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Business Birth Forms


On this occasion, we are going to look at the companies that exist in our community: have you ever, my dear reader, wondered where the idea that this or that business existed was born? Why did they open it in that particular place? If you are planning to open your own business, I recommend that you identify the origin from which you are starting in order to work on that basis. Let's analyze the conditions by which a company is born:

By necessity: "Every offer is born to satisfy a demand."

There is nothing truer than this and, to verify it, let us ask the owner of the corner market the reason why he started that business. You will most likely be told that, when he opened his business, the closest market was 20 blocks from here, it's true!

Generally, the entrepreneur, before becoming such, was a consumer and, to be exact, an unsatisfied consumer, since he had the bitter experience of needing something and not finding who would provide it, and hence the concern that he has already There is a target market for this or that project, assuming that more people have gone through that unmet need.

So, reader friend, ask yourself: what need is there in my community that is not being met? Or perfect and improve one that already exists, perhaps in your city there are no pharmacies that open 24 hours and you have the opportunity to open one that works under this scheme, add a home service and… what do you have? An innovative business in your community!

2. By experience gained in the area and by prior knowledge of the market

The coconut of many entrepreneurs !: You train your staff to know the operation of the business, the production process, etc., and after two or three years of work during which he learned all aspects of the company, he met your suppliers, related to customers… what's next? Well, take off and want to start your own business.

No way! This previous experience in a business plan is seen as a plus, unlike the previous paragraph, in which if you open the business because it occurred to you and you have no previous experience in it, it can become a critical success factor.

So you, who have this advantage that only experience can give, take advantage of it and start improving everything you saw that did not work correctly where you worked.

Personally, I am of the idea that all competition is healthy as long as the spaces are respected and the capacities of each one are recognized.

By vocation: when you study and specialize to start a certain business,

what is the purpose of the Universities and of any technical education and training institution? We agree that few people enter school as a hobby, even more so if it has a cost of tuition, materials and equipment; This really is an investment, and people enter these training centers to learn how to develop their skills in some specialty.

To what end? In order to earn a living in an honest way and, in addition, in something that they like and for which they have a certain vocation, a successful combination in which we can classify doctors, lawyers, dressmakers, mechanics, pilots And why not? Even the actors even fit into this classification.

By conviction: when you convince yourself that a business is better known to you as "franchises", they are the companies that we can classify within this scheme. Actually, the idea came from someone else here, the operating scheme has already been implemented and the only thing we can do is buy it and work it, since contracts are usually signed with certain terms to continue under the same scheme and continue with the homogeneity that is sought for each franchise.

If you are thinking of buying one, I recommend doing a market study before convincing yourself (or worse, that they convince you without you realizing it) that it will be a business. Remember: no business is the same as another, they are as different as people.

Also in this classification are other companies such as the famous cosmetic lines, underwear lines, sale of shoes by catalog and the sale of a million other things that can be taken as a good business option as long as we have the facility to to be able to sell or move in an environment where there are potential customers for a certain product.

Here we have a certain division of opinions, because there are those who do not consider these people as entrepreneurs because many times they do not have a place of direct sale to the public, but I am of the idea that, as long as you generate money that can be considered as profit, then it can be considered a business, and there are thousands of examples, we all know someone close to us who sells a product through this system.

By devotion: when you belong to a family with the business

In fact, this type of company had its origin at some time, based on one of the other 4 types, but, because it abounds in the market, it is important to make them their special section considering them as what they are.

Here are all those companies where tradition is inherited and generations increasingly specialize in continuing to expand the development of the family business. What happens in these cases?

The generations subsequent to the opening of the business are born in this environment, grow up with that school, live in the business, and their entire family circle as well. They come to occupy the administrations with all the elements instilled since childhood, knowing all the problems of the business and with the devotion that gives them having dedicated their whole lives to the company.

They know that the business was inherited from their parents and their parents from their grandparents and that this way they will pass it on to their children and in this way the lineage of born entrepreneurs will continue. These businesses have the advantage that in each generation they become much more specialized and value is added to the company, to the branding of their product or service, which allows them to strengthen themselves with respect to the competition that arises.

If you realize, dear reader, we can classify any existing company within one of these types of origin, so we could separate them by implemented strategies and study their market service systems. Did you identify the origin of your business? Well! We will be working on that, until next time!

Business Birth Forms