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It's time to start your internet business

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I know that you are looking for your own business online and earn money, but taking a new and perhaps unknown project forward is not really simple at all. It has its drawbacks and complications.

Nor do we think that it is so complicated or complex, much less impossible. Because everything is a matter of decision.

If you want to look for its cons and negative parts you will undoubtedly find them. Obviously, and not only on the Internet, any new venture has its negative parts. The safe does not exist.

And even asking these questions, one could say that it is fine. But it cannot go beyond a simple approach. It is good that you are aware of what they are, that you have them identified, but not to carry out or not carry out a project or undertaking because there are some negative parts in it, it is unfortunate.

If you cling to this way of thinking, and in each previous analysis you give too much importance to the negative, to the pessimistic, it will be almost impossible for you to start something new.

Are you one of those who think that the glass is half empty or half full? If you keep this line of thought closed it will be very difficult for you to start something new, and not only on the internet.

The projects, the undertakings, the challenges, are there to be taken, not for something else.

If everyone left them aside, because they see negative things, the world would not exist as it is today. You would not be reading these lines on the Internet, because the Internet would not exist.

In the town of Lakeside, in Seattle United States. There was a school that had a computer in 1968, there Bill Gates attended, and they say that it only took him a few weeks to be better than his teacher. In the same school he met Paul Allen. And it was with Paul that Bill Gates founded nothing more and nothing less than MICROSOFT in 1975

When he anticipated and assured that the computer would gain its place in the world, in every home, and that most people would have access to a personal one, they told him that he was crazy.

Imagine if Bill Gates had that negative line of thinking. Do you think he didn't know the negative aspects of the project? Surely he did, but he doesn't care about me, he only cares that his project, his dream, becomes a reality. But that was not the most important thing, Bill put aside the negative parts and knew that this project would start NOW. That was the most important thing. I can't even imagine it for later, he thought of NOW.

And here is the other impediment by which the projects, the challenges, are not started. Generally, things are thought about too much, and time is allowed to pass. Almost always the reason is that you are not yet fully convinced.

How long has this been happening to you?

Look, on the Internet you will get new ideas at all times, usually you do not finish analyzing one when another new idea arrives, a new "possible" business. And so you wander through uncertainty without making a good and effective decision.

I have quickly detailed a series of impediments.

  • First: Most stop for the negative, complicated and difficult. Second: It is not known which project to decide on. Third: When it is almost decided, it does not start NOW, the initiation is delayed.

How to really get started with a project?

The main thing is to know that if you want to start with several projects at the same time, the safest thing is that none of them will work for you and if by any chance it works it is simply because of it.

You must quickly analyze, choose and decide on the one that seems most viable. Focus on a single project and put all your effort into it, no matter that others appear that seem better to you. It is normal that others seem better to you, but you must also discover them, learn them, so that you focus and concentrate all your effort on one, it is the best way to obtain results.

Once chosen, it is good that you have analyzed the negative parts of the project in question. But only that, should not go beyond there, know that there are and nothing else. You will not find anything to do and that does not have negative parts. So, once you know what it's about, go ahead.

Finally the most important part, it only remains to start the new venture, but, you have to start it now, NOW, this is the time.

Many times you wait for the right moment to do this or that thing. But, the right moment, the right moment, the right moment, the advantageous moment …… never is, never comes.

If you wait for that moment to come, you will see how time escapes and your venture continues without its start-up.

The moment is now

The present moment is sometimes inadmissible, harsh or unpleasant, but you know that it is the best thing you have, so accept it, as it is.

Your moment is now, it is today, the present. You live today and now, you cannot perform your actions or make your decisions in the past or the future.

The past are memories of another time of other events and the future are only promises or proposals. The two are just futile illusions anyway.

The real, the tangible, the palpable is the present, the today, the now, that is what you really have.

Nothing you have done has been done outside of now.

Don't feel dejected, confused, or indecisive. At the beginning we said that the projects, the undertakings, the challenges, are there to take them, well then take them. What are you delaying? there is nothing worse than uncertainty. Earning money online is also for you.

Finally, it only remains for me to tell you that only by carrying out your business will you know the truth. There is no other way, no matter how much they tell you in a hundred different ways. For you, there will only exist… your way.

The wise man is one who lives by acting, not thinking about acting or what will happen when he acts. Carlos Castañeda.

To pursue with enthusiasm, with joy, with energy, the near end: the only way to reach a more distant end. Hebbel.

Well, without a doubt this is your moment and today is the day.

Good luck.

It's time to start your internet business