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Promotion of culture in quintana roo mexico

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Quintana Roo since 1975, upon constitutionally becoming a State, the majority of the secretariats were formed, including the Ministry of Culture, whose function is to promote cultural and artistic development in the region.

With just 7 governors, Quintana Roo has strengthened each of its dependencies, aligning the work in order to improve the conditions of the inhabitants of Quintana Roo.

Upon the arrival of the Seventh Governor, Lic. Roberto Borge Angulo and based on Article 5 of the Organic Law of Public Administration that says: "The Governor of the State may create or suppress by administrative agreement, the necessary administrative units to promote, coordinate or advise priority or strategic programs or functions that the development, security and protection of the population in the State require. ” Both secretariats are compacted, resulting in the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is currently headed by Lic. José Alonso Ovando.


Promotion of Culture in Quintana Roo through a Trust

Challenges of Cultural Governance in Quintana Roo

The new Secretariat so far has carried out various actions, including focusing on the work and campaigns that fall within the education sector, making agreements, forums, campaigns around the main levels and following up on those that already exist in previous administrations.

Quintana Roo is a State rich in culture, tradition, uses and customs; Because it is a recently created state, people from different parts of our country and even inhabitants of other nations converge who have decided to plant their roots in the different municipalities of Quintana roo; This turns the state into a multicultural place where traditions and customs mix, turning new generations into true cultural hybrids.

This multiculturalism must be appreciated, well represented as well as promoted in its different forms.

Culture is a term that is used for the uses and customs of a people; However, it has another aspect which is called high culture and refers to the fine arts. All this set of expressions has a very important boom in some states of northern and central Mexico with a history and creation time greater than that of Quintana Roo..

Because it is a young and properly touristic State, most of the resources go to this sector, leaving aside the inhabitants of our State and giving the opportunity for the native culture to spread within Quintana Roo; as well as the diversity it has, but above all, working little to create new audiences capable of appreciating other artistic expressions. Here's an evaluation:

Quintana Roo's cultural and artistic public policies consider the impact of globalization on the local environment, the advancement of science and technology and the political, economic and social transformation of Mexico in its democratizing process in the context of a multicultural society and In the specific case of the entity, due to its economy based on tourism, the importance of strengthening the identity and promoting programs aimed at preserving, promoting, promoting and disseminating the valuable tangible and intangible historical, artistic and cultural heritage that is expressed daily is prevalent. the 10 municipalities of the state.

New management is necessary

It is necessary a new approach to cultural management that addresses diversity, interculturality, equity and human rights that induces the articulation of public policies that revalue the creativity, talent and individual capacities of the artist as well as the requirements of the social collective and its historical and cultural heritage in all its expressions.

According to the Census carried out by INEGI in 2010, for every 100,000 inhabitants there are 1.1 museums in the country, in Yucatan, 2.8, and in Quintana Roo just 0.9 museums, in theaters, bookstores, cultural centers and cultural centers, the average in the entity for every 100,000 inhabitants it is 0.6 theaters, 0.7 bookstores and 0.3 houses of culture and cultural centers. In the last 5 years, the cultural infrastructure in Quintana Roo has expanded by 30 percent. It is necessary to continue with the construction of new spaces for the current artistic and cultural development aspects.

The enrollment of students of the cultural services is 129 children from 4 to 6 years old in artistic initiation programs, 164 children from 6 to 12 years old in some discipline and 150 students of 15 years old and over join the dance schools, music and plastic arts. In the programs coordinated with the National Council for Culture and the Arts, CONACULTA and the municipal governments, child cultural development programs are promoted for youth and specific groups and cultural cooperation and exchange programs, serving an average of 237,702 people.

In music there are 5 representative institutions of the state, the Quintana Roo Symphony Orchestra, the Youth Orchestra, the City Choir, the Music Band and the State Government Choir. It is necessary to strengthen aspects that have not had enough momentum and space for expression, such as popular music from the regions of the state, contemporary music, traditional music, and experimental music.

The continuous training of professionals in the arts, dance, music, theater and their positioning in the national and international cultural market with the representative of Quintana Roo requires more investment and drive. The lag in the country and Quintana Roo in the consumption of literature, of just half a book per year per capita and the results of 9 international evaluations that reflect low indexes in the level of reading comprehension is a priority challenge for the institutions and society of Quintana Roo. In response to this important item, two reading promotion programs are applied, attended by 224 promoters with a coverage of 0.85 percent of potential demand. The creation and publication of books and local literature as an expression of aesthetics, plurality and diversity of ideas,It is small and the promotional spaces in fairs and book presentations require a greater boost.

