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Violence against women in san cristóbal de las casas, chiapas mexico


There are beliefs and customs that are usually inter-projected in the unconscious of the individual, Example: a person who has lived in a sexist environment has marked habits such as they are, the one who commands is always the man, he always does what he says, but the law prohibits certain behaviors such as physical and psychological abuse. This person from the point of view of her moral conscience will always be in favor of certain acts since in advance there is a justification and acceptance of them.


The purpose of this essay is to publicize the problems that are generated in the City of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, in relation to physical violence against women and the weight of beliefs and customs of this area which they tend to be inter-projected into the subject's unconscious, which generates a conflict between the law and the subject's unconscious.


In this work we will see that despite the fact that women constitute little more than half of the world's population, our lives do not go by happily as one might figure, since many of us are victims of some type of violence. As times go by and the great advance that our society has had, women continue to suffer as our grandmothers and mothers did when perhaps out of ignorance they endured abuse by their spouse, today women have made our way In different fields of work, we have received academic training, thereby achieving an important personal improvement in our lives, but not by achieving established goals we are exempt from violence by the opposite sex, we continue to be victims ofphysical, economic, moral, psychological abuse, etc.

Etymologically the word violence comes from the Latin Violentia, a quality of violentus, this word comes from vis which means force, and lentus which is taken as a suffix which has the value of continuous and these two give the meaning "to what continually uses the force ”is then violence a deliberate behavior that causes, or can cause physical or psychological damage to other beings, this is associated, although not necessarily with physical aggression since it can be psychological through threats or offenses, there are several types of violence such as physical, economic, psychological, sexual.

Domestic violence, family violence or intra-family violence includes all those violent acts, from the use of physical force to bullying, harassment or intimidation, that occur within the home and that are perpetrated by at least one member of the family against another or others.

Physical violence is often preceded by years of psychological violence. Psychological violence is to despise the woman, insult her in such a way that there comes a time when that psychologically abused woman already believes that those blows are deserved. And how difficult it is to convince a woman to go for help when she thinks she doesn't need it.

Family violence has generated different definitions, scattered in various legal, civil and criminal systems, in our country for more than ten years the Law of Assistance and Prevention of Family Violence defines this as that act or intentional, recurrent or cyclical omission, directed to dominate, subdue, control or physically, verbally, psycho-emotionally or sexually assault any member of the family within or outside the family home, who is related or has been related by civil affinity, marriage, cohabitation or maintains a de facto relationship and which has the effect of causing harm.

The violence against women is a form of gender violence against women by their gender. This violence has many facets ranging from discrimination to contempt to physical or psychological aggression, and this can lead to homicide. Occurring in very different areas (family, work, training,…), it acquires special drama in the field of the couple and domestic, it is said that one in three women in the world has suffered some type of violence throughout her life, in which many of them have sometimes lost their lives. International Organizations have highlighted that this type of violence is the leading cause of death or disability for women between 15 and 44 years of age.

Violence against women in San Cristóbal de las Casas

And unfortunately San Cristóbal de las Casas does not escape the problem of violence against women since this problem is present in our city, this phenomenon affects a significant number of the female population who live in homes where they are victims of abuse by of your partner.

Every day women suffer physical abuse from their partner, and I say partner because they do not necessarily have to be married to suffer this type of abuse, sometimes it is the common-law partner, boyfriend or sentimental partner who assaults his partner.

This problem does not respect social status, marital status, age, religion, nationality, political affiliation and ethnicity. That is why it is necessary to become aware and recognize that this problem happens in our city, because it is necessary to recognize the problem in order to find a satisfactory solution to said problem.

It is due to this phenomenon that civil and governmental groups have established shelters which provide support to the victims, where they can go and receive legal advice, what they can do, where they can go to report the facts, they also provide psychological support due to that their self-esteem of these women is too hurt.

In the UNIT IN ATTENTION TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THE FAMILY (Senior District Attorney's Office) in which I had the opportunity to do my social service, I was able to take statements from some women who had been wronged and it was really frustrating to see the suffering of these women, because they really arrive with a fear of reporting, out of fear, because for the next time the aggressor is in front of them, he will be able to attack them and now with more ferocity because they dared to denounce said abuse.

