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Biodynamic farm in the state of trujillo venezuela

Table of contents:


Biodynamic farm in the State of Trujillo Venezuela

1. Introduction

The Trujillo State presents favorable ecological conditions for the integral development of the agricultural area, however, it has not been taken advantage of by the peasant sector, who do not enjoy a decent life, so many of them leave the field.

This project presents a proposal focused on the integration of the rural population through its settlement in which it will exploit agricultural and livestock resources, applying technology that is easy to use and low cost; allowing production that meets the socioeconomic needs of the family group and producing a surplus destined for the market.

The project is divided into two parts: the first corresponds to the theoretical aspects that emphasize the harmonious relations between man and the environment, intervening in the habitat without interrupting the ecological cycle; and the second part presents a feasibility study based on real data complemented with the development of a model.

The main limitation for this project consisted in obtaining current socioeconomic data since the regional institutions do not have the information.

In recent decades, man has managed to improve his life system thanks to technological and scientific advances, but he has only been concerned with enlarging the industry, forgetting about the environment.

Numerous problems are evident, the detrimental effects that agricultural production systems (traditional or modern) generate on soils, waters, animal and plant species are notorious; Due to the inadequate techniques used, a great series of ecological imbalances are introduced that cause accelerated imbalances in the environment; of considerable social and economic repercussions.

Many trujillanas peasant families work and live in precarious conditions; economic income is insufficient to meet the most imminent needs, lack of training, innovative technology prevents them from making the most of resources, and increasing productivity without significant alteration of the environment.

On the other hand, the intervention of the state is scarce, it does not provide financing or adequate technical support, so the peasant is frustrated his aspirations for a better life for his family group, in which for him he is deeply rooted as is the life of the country..

Given the above, the following problem arises:

Is it possible to design a biodynamic farm as an alternative for agricultural production that offers socioeconomic advantages to the Trujillo farmer?

People have various objectives to achieve in search of satisfying their primary needs (physiological, material and spiritual), such as food mainly, a precise example in search of these objectives is farming on farms; This type of cultivation has been developing since ancient times.

Organic farming systems are widely used in developing countries and are increasingly widely accepted in developed countries.

Biodynamic Agriculture: it is part of a whole philosophy, its founder was the philosopher Rudolf Steiner. Although the most developed organic farming method is used in most countries is in northern Europe, Austria devotes six percent (6%) of its productive land to organic farming, followed by Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Scientific advances represent an incalculable contribution to agriculture, hydroponic crops started in Europe in 1930, emerged clearly in the year 1980, experimenting with more than eighty (80) plant species, in Venezuela this technique has been known since 1985.

A Biological Farm was established in 1976 by Carlos Manuel Cox and his family in Jauja, a Peruvian highland region where they grew potatoes and corn for the market, in addition to the other vegetables for consumption. The production of this farm has a guaranteed market among people who prefer natural foods; With the obtained, they have raised a family of three children, assuring them a good future, enjoying a middle-class standard of living. Information from Luis Meza in the article "Alfalfa is Good for Improving Life", which also states that Luisa Cox owns a farm near the Henry Pittier Park in Maracay, Aragua State, producing 700 kg of alfalfa germinated monthly with the hydroponic technique. which represents five million Bs. in monthly profit.

The Agrarian Reform initiated in Venezuela in 1960, conceived to solve the economic aspect related to the productivity and production of the soil, also tries to promote a system that improves the living conditions of the rural population, evidences discouraging results (Vargas and García 1986)

Throughout ten thousand years since the development of agriculture, peoples around the world have discovered the nutritional value of wild plants and animals by domesticating and raising them.

In order to study the aforementioned aspects, a theoretical framework was used through which the elements involved could be analyzed, finding that Agriculture: is defined as art, science and industry, which deals with the exploitation of plants and animals for Human being, broadly speaking agriculture includes soil cultivation, crop development and harvesting, livestock rearing and development, milk exploitation and poultry farming (Microsoft Encarta 98. Agriculture).

