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Financing sources for business projects in mexico

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Nowadays the unemployment rate is regularly increasing, many of those who have this problem mention that unfortunately they do not have a job. But is that really the reason, or is it because the salary offered is very low. Although it is true that the salaries paid in the southern part of our country are lower than those paid in the center or north of it, if there is work; Most of the people from Chiapas are waiting to obtain more income with minimal effort. Now the government offers a large number of projects that help not to be an employee but rather a business owner.

Financing programs that very few know and even worse than a minimum number of people can make use of it. The main reason why this occurs is due to the lack of culture we have to investigate and at the same time this information does not circulate to the majority. from the Chiapas.


Today the unemployment rate steadily increasing, many who have this problem mentioned that unfortunately do not have jobs, But that's really the reason, or is it because the salary offered is very low. While it is true that the salaries paid in the south of our country is less than those paid to the center or north of this, if there is work, mostly people of Chiapas are hoping to get more income for minimal effort. But the government offers a number of projects that help to not be employed if not rather own a business.

Financing programs that few know and even worse than a minimal amount of people can make use of it, the main reason why this happens is because of the lack of culture we have yet to investigate this information does not flow to most of Chiapas.

For years ago, we Mexicans have been complaining about the unemployment that is handled in the different states of the republic, the municipalities have generated statistics that the majority of the result is the lack of employment that Mexicans handle.

Years ago, different programs were also created that are supports of the Mexican government to promote companies, whether small, medium or large. Unfortunately, Mexico has a high rate of corruption, which is why the majority of people who process one of these programs They already know how to manage these funds, that is, they use the resource for their own benefit.

Most of the people of Chiapas are unaware of information that is very important, especially if it is to be able to invest in Chiapas, that is, there are micro businesses that go bankrupt due to lack of cash flow or a monetary investment that, far from seeing it, rather They channel it as an expense, this happens because most business owners have little knowledge of the financial instruments that the state government manages.

Most Mexicans only change our way of thinking and acting when facing something that impacts us and respond positively to adversity in the face of turbulence, but if we are at sea without any storm we like the comfort of the utilities that the business is leaving and we do not aspire to risk doubling the profits.

For this year, the minimum wage in zone c disappears and everyone joins zone b and zone a, which causes workers to be pressured, the gross domestic product sets the tone to indicate the level of production.

High unemployment implies low true gross domestic product - human resources are not being used as fully as possible and are thus missing opportunities to produce goods and services. The economic health and true wealth of nations is closely tied to what can be produced and sold.

The state should try not to fall into recession, which is a period of continued decline in economic activity for two or more quarters. This definition gives us to understand that it is a difficult period for companies that in any case forces them to mass layoffs.

Many people because of this, due to the recession and unemployment that hit everyone, are currently thinking about what business to do, what to invest in, to earn an income.

Many are being laid off, losing their jobs, others are retired and are looking worried about what to do, where to invest their money.

Some have savings, but are afraid of losing them with so many account maintenance costs charged by banks, credit card interest, etc.

The idea of ​​doing a business is not bad, what is bad, is to want to do them without training first, to start them.

Whoever wants to do business must begin by understanding that whoever wants to earn money must invest money; keeping in mind that if you want to earn a lot of money, but invest little, it is better not to do it since that project will fail.

Now Chiapas is the geographic center of the Mesoamerica Project, located in the Trans-isthmic Corridor of America, the gateway to and exit from the Central American Market. It occupies the first places in gas, oil, livestock, poultry and industrial production and has the largest diversity of microclimates in the country.

It has excellent connectivity and infrastructure for business, such as highways and roads; It has 3 airports and the Puerto Chiapas, which connects to the Pacific markets, through the multimodal logistics system.

The state's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was about 261 billion pesos in 2011, contributing 1.9% to the national GDP. Tertiary activities, including real estate services and commerce, contributed 62% to state GDP in 2011.

Chiapas is a state with many possibilities to create a business that, if it works, many of its resources have not been exploited compared to the other states.