Customs and habits

A custom is an ingrained social practice. Generally, a distinction is made between uses and customs that are those that have social approval and bad customs that are relatively common, and unfortunately for women in most of the communities of Los Altos de Chiapas, alcohol is part of the rituals themselves that are the main cause for which physical aggressions are committed against womenSince when an individual is under the influence of alcohol he becomes more aggressive, leading him to commit the crime against his partner, but this is not only the problem since there were occasions that the aggressor was not affected by any intoxicating drink, then it was difficult to relate the aggression since it is not conceived that a person in his five senses could attack the person who lived next to him, and who supposedly had joined her out of love.

Violence should not be justified in any case because it damages women psychologically, they make them feel inferior, their life has no meaning, they think they are worthless, and sometimes they think about taking their own life. That is why this evil should not be allowed to continue advancing, more energetic measures must be taken and the aggressor is really punished. We must make women who are attacked aware that they believe in themselves and that they can face their problems with dignity that they are beings that are worth a lot and that do not deserve to be attacked for any reason.

They must be women of decision-making and that since they have already made a decision to report their aggressor to the competent authorities, let the authorities punish their aggressor in accordance with the law, since on many occasions this is not the case, because these same women their husbands convince them and they come before the authority to grant them forgiveness and this is why they do not receive a warning since the authorities have no choice but to release them.

It seems that they like this kind of life, what happens? It will be that they do not feel capable of going forward on their own, that they have to endure being beaten, humiliated, because before the Agredas are there, she offends them with words that hurt, that hurt and that make them feel despised,. That is why they prefer to keep them a secret and thus that situation can last for years.

According to the testimony of one of the victims of physical abuse, she refers that since she got married, she suffered abuse from her husband, recently married her husband beat her every time she arrived drunk, for this reason one of the many times that he beat her she decided to return to live with her mother. Because she could no longer bear the beatings that her husband gave her, but what happened after he spoke to her again, she felt that he was good and that if he hit her it was because she had provoked it since she answered him or that she had also After answering some of the blows, she justified the blows so she spent her life full of blows, over time her children arrived but the evil continued, after 17 years of marriage and many blows, one day she was tired and on the advice of some friends she decided report it,but this did not last long since I grant her forgiveness like many other women, justifying that she does not want to leave her home because it is for the safety of her children, and we are not talking about an unprepared woman, because this woman has her own business which gives her the opportunity to earn and support herself, but despite all that she lives and is aware that her husband will never change, she accepts that relationship for the welfare of her children as she herself refers.But despite all that she lives and that she is aware that her husband will never change, she accepts that relationship for the well-being of her children as she herself refers.But despite all that she lives and that she is aware that her husband will never change, she accepts that relationship for the well-being of her children as she herself refers.

Cases like this there are many where women continue with their aggressor for the thousand and one reason that they have, there will always be a justification for staying by the side of their aggressor even though they know, that they are certain that it will never change they will remain with their aggressor.

It has been observed that there are certain periods of the year where the problem worsens and the number of complaints multiplies by up to 50%, this phenomenon happens in some months that sometimes correspond to the holiday period, thus giving the number of women attacked is greater than at other times of the year.

According to the testimony of a licensee in charge of the DIF department (National System for the Integral Development of the Family), this problem is exacerbated when the husbands are in the vacation home, since the friction with their family is more than when they are working, they are all day day at home, and consequently the children too, the mother yells at the children and the environment becomes heavy, it is for this reason that at this time the aggressions increase.

Reality of the problem

According to the records in the government book of the UNIT IN ATTENTION TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THE FAMILY Altos area district of the City of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, the cases attended in the corresponding period of January 2009 As of November 2009 reports the following figures: January reports ten reported cases, February eight cases, March six cases, April twenty-nine cases, May twenty-seven cases, June twenty-five cases, July twenty-five cases, August twenty-six cases, September twenty-eight cases, October twenty-five one cases and November reported twenty-five cases. These cases are the ones that were reported this year.

The REGIONAL HOSPITAL OF THE CITY OF SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS, CHIAPAS, reports in the statistics area the following reference of cases, from 2010, only in the month of January it reports twenty cases of violence for the first time and eleven repeated cases.