In the economic system, agriculture, part of the important primary sector, is the indispensable platform for production, but at the same time it is inserted within the microeconomy. (Microsoft Encarta 98. Microeconomics), a concept that describes the way in which individuals or families (home economics) determine their demand for goods and services, and how they manage resources to produce goods and services that satisfy a social need.

The spaces where agricultural activity is practiced are Las Granjas, whose size varies enormously from one region to another, also depending on the purpose of the exploitation; In developing countries, individual subsistence farms and small farms are the most numerous.

New philosophical trends have impacted agricultural production by introducing innovative trends such as organic farming, a production system that largely rejects or excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and plant growth regulators and feed additives (food) of cattle. Whenever possible, it uses crop rotation, crop residues, animal manure, green manure legumes, organic residues, and biological pest control to maintain productivity and tillage the soil., provide nutrients for plants and control weeds and other pests (Microsoft Encarta 98. Agriculture)

The Biodynamic Farm: agricultural production unit in which man interacts with the environment in a relationship of respect, requires reduced amounts of energy, reuses or processes all waste, uses organic elements, integrates production processes that are driven by a displayable economy. (AN Environmental Education, 1980).

Experiments carried out on cellular nutrition during the last three hundred years, such as that of Jean Baptista Van Helmont, who in the 17th century demonstrated that the development and growth of plants could not be due to the fact that plants eat the soil "as Aristotle believed, but because they took water and substances from the atmosphere; To demonstrate this Van Helmont planted a 2.3 kg young willow tree in a known amount of soil (90 kg) and after taking care of it for five years found that the weight of the soil had only decreased by 57 grams, while the willow tree increased. 76.44 Kg. Van Helmont concluded that the plant had only been formed exclusively by rainwater,The conclusion, although erroneous, is understandable given the time the experiment was carried out, since at that time the effect of light and CO2 was unknown.

Mazparrote, S. 1989). Checking that the soil only absorbed nutrients and maintained moisture.

These studies served for the development of cultivation techniques such as Hydroponics: which is a method in which plants thrive thanks to chemical nutrient solutions. Landless cultivation began in the 1980s as a result of the cultivation techniques employed by plant physiologists; in cellular nutrition experiments. As research progressed, hydroponic techniques were successfully applied to more than eighty plant species; Easy to use, this technique soon became popular around the world, in domestic crops (including apartments) and large-scale planting.

The agricultural items to be cultivated in the biodynamic farm of this study are Sweet Pepper (Capsicum frutenscens) and Corn (Zea maís).

The sweet pepper (Capsicum frutenscens), is native to Tropical America, has characteristics of a shrub. The fruit has a rhomboid shape, medium between 2 and 3 cm. diameter; Sweet and yellowish when ripe. The sweet pepper fruit does not last more than two weeks after harvesting and ripening.

To grow Sweet Pepper, the best fruits are chosen, the seeds are extracted, transplanted to the hydroponic crop after 26 days of germination, fruiting occurs after 90 days, collecting 4.5 kg per plant, an amount higher than 3 Kg. Of what is harvested on land (Romero 1999).

The other plant is to cultivate maize (Zea mais), originating in America is a grain that is harvested for 90 days, requiring fertile soil, planting soil quickly depletes continuous (Microsoft Encarta 98.Maíz.)

From corn grown by The hydroponic technique obtains the green forage in fourteen days with a yield of 4.5 kg per kg of seeds. Hydroponic green forage is rich in protein and is used in feed for cattle, goats and cattle increasing productivity in milk, meat which is also used in cunicultura with excellent results (Arévalo Rodríguez, 1997)

Concerning Rabbit farming is indicated in the livestock area.

