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Faith and push. the difference of the entrepreneur's success

What is it that differentiates one entrepreneur from another? Faith, in himself and in his project and the drive to move it forward

There is a coincidence, beyond money and fame, between great athletes, movie or music stars and famous businessmen. We see all these people every day on TV, in the press and magazines or we listen on the radio or on their CD's, we admire them, they are idols, we want to be like them and we think that they are gifted with unique talents.

For these highly admired people do have a "gift" that not all other mortals possess, it is about faith and tenacity. I do not know if it is a gift that God wanted to provide them or if it is a gene that is inherited and that very few possess, but what I do know is that it is the key to carry out our purposes. The combination of these two characteristics results in success. And it is not about success = fame, it is about everything, our small purposes and goals can be achieved if we use this recipe, believe in ourselves and strive to achieve what we long for.

Most of the entrepreneurial ventures, in my opinion, are left halfway due to lack of faith and tenacity. Many even remain only in ideas for this cause. Today I saw on TV, on the show netcafe.com two interviews with a couple of successful entrepreneurs, the first of them is the founder of a site called eboodle.com, which in less than three months was bought by a large internet player and the Segundo is the founder and director of elance.com, a site specialized in professional freelance services.

Gifts: * Faith in themselves * Faith in their projects * Effort * Hard work

These characters started from scratch, their initial office was the room of their house, the desk of their computer was the same box in which it came packed, the only thing they had was many difficulties, an idea and their arms to work. Both agreed that the secret of their success was faith in themselves and in their projects and the effort and tenacity they put into their work.

At the end of the show, I asked myself why all the other people who undertake something do not achieve success and I realized that what happens is that they allow themselves to be overcome very soon by difficulties, who said that doing business is easy, who has seen that a boxing champion or Olympic medalist has achieved their triumphs without training every day, without dedicating themselves fully to what they want, without believing in themselves.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that faith and effort are decisive in achieving our goals and are the factors that make a difference

I am aware that not all business initiatives are viable, what I am trying to say is that to achieve what we want, we have to fight a lot, we have to face our problems, sooner or later we will reach the top, or who while I was learning to ride a bicycle he did not fall, but who manages to learn to ride ?, the one who falls and says "I don't try any more because I fell and it hurts a lot" or the one who falls and then tries again. I think whoever tries it again. Why not be like the second one?

Faith and push. the difference of the entrepreneur's success