February reports sixty cases for the first time and thirty-seven as repeat cases.

March reports twenty first-time reported cases and sixteen repeat cases.

Abril reports sixteen first-time reported cases and seventeen repeat cases.

Mayo reports twenty-six first-time reported cases and four repeat cases.

June reports twenty-six cases reported as the first time and forty-five as repeated cases.

Julio reports eighteen cases reported as the first time and twenty-seven as repeated cases.

August reports twenty-seven cases as the first time and thirty-nine as repeated cases.

All these cases occur in women between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine, resulting in that 99.8% of the victims of violence are women.

THE OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE THROUGH THE DIF (National System for Comprehensive Family Development) OF THE CITY OF SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, CHIAPAS. Reports a number of cases attended by this agency from January to August 2010 which are: January and February with one hundred and ninety-five cases, March with thirty-five cases, April with sixteen cases, May with twenty-three cases, June with forty-five cases, July with forty-five cases and August with fifty cases.

The Health Institute in the State of Chiapas, through the Sanitary Jurisdiction No. II, Coordination of Reproductive Health, reports an index of violence against women through the Program for Prevention and Attention to Family and Gender Violence in the Specialized Service of January 2009 to December 2009.

Being the following reports in January a total of fifteen cases were reported, in February it reported fifteen cases, March reported thirty-one cases, April reported fifteen cases, May reported twenty-one cases, June reported twenty-one cases, July nine cases, August seven cases, September reports eight cases, October reports eleven cases, November reports sixteen cases, and December reports seventeen cases.

And in the first months of 2010 he reports the following figures: January two cases, February eight cases, March twelve cases, April eleven cases, May twelve cases, June six cases and July with nine cases.

The law

The word law comes from (Latin lex, legis) is a legal rule dictated by the legislator. In other words, a precept established by the competent authority, in which something is commanded or prohibited in accordance with justice. That is why due to the constant wave of aggression that has occurred today with respect to physical violence against women, it was that our legislators were faced with the task of looking for a means of sanction to curb this a little. Although it is true that violence against women has existed for a long time, this problem had not been taken seriously, but as society is constantly evolving and new needs arise, such is the case of the attacks committed between spouses, it became necessary to reform our codes regarding these needs,This is why our Penal Code for the State of Chiapas typifies the crime in its chapter of family violence, which in its article 198 tells us; The crime of family violence is committed by the spouse, concubine or concubine, the blood relative in a straight line ascending or descending without limitation of degree, the collateral relative blood or related up to the fourth degree, the guardian, the curator, the adopter or the adoptee who carry out any act or omission, through the use of physical or emotional means, against the integrity of any of the persons indicated, in order to dominate, subdue, control, revile, denigrate, through physical, verbal abuse, psycho-emotional or sexual, regardless of whether or not injuries occur or any other crime is actualized.The same crime will also be attributable to whoever fails to prevent or report it. For the purposes of this article, it is understood by: Physical abuse: Any intentional physical aggression in which any substance, object or member of the body is used capable of immobilizing or causing damage to the physical integrity of another. Psycho-emotional abuse: Any conduct, active or omission, that by means of prohibitions, conditioning, coercion, intimidation, threats, devaluation, denigrating, disparaging, underestimating or neglecting attitudes, cause in those who suffer mental deterioration, decrease or affect their personality or mental stability. Sexual abuse: The use, imposition or abstention of sexual practices as an instrument for the control, manipulation or domination of the taxpayer,that cause physical or moral harm.

In Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the State of Chiapas, which tells us that whoever commits the crime of family violence will be sentenced to three years in prison, but this does not seem to matter to the aggressors and they continue to commit crimes against women, and they continue to be mistreated as if this were normal, as if it were part of daily life, as if there was no other way to go, for this reason I believe that a punishment should be imposed that instills fear among the aggressors already that because the penalty that the attacker may have is only three years, and this penalty imposed by our code can reach a bond.