The rabbit: is a mammal belonging to the Leporidae family, within the order of the Lagomorphs. It is the Oryctolagus cuniculus species, they live in burrows forming colonies; they give birth to a large litter, between three and eight young, and they reproduce between four and eight times a year; the gestation period lasts about one month, the offspring reach sexual maturity at six months of age and their longevity is about ten years. These animals, weighing between one and five kilograms, and measuring between 30 and 60 cm in length, feed on plant matter, including the bark of trees. Their preferred habitat is areas of loose, dry soil. Rabbits have a lot of value for human beings, because, in addition to being consumed for their skin and meat, they have an important hunting advantage.

In Trujillo State, 80% of the land is less than 10 hectare; 27% of the economically active population occupies them (the national average is only 11%), figures indicated by González Francisco, who also in his book "Trujillo el Failibista Fatalista" refers to the income of families in rural areas when cites a study carried out by the National Agrarian Institute on the axis of Cáus-Pocó in the lower part of the State, detecting that 70.68% had an income equal to or less than 100,000 Bs. per month; the family group according to the XII Population Census is made up of an average of six (06) people, it is obvious that these incomes are insufficient and that these rural families hardly survive in circumstances of serious destitution.

Vargas Ponce and García Álvarez, point out that the Agrarian Reform law has not advanced in the dimensions required by the social and economic needs of the Venezuelan Nation, its main significance of a fairer system for the peasant, incorporating the task to the different orders. human has not been reached; many families abandon the countryside or sell their land due to lack of technical, credit and marketing assistance. These authors also point out the detrimental effects that this modality of Agrarian Reform generate in the environment and consider that putting into practice a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform that controls the different phases and variables of the productive process of the field, the progress of environmental degradation.An Integral Agrarian Reform will conceive agriculture in a Biodynamic Farm as an adaptation to the natural environment that is to be exploited in which peasant families are guardians of well-being, incorporating them into progress, understood as the well-known application of scientific knowledge of the nature tending to increase productivity and living standards without detriment to the quality of the environment, perpetuating life in the Universe.

Based on the above, the following objectives are proposed.

General objective:

Design a biodynamic farm project that guarantees high levels of agricultural productivity, applicable to different climatic zones that allows improving the standard of living of families from Trujillo; deriving from this the following

Specific objectives:

Show the productivity of the project establishing the utility of the biodynamic farm. Demonstrate that the incorporation of hydroponic cultivation and rabbit breeding are simple and highly productive techniques. Highlight the advantages offered by natural means in production without altering the balance of the environment.

This project is justified for various reasons, one of them being that the Trujillo State is a region with an agricultural tradition in which rudimentary cultivation techniques are used, with low yields, a situation that markedly affects the quality of life of the rural population. The creation of agricultural production models under the premises of operability, simplicity, low investment, high sustainable yields, represents an opportunity to promote agricultural development, improves the socioeconomic conditions of the family groups that live in rural areas; at the same time that the roots of man with his environment are created.

An established family group with income obtained with the participation of its members develops a sense of security, belonging, solidarity, and satisfaction of their basic needs, in addition to cultural, social and spiritual needs; it forms individuals with opportunities to develop their full genetic, psychological, useful potential to themselves and to the world around them; This project conceived as a family business in which even the youngest children intervene (ease of handling) represents a functional scheme that increases the quality of life of each of its members, while reconciling man as an important element of the production, and not as just another economic means, distancing it from modern alienation.

Studies show that the action of man has produced deterioration of the environment, society clamors for the maintenance of nature and that is how national and international organizations should join forces to adopt appropriate actions in fair balance with natural laws; The concept of biodynamic farm integrates with this need to return to nature either in the production process or in the offer of products free of contaminants, which of course are more beneficial to those who consume them.

2. Methodology

This is a project that shows the socioeconomic situation of the rural Trujillo family; Based on the magnitude of the imbalance and establishing priorities in the different problems encountered, a prospective model of farm production unit is planned using organic farming as a strategy.

This proposal includes the formulation of the theoretical model to which it aspires, within the operational feasibility and demographic forecasts, as well as other factors of the ecology and socioeconomic development of the country.

