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The boss is you. the entrepreneurial attitude

The idea of ​​independence and the desire to seek new directions merge when a micro-business is created. Being an entrepreneur and knowledgeable about the situation you are going to find are essential requirements for your subsequent success.

Taking advantage of free time doing some work in which the performance is good and that can give an extra income, can be a very interesting way to expand both personal and work possibilities.

We live in times where most people do not have the salary they earn in their companies to survive or simply the lack of employment forces them to carry out activities that if they are well focused, can become a good alternative either to earn more money or to solve unemployment.

These independent activities are the basis for creating what is known as micro-businesses, definitive alternatives to obtain future livelihoods or to fight against growing unemployment in our current societies.

This idea of ​​a micro-business is accompanied by the desire of everyone to work on their own, without having a boss to answer for what has been done and doing what really satisfies them and fills them with pride. In addition, this activity helps not only the person who had the idea but also others who may benefit from being hired to collaborate.

Lately we have seen lawyers, social communicators, psychologists, etc., working in small premises, making decorative items, snacks, children's clothing and other products, complementing the work in which they are currently, or if they do not have, there is the opportunity to do different activities with which to develop their intellect or take advantage of their free time.

However, creating and being part of a micro-business is not easy, this means having a radical change since the principle of dependency ceases to exist to start building your own future work. For this reason, the person or people who embark on this adventure must be aware that the risks will be latent and will be just around the corner. In addition, it will not be known for sure the results that will be achieved or the barriers that will be found, that is, a climate of uncertainty will be experienced.

For this reason, if a person is not an entrepreneur, it will be difficult for them to achieve good results and creativity and the degree of innovation must be added to this to achieve success in the new company to start, they must anticipate the future and begin to carve out their own history.

Micro-enterprises are gaining ground in society every day. They are powerful tools to solve unemployment and have the possibility of generating greater income

But being an entrepreneur is not enough; You must have knowledge in areas such as finance, marketing, resource management, etc., since if the possibilities or challenges of the market are not evaluated, the company would be headed for total failure.

If you do not have this knowledge, the person can seek support and advice in business incubators (an article that you could see in past deliveries) which evaluate the project that is going to be carried out and help to chart a correct course to follow for the success of the same.

With the help of incubators, the project can be made known to many people through trade shows and trade fairs and thus more resources could be obtained if someone is interested in the business. This point should be highlighted since if you want to create something, the achievement of capital, both financial and human, is of vital importance.

It is necessary to carry out an adequate study about how much to invest and how much to earn, because being a good entrepreneur is useless if you spend everything at the beginning and soon you have nothing. It is essential to make projections in order to take advantage of and know how to invest the initial resources well.

Finally, we can say that microenterprises are now taken more seriously, since in a society where unemployment is latent and income is not enough to cover all needs, they appear as an attractive help for individuals to carry out work that brings benefits personal, professional and global for the whole society.

The boss is you. the entrepreneurial attitude