% of children who suffer some form of violence.

For its part, the National Service for Minors has indicated that the aggressors are 80% close relatives of the abused child, at the same time it explains what the existing risk factors are:

  • Domestic violence. Adolescent couple in a relational crisis and / or under work stress. Validation of physical violence as a method of behavioral control. Low tolerance for frustration. Emotionally immature, insecure people. • Presence of trans-generational violence. Affective lack and deficient social support network Feelings of ineffectiveness, low self-esteem, perception of living in torment and worry Questioning about the paternity of the abused child Being abused in childhood Drug and / or alcohol intake.

(La Nación, Sunday 05/27/07)

Let's see a table that shows us how the alcohol factor of the parents influences the existence and number of abused children.

The previous figure shows us that unfortunately there is a basis of violence in which in the abuse the non-alcoholism of the parents, or the lesser intake, does not positively influence the violence of the minors. Indeed, even when the mother and father drink very little, psychological violence rises to 21.3 or 23.7, depending on whether it is the mother or the father, respectively, shooting up as it increases until reaching physical violence serious.

These are the figures that the NGO Corporation for the Study and Prevention of Violence (in training), has in mind to assume a social and personal responsibility in each of its members, with the sole purpose of creating awareness and practice, in which the protection of children is considered the reserve heritage for the future, in view of the creation of a freer, more tolerant, democratic and pluralistic society.

Education and intensive treatment of the behavioral practices of adult society are necessary requirements to form a man with greater virtues and qualities, that is, the man of the social ethics of the future.

Violence against children