The project is aimed at the geographical area of ​​the Trujillo State for being an adaptable model to different climatic floors, designed to be used in the rural environment dispersed on a one-hectare farm; Its adaptability is given by the type of crop to be used according to the climate. The procedure to design the proposal was as follows

Obtaining data on the geographic conditions of the state, as well as those on the socioeconomic variables of families in rural areas.

Determination of the cost of the equipment and materials offered by the different existing companies.

Compilation of information in the state organisms that constitutes the infrastructure and would offer support to the project: (INNAVI, Malariología, IAN, Sistema Hidráulico Trujillano, CORPOANDES, FONAIAP and ULA extension NURR)

Analysis of the data obtained to support the feasibility study that makes the project viable.

Three-dimensional scale representation of the physical structure of family-use and production facilities on a model.

3. Development of the proposal


Biodynamic farm as an alternative for agricultural production.


A model of agricultural exploitation unit, using the natural cycle of production, highly profitable to obtain a better quality of life for the rural Trujillo family while maintaining the ecological balance.


A Biodynamic Farm planned with innovative methods of high production, in which man and nature are harmoniously interrelated, for the integral and transcendent development of the families that live in the fields of Trujillo.


Show the structural and functional characteristics of the model.

Quantify the economic resources to invest for installation and development.

Highlight the usefulness of the Farm for the peasant family, focused on productive profitability.

Identify the administrative technical capacity of the Trujillo state to initiate and maintain the effectiveness of the formulated plan.

Geographic Dimension:

The project is designed for the entire area of ​​the Trujillo territory in its geopolitical limits (it limits to the north with the states of Zulia and Lara, to the south with Barinas and Mérida, to the east with Lara and Portuguesa and to the west with Lake Maracaibo.). Adaptable to different climatic floors, it allows preserving the ecological balance.

The demographic aspect corresponds to the rural Trujillo family, a population that is representative of the entity, defining it as an agricultural state.

Temporary dimension:

It has been divided into two stages:

1st. Stage: corresponding to the construction of the physical plant and equipment facilities - three months (03).

2nd. Stage: Settlement of the family, start of agricultural production three months (03).

Instrumental Unit:

The project is conceived for the rural area, being the family of six (06) members who develop them.


The necessary physical space is one hectare of land, in which various integrated structures are established, but for different purposes:

Family facilities.

Agricultural facilities.

Internal roads.

Facilities Description:

Living place:

Detached house of 54 m2. of a plant Rural model VR 2000. 01.01 (Malariology and Environmental Sanitation design). Concrete structure: tile roof, three rooms (with closet each), a reception room. Kitchen - dining room, laundry room and 3 m. of patio and a sanitary room, services of direct water, electricity and sewage.

Agricultural production:

The physical plant of the production is made up of two (2) hydroponic sheds of 140 m2 each: Constructed of concrete, with a heated roof and metal protection around it. With capacity for 57 trays respectively, with recyclable intermittent irrigation system, two aerial tanks and one underground with a capacity of 9 m3 each.

A Sowing Rack with capacity for 15 mothers, built of concrete, tile roof and cement floor, with a capacity of 150 cages for the production of 50 rabbits per month.

A storage shed consisting of two sections:

A chemical area of ​​18 m2 and a veterinary area of ​​12 m2.

Internal communication routes:

A 100 m paved road and a 25 m2 paved parking lot. Internal paved roads.

Agricultural implements:

Wheelbarrows, shovels, hoses, cleaning materials and harvesting implements. Equipment: a five horsepower hydraulic pump.


Drinking water supply by pipeline. Sewage collection system to drain septic tanks. Electricity supply by central network, external lighting by five posts. A sanitary landfill area for final disposal of garbage and waste.


Production is integrated as follows:

A hydroponic shed for 800 sweet pepper plants, for a production of 2800Kr. Which is equal to 186000 Bs. Per month (Price of sweet pepper 400 Bs. Kg. For 05/08/00 to the producer.