Conflict is an "interactive process" that occurs in a given context. It is a social construction, a human creation differentiated from violence since there can be conflicts without violence, although there is no violence without conflict, they can be classified according to the level at which they develop. Conflict is a process in which there is opposition of (tangible) interests, needs and / or unmet values. In contrast, there is a problem when the satisfaction of the needs of one of the parties prevents the satisfaction of the other. This conflict leads the aggressor to believe that his actions are correct since, for him, hitting his partner satisfies him inside since he feels powerful by bending his partner, since his moral values ​​tell him that it is correct to submit to blows to his partner,generating an internal conflict between which his habit tells him that it can be done.

But what happens when justice comes and tells him that if he performs such behavior again, he will be sanctioned, we see that the individual in his adaptation to what duty demands of him lives a struggle and that is when his being does not understand, and even does not accept that he can no longer attack, since this practice satisfies him as a man, because he was taught that his partner is an object which he can submit to his holy will, exercising his dominance as the stronger sex that was always instilled in him.

Experience teaches that many of the family abusers look like "dead flies"; They pass for polite and gentle people, but deep down they are jealous individuals with a poor self-image and living in an unreal world.

Effects of violence on health

The association that exists between being a victim of domestic violence and the effects they have on the health of women since these are manifested in a series of diseases, among the diseases they can be found is depression which is difficult to control with drugs and that it could lead to suicide, as they feel desperate and depressed.

The World Health Organization defines health as a complex state of biological, psychological and social well-being.The aggressions do not have a defined profile, but their characteristics are: problems with impulse control, low tolerance for frustration, inclination to control and exercise power, persecutor; Another of the characteristics are misogyny such as social learning, neglect neurosis, low self-esteem, depression, problems with control of decisions and codependency, many of these characteristics are present in abusive women.

Hence, gender-based violence affects all three areas. That is why it is vitally important that bulletin boards, posters, brochures and talks should be prepared that are especially addressed to women, but that awareness be made of when a situation of family violence is being experienced, because many women do not even do it. they perceive as such, and they should even educate women who are both adolescent and adult victims about violence itself.

In the health field, spaces should be created with sensitized medical personnel to work on gender violence as a public health problem, forming a database with a life history and partner's reaction to follow up on the women who arrive battered women, to work together with the authorities to give better follow-up to each battered woman since in many cases they do not report due to shame or shame.

It is for this reason that this topic was raised so that as a society we raise awareness, if evil is like a malignant cell and it will be difficult to change a behavior among male society, which already has this custom, that it may be impossible to change it, But everything is within the individual who wants so much to make a change in his life, but we as mothers of future generations must commit ourselves to overseeing the education of future individuals so that our daughters do not suffer and can enjoy a better family life than the one that many women who are victims of this evil are living. Since it is not only women from the communities who suffer from this disease, there are also those women who have trained academically those who suffer from this abuseAmong those we can name are teachers, doctors, accountants, secretaries, businesswomen, women who apparently do not need their partner financially but who accept a sick relationship out of fear of a society that unfortunately see badly the fact that a woman is divorced, being this victim of rejection within this society. Women, what I can tell you that you are not alone, there are organizations that can help you and that will listen to you and help give an encouraging solution to your problem, you should know that we are beings of great value, that we are strong, that we are of fight and that as future mothers of those probable aggressors we must change this mentality, we must instill values ​​of respect towards women,We must teach our children that women are worth a lot and that they should not be assaulted for any reason.


As could be seen, the figures do not lie, the problem exists and will continue to exist because unfortunately the behavior of many men today is that of being macho, because this is what they were taught, unfortunately many mothers made the mistake of making them believe that They were superior beings that women were to serve as a slave, as an object that was for their use and satisfaction, they were taught that in order to be respected it was through blows, what they should know is that respect with respect for win, never by force, these men should put this reflection in their hearts, that they are also the children of a woman, that perhaps they are the parents of a woman and that they would not like a man to come with a superiority complex and Add to these women they love. It is for this reason that we have toget involved as a society and together find a satisfactory way so that this phenomenon does not advance and damages what really matters to us, such as our children.


Penal Code for the Free and Sovereign State of Chiapas.

Federal Civil Code.

(Relevant decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, imposition of psychological treatment for the commission of family crime in the federal district).

Violence against women in san cristóbal de las casas, chiapas mexico