In Quintana Roo, the coverage of the network of libraries is one of the least extensive in the south-southeast region with 56 libraries, Campeche has 120 and Tabasco has more than 700. The average bibliographic heritage per library is 6,758 copies that require renovation in accordance with current educational reforms at all levels and incorporate new technologies. Libraries for the most part are concentrated in the municipalities of Othón P. Blanco and Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

The current coverage of cultural promotion programs is 26 towns in 56 cultural spaces that are regularly promoted in 15 houses of culture. It is necessary to expand the coverage of cultural diffusion and promotion with innovative strategies and in accordance with social and cultural diversity and specific programs for the training of spectators who, through a training process, appreciate artistic and cultural expressions and the dissemination of the cultural offer requires expanding and step up its coverage in the mass media.

The current mechanisms for locating, promoting and monitoring local artistic talents are insufficient. The geographical position of the Mexican Caribbean is not used for the international promotion of Quintana Roo as a destination for cultural tourism and a meeting point for cultures in the region, so it is essential to create international festivals, meetings and forums that fulfill this purpose.

The pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary roots that coexist in Quintana Roo stimulate its diversity and multiculturalism, making it necessary to make effective the public policies for cultural preservation in the region, which includes more than 300 indigenous communities and 163 thousand 477 speakers of the Mayan language. They represent 12.33 percent of the entity's total population, and they are assisted by the right to maintain and protect their ethnic identity, worldview, literature, gastronomy, clothing, dance, and cultural property as a whole.

The records, inventories, and accessibility to the information of bibliographic, photographic, newspaper and videographic collections are in acceptable conditions that require conservation and digitization programs for public consultation. 414 iconographic works have been identified and registered throughout the state and 40 percent have deterioration and need for restoration.

Cultural research and the cataloging of the artistic and cultural expressions representative of the regions of the entity, traditional festivals, representative local groups and talents, uses and customs and in general of tangible and intangible cultural heritage are scarce. According to the registry of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH, in Quintana Roo 220 archaeological sites are identified at sea and 260 on land, 60 of historical value, for which reason it is necessary to intensify coordination between the two levels of government for the promotion of archaeological research and interpretation, mapping, registration, cataloging, image improvement and opening of new spaces.

In order to prevent lags in the legal framework that governs the Ministry of Culture of Quintana Roo, it is necessary to update it permanently based on new Laws, Agreements and Decrees that have been generated nationally and internationally in cultural, equity, gender and human rights.

Management Strategy

In this context where clearly the culture and art in Quintana Roo is not being empowered, it is important to introduce mechanisms that give certainty to society and guarantee the promotion of culture and art in the State, therefore in response to the evaluation and with guidelines in the “Culture and Identity” axis marked within the State Development Plan, the following is proposed:

The creation of the figure of the “Trust” that according to the Law of the Entities of the Parastatal Public Administration of the State of Quintana Roo in its article 7 that says:

"Public trusts are those that the State Government or any of the other parastatal entities constitute with the purpose of assisting the State Executive to promote the priority areas of development contemplated in the National Development Plan and in the State Development Plan"


It is a contract by which a natural or legal person (trustor) transfers the ownership of specific assets or rights to a trust institution, so that with them a lawful purpose is carried out, which the trustor person himself indicates in the respective contract.

In every Trust there are subjects or elements as follows:

  1. Trustor, is the person who owns the assets or rights, which he transmits to the trustee for the fulfillment of a lawful purpose. Trustee, is the credit institution that has authorization to act as such. Trustee, is the person who receives the benefit (not always existing) of the Trust.

The Trust must always be in writing and is institutionally useful to individuals, companies, and public entities of all kinds, and is tailored to their needs.

Public trust

It is a contract by means of which the federal government, the governments of the States or the City Councils, with the character of trustors, through their central or parastatal dependencies, transmit the ownership of certain goods in the public domain, in the private domain of the Federation, federal or municipal entity, or affects public funds in a fiduciary institution to carry out a specific lawful purpose, of public interest.

It should be noted that the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration, as well as in the last paragraph of article 2 of the Federal Budget, Accounting and Public Expenditure Law, define and name Public Trusts as Entities.

Public trusts may have some of the following:

  1. Investment (it is understood that of public funds) Management and administration of public works The production of goods for the market Provision of Services Granting of support to targeted social groups

It should be noted that the purpose of the Public Trust can be very broad and, of course, it is not restricted to the aforementioned list, since it is used to carry out the most varied range of activities, which as an example, we point out below:

  1. Regularize land tenure Construction of housing complexes Development of parks and industrial areas Development funds or rediscounts (in Banco de México and Nacional Financiera) Legally liquidate credit institutions and organizations Development of cultural issues Construction of schools Port developments Urban redevelopment

This gives us a vision of the great flexibility of the Trust and the wide range of activities that through it, the federal, state and municipal public administrations carry out.