A hydroponic house to produce hydroponic green forage for 57 trays, which produce 255 kg every 15 days (68.4 kg daily). This forage is used to feed rabbits.

A shed for rabbits with capacity for 15 mothers that produce 150 rabbits of 4,500 each, for a total of 225 kg of rabbit per month.

Project name: Biodynamic Farm. Rural area of ​​Estado Trujillo. Model: GB2000.01-01 Surface: 1 Hectare.
No. Description: Dimension: Quantity: Unit price: Total price:
01 VR Housing 2000-01.01. 54 m 2. 1.00 2,000,000 Bs. 2,000,000 Bs.
02 Hydroponic shed 140 m 2. 2.00 2,250,000 Bs. 4,500,000 Bs.
03 Shed for rabbits. 117 m 2. 1.00 2,000,000 Bs. 2,000,000 Bs.
04 Warehouse shed. 18 m 2. 1.00 750,000 Bs. 750,000 Bs.
05 Underground tank. 30 m 3. 1.00 500,000 Bs. 500,000 Bs.
06 Aerial tank. 30 m 3. 2.00 500,000 Bs. 1,000,000Bs.
07 Internal roads. 100 m. 1.00 250,000 Bs. 250,000 Bs.
08 Hydraulic pump. 5 cab. F. 1.00 200,000 Bs. 200,000 Bs.
09 Irrigation system. 150 m. 1.00 300,000 Bs. 300,000 Bs.
10 Metal cage 3.5 m 2. 150.00

2,000 Bs.

300,000 Bs.
General total in: 11,800,000 Bs.
Payment Description
Annual Payments with 10% Interest (20 years) 649000 Bs. Monthly payments Bs 54083
Monthly in Bs. Quarterly in Bs, Annual in Bs.
Agricultural Ing 150000 450000 1800000
Assistant: 120000 360000 1440000
Veterinarian 90000 270000 1080000
Nutrients 18000 54000 216000
General expenses 60000 180000 720000
Basic Basket 350000 10,500,000 4200000
Total 738000 2214000 9456000
Heading Quantity per unit (kg) Total production in kg. Price (05/08/00) Total in Bs.Monthly
Sweet pepper 3,500 933.30 Monthly 400 374000
Forage 4,500 510 « 90 45900
Rabbits 4,500 225 « 2000 450000
Per month Bs By quarter Bs Per year Bs
Sales cost 738000 2214000 9646900
Production 869900 2609700 10438800
Income from operations. 131900 395700 791900

Original text

Elaboración de la maqueta:

Materiales: los materiales empleados en la elaboración de la maqueta de la Granja Biodinámica, fueron de bajo costo, de fácil acceso generalmente materiales de desecho.


Se diseño la granja biodinámica, con la distribución de los diferentes elementos que esta posee, en una superficie plana de 100 cm x 160 cm, en donde se levantaría la maqueta.

La estructura de la granja en la maqueta fue adaptada a la escala 1:40 en donde 2 m equivalen 5cm (2 x100/40).

Se estudió la estructura de los galpones donde se practica la hidropónia y la cunicultura, al igual la estructura física de la vivienda que ofrece Malariología y Saneamiento ambiental para adaptarla a la maqueta, como también la vialidad interna, la zona de carga, los depósitos y los tanques.

Los materiales empleados para la elaboración de la maqueta de la granja biodinámica, fueron generalmente materiales de bajo costo y otros de desechos; de fácil manejo y manipulación extraídos de los alrededores de nuestras viviendas.

4. Factibilidad

En esta parte se revisan, comparan y precisan aquellos aspectos que conforman las bases intangibles y las materiales, fundamentalmente los recursos naturales, la infraestructura y las organizaciones existente, potenciales enormes para un desarrollo a escala humana del proyecto de Granja Biodinámica

Aspectos Geográficos:

El estado Trujillo se caracteriza por la heterogeneidad física y climática, pisos de clima cálido intermedios y hasta muy fríos, estas condiciones ambientales por favorables al establecimiento de La Granja Biodinámica en razón de que los cultivos pueden cambiarse por aquellos que mejor se adapten al clima, diversificando la producción.

