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Florence nightingale: the inspirer of the red cross

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She fought for health but also for women's rights. An example of what we are capable of.

Florence Nightingale studied statistics and was a nurse. It seems common today, but back in 1840, they were "inappropriate" tasks for a woman, especially in high society. She fought against preconceptions and prioritized her ideals, even if she had to fight with her family and avoid marriage.

She was born in Italy in 1820. Since she was a child she loved mathematics and wanted to learn it. But she found the first obstacle: her mother forced her to study topics "more appropriate" for a woman. After much discussion, she finally gained permission.

His interest went beyond numbers: he wanted to apply statistical methods to the social sciences. Humanistically oriented, it occurred to him to gain experience in a hospital. But once again, his family objected. At that time, nurses had a reputation for being ignorant and promiscuous.

She did not give up: she trained as a nurse in Egypt and in Germany. Thus, she sealed the break with her family, who opposed her decision. Loneliness was her destiny: although she had opportunities, she decided not to get married. She believed that God "had selected her to be single." Everything, to surrender to her ideal: living at the service of humanity.

She went down in history as the founder of the professional nursing schools and in 1883 Queen Victoria awarded her the Royal Red Cross for her work. Until she contracted an illness and was bedridden. She left her job but continued to improve the health system: she published 200 books, reports and pamphlets.

What do we learn from Florence?

• Women are strong. There are no activities that we cannot do, we are not a weak sex… Those are preconceptions that society tried to instill in us. Florence demonstrated this with her help to the soldiers in the middle of the war. And we are capable of much more!

• Women have rights. Thanks to people like Florence, today we can study and be professionals. She wrote: "Women are not supposed to be in a sufficiently important occupation… They have become accustomed to viewing intellectual occupation as a selfish hobby…" Years later, she published a book asking to remove restrictions on women to have careers.

• We can apply knowledge from one area to another. Florence went to care for soldiers in the war and found alarming conditions. Then she used her statistical knowledge: she collected data and<2MASCULINE>matized record control. This information helped him to promote hospital reform. And you, what knowledge do you have? Can you mix art with marketing and law? Why not… Good results come from interactions!

• We must fight for ideals. Florence, like other famous women, had an inner call that made her wishes known. She knew what she wanted and devoted her entire life to it, regardless of the consequences.

And you, why do you think it is worth fighting?

Florence nightingale: the inspirer of the red cross