The Public Trust is currently governed by the following legal regulations:

  • Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration in its articles 1, 3, 9 and 47 to 50 Law of Budget, Accounting and Public Expenditure in its articles 2, 3, 9, 10, 27, 28 39 and 40 Law Federal of Parastatal Entities in its articles 1, 2, 4, 9, 40 to 45, 63 and sixth transitory General Law of Public Debt in its article 1 fraction VI The Budget of Expenditures of the Federation of each fiscal year Law of Income of the Federation corresponding to each fiscal year General Law of National Assets Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Provision of Services Law of Public Works Law of Credit Institutions Manual of budgetary norms for the Federal Public Administration Guidelines for control,the rendering of accounts and reports and the verification of the transparent management of the federal public resources granted to trusts, mandates or similar contracts.

In addition to the above, there are a series of internal provisions that are known in banking practice under the name of “Operating Rules” that are generally set by the technical committee of each trust.

In Public Trusts, the sole trustor is the one with the right to designate the beneficiary of the benefits of the trust, although, in some cases, it will be the same law that designates the trustee.

What is the Trust Property in a Public Trust?

They are the set of assets of the entities that we have already mentioned (federal, state and municipal), which are transferred to the trustee so that with them the object of the trust agreed in the respective contract is carried out and which may consist of:

In various federal programs, trusts are determined based on the eligibility criteria set forth in the specific regulations of said programs (Operating Rules).

  1. Public domain assets, Private domain, federation and state assets, Real estate, Movable assets, Cash, Subsidies, Rights, Resources from international sources and the other resources that the federal and state governments designate or approve to increase the patrimony trust.Donations

The trust assets may be made up of any of the aforementioned assets or a combination of them, within the widest range of possibilities.

In normal trusts, the maximum duration of these is thirty years, however, the General Law on Securities and Credit Operations (Art. 394, section III) makes the proviso that when they are charitable or public order institutions, its duration may be indefinite, a situation that has also been provided for by Article 85 of the Law on Credit Institutions.

Budget of expenditures of the government of the State of Quintana Roo, for the fiscal year 2014

ARTICLE 1. The exercise and control of the State Public Expenditure for the year 2014, will be carried out in accordance with the provisions contained in this Decree and the others applicable in the matter.

ARTICLE 2. In executing the State Public Expenditure, the Agencies and Entities must carry out their activities based on the objectives and goals of the programs approved in this Budget, which correspond to the priorities of the State Development Plan 2011-2016.

The expenditures planned for the Dependencies in 2014, amount to: $ 3, 026, 089,587.00 (THREE THOUSAND TWENTY-SIX MILLION EIGHTTY-NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN PESOS 00/100 MN), allocating to the Ministry of Education and Culture $ 195, 234,207.00

Proposed project

Strategic management to obtain the trust

Based on the aforementioned paragraph, the budget allocated to the Ministry of Education and Culture is appreciated, but considering this merger, it is important to point out that it requires a greater contribution to the education sector, with 87% allocated to it and the rest to the education sector. culture.

The strategy of this project is based on a public trust through a contract through which the government of the State of Quintana Roo with the character of trustor through the Secretary of Education and Culture of the State of Quintana Roo will transmit the ownership of certain assets for carrying out programs aimed at cultural dissemination.

The purpose of this public trust will be to invest public funds, provide services, and provide support to targeted social groups for the development of cultural issues.

Likewise, it will be governed by various legal systems and the trustor will designate the beneficiary of the trust projects.

Said public trust will be supervised by the government agency, with participation from the private initiative, representatives of the indigenous community, artists, intellectuals and organized civil society.

Strategic objective

In order to cover all the deficiencies that Quintana Roo currently lives around culture and the arts and even in the not too distant future being able to fulfill one of the important areas in our State as tourism, particularly speaking of cultural tourism, through the creation of projects and programs that stimulate cultural education. Said Trust will represent a secure platform for the sustenance of these programs.

Quality Management Trust

Within the management strategy, a team must be considered that supports the guidelines that the new management and governance require. The personnel who will direct this management (ESCROW) must be the engine of the culture of quality within this organization so that decisions and behavior are appropriate to the objective that to a certain extent is aimed at citizens in Quintana Roo. The staff of the organization plays a fundamental role since it is the main resource of the organization and will be made up of volunteers who directly or indirectly offer their services. The management (ESCROW) will have a focus on the correct development of cultural programs so that it must contribute to continuous improvement through communication channels, reports and plans,Likewise, it is contemplated within the strategy to establish alliances with other organizations of the public and private sector for cultural development through the use of agreements.


Promotion of culture in quintana roo mexico