The federal and state government In order to bring the services offered by the Federal Ministry of Economy closer, business organizations have provided the Mexican Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AMMJE) with the Tuxtla Gutiérrez chapter, with a Mexico Emprende module, through which the Associates may have subsidized access for: training and consulting, development of Internet pages, online Harvard Diploma courses, as well as financing for equipment, working capital, development of projects through the national incubator system, among others (economy, 2012)

The government must promote and link the development programs of the Public and Private Initiative, thus creating a program that helps in training entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that the Confederation is the link of 57 Mexico Emprende Modules and Centers (Chambers of Commerce) and the Ministry of Economy.

As well as providing services of:

  • Online Training (Course in Harvard Management). Face-to-face Training (Harvard Management, Trademark Registration). Linkage of Consulting of the MDIES Methodology, JICA. Linkage of Programs of the Financing Program. Linkage of the National Franchise Program. Linkage of Incubators of Business.Information of the different existing programs in Economics.Training link for the advisors of Modules and Centers Mexico Emprende

The SME Programs are Advice and information on projects from the SME fund to Chambers that meet the following requirements:

  • Send a request writing mentioning the folio number to the Ministry of Economy to follow up on Project Management. Be up to date in the Documentation of Assembly and Fees with the Confederation. Advice on Programs for Microenterprises before the Ministry of Economy.

This is how the SE supports the development of financial products according to the needs of companies, in all its stages, from seed capital for new entrepreneurs, to loans of larger amounts through bank intermediaries for those companies that won a tender. and that they sell to the Government. To achieve this, there are various instruments that are supported by resources from the SME Fund and the Mexico Emprende Trust.

The total financing to small and medium-sized companies in the Construction industry, affiliated to the CMIC is 2,306 million pesos in the following programs:

  1. 407 companies with 810 million pesos through the Construction Industry Financing Program. 35 companies with 133 million pesos in financing to Federal Government suppliers. 899 companies with 1,363 million pesos in SME credit. Source: CMIC.

"Many companies are temporarily located in the micro or small category, as they are growing, a process that can only be promoted through credit and which must be considered as a business accelerator," said Jorge Schaar, partner at Asesoría Financial of Deloitte México.

Because access to financing causes companies to develop "best administrative practices and new ways to report their financial information", which implies greater discipline and a commitment to their business that open doors to larger financing.

In this sense, the programs stand out: Debt Market, the National Micro-enterprise and the model transfer aspect of the National Franchise Program, among other proposals of the Undersecretariat for Small and Medium Enterprises (SPyME), which are oriented to growing firms.

Every year in Mexico thousands of young university graduates enter the labor market with business aspirations.

They have two main ways to finance the start of their businesses: capital or debt. In both cases, initiatives have been developed that facilitate growth for emerging companies and certainly the Pilot Program for Financing Entrepreneurs through commercial banks. It is a pioneering initiative that represents a success for the Federal Government, since it includes banks in this process, since statistically they are the second source of financing for the entrepreneur, surpassed only by that of the providers. (best, 2012).

In summary, whatever the sources of financing you are looking for, it is important that as an entrepreneur you keep in mind the following points that will be seriously considered by your source of capital:

The approval of a credit depends mainly on the way you present your business project. Doing it seriously and professionally will help you get a positive response.

It must include complete information about the legality of the business and about the guarantees you offer to answer for the capital loaned.

You must have a good bank record and this includes an excellent record in the use of your credit cards.

You must have an excellent work history.

You must have experience and knowledge in the field where you will develop your project. This may apply to your partners.

You must state very clearly the amount you need and describe how it will be used and invested in the business.

With these tips in hand I believe you will be adequately prepared to go and seek the financial help you need to expand your business to new heights.


  • Economy, sd (March 13, 2012). Economic secretary. Retrieved on March 2, 2013, from Económica: Economía - 150-delegations-of-the-se / state / chiapas - ChiapasMejor, v. (September 02, 2012). SMEs our companies. Recovered on March 2, 2013, Mexico undertakes:
Financing sources for business projects in mexico