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The misleading myth of the goal achieved in your internet business


Do you dream of the day when your internet business runs on autopilot and you can recline your seat and enjoy the dollars raining down on you? Well, I have a surprise for you: that day will never come! Not because you don't achieve your goals, but because you won't want to stop when you've achieved them. This article will open your eyes to a reality of business life that you should know today, so that you do not fool yourself with what you are planning for your future.

Every time I advance more with my Internet business, I realize that that moment in which I can say, "I did it!" it fades before my eyes, like a mirage.

Do not get me wrong. It is not because I have not had achievements. I have met many of my goals, some more than enough and others not so much. But I notice that I do not reach THE GOAL.

I don't know why I, like most neo-web entrepreneurs, initially had the illusion that I was going to build my internet business, put it on autopilot, recline my seat, and enjoy the dollars rain on me.

The autopilot thing is wonderful and I have learned to use it perfectly, especially on my membership sites. And yes, I do enjoy wonderful flexibility of my time, literally earning money while I sleep.

What I did NOT know is that, as time went by, the entrepreneurial bug was going to “bite” me. And what a contagion it is! To the point of being almost incurable.

Every time I achieve one of my goals, have a product built or a membership running on autopilot, I can't-and I don't want-to rest.

For what? What would I do if what I do is what I am passionate about?

I'm realizing that ultimately it's less about the money I can earn and more and more about reaching my full potential and helping others reach theirs.

If that means more work, welcome!

Work is not a forbidden word. Perhaps it has the connotation of being something unpleasant, because we have spent too much time working on something that does not make sense to us.

The definition of work is: "A physical or mental effort directed towards the achievement of a goal."

I still have many goals to achieve, and you?

They are things that God has put in my heart and that pull me forward with a force that cannot be stopped.

One of God's promises in the Bible is that he will give us a long life "until we are satisfied."

What does not appear in the Word of God is a term that refers to retirement or retirement age. Interesting, right?

Is it because He designed us to work passionately for a purpose that consumes us to our last days?

I think so.

I've learned that a business only becomes static when you decide to get there. And if you get to that point, it's not really what you were passionate about and that means you haven't reached your goal yet.

The misleading myth of the goal achieved in your internet business