Factores Ambientales:

Las zonas rurales están siendo intervenidas a gran escala alterando el equilibrio del ecosistema, el uso de métodos inadecuados en la agricultura, utilizados inadecuadamente, están afectando a los suelos, a los ríos en sus cursos y cabeceras, la flora y la fauna, modificando la hermosura del paisaje natural; en este aspecto se impone la necesidad del resguardo ambiental como un factor básico puesto que cualquier propuesta por muy buena que sea no podría realizarse si la vida ha desaparecido. Una amenaza tan grave, como la que vive el estado Trujillo puede ser un punto de partida para nuevas alternativas como La Granja Biodinámica, pues en ella se realiza una interrelación entre hombre y naturaleza con condición de respeto del primero.

Factor Demográfico:

Con un 66% de la población en el área rural, Trujillo posee un potencial extraordinario para el establecimiento de La Granja Biodinámica, este numeroso contingente de mano de obra con vocación y experiencia agrícola es una de las fortalezas del estado puesto que ya ellos pertenecen al medio rural y no hay que inducirlos a vivir en otro entorno (lo que conlleva tempo, costo y no hay resultados garantizados);

Factor Tecnológico:

La estrategia de la agricultura natural (biológica) emplea una tecnología de pequeña escala, integradora, no violenta; este concepto incorporado a los elementos estructurales de la Granja Biodinámica se constituye en una tecnología accesible, de fácil manejo, caracterizado por su sencillez, apropiada, permanente, autofuncional y autorreguladora.

No requiere de maquinarias costosas y complicadas así como de asesoramiento técnico especial, que elevaría los costos; además no hay preocupación por riesgos de plagas, lluvias, contaminaciones, puesto que las condiciones ambientales de los cultivos y de las crías de animales están bajo el control del productor.

Factor Expectativa de Cambio:

«La realización plena de los hombres y de todos los hombres» como afirma Juan XXIII en su Encíclica Populorum Progressio, es una expectativa presente en las comunidades rurales, un proceso de cambio al que aspira, consistente en la incorporación en proporciones crecientes de fuerzas de trabajo a formas de producción modernas, y la incorporacxión de la población a los beneficios de la educación, asistencia social, información, recreación.

Estas aspiraciones son frecuentemente reseñadas por los medios de comunicación verbal y escritas a través los cuales los campesinos manifiestan públicamente sus reclamos, sobre las mejoras de la vialidad agrícola, servicios, educación, salud, asistencia técnica y crediticia; del análisis de estos planteamientos se desprende una conclusión muy importante: el campesino trujillano quiere mejorar sus condiciones de vida, pero allá en el medio en que le es conocido, y por esto reclama y hace oír su voz con la esperanza de ser escuchado.

Aún frente a una situación con la mayoría de la población en diferentes grados de adaptación de la pobreza, siempre hay grupos que toman conciencia del problema y buscan algunas salidas, para en su propio sitio y desde de su propia condición separar las barreras del atraso, columbrando un futuro mejor. Esta necesidad de cambios, profundamente sentida por la familia rural es el elemento básico para el proyecto de Granja Biodinámica ya que es compatible con los objetivos de la población a la que va dirigida, el éxito de la propuesta dependerá en cualquier lugar y fundamentalmente de que sea aceptado y recibido por la familia rural.

La Granja Biodinámica es un buen camino para el reto de un desarrollo trujillano más auténtico, basados en empresas de tamaños pequeños que usen tecnologías adecuadas conectadas con el sitio a través de todos su factores de producción.

Factor Socioeconómico:

Una situación tan grave como la que vive el estado Trujillo puede ser un punto de partida para un proceso de desarrollo con nuevas alternativas más humana y solidarias, auténticas y, más eco sistemáticas.

El 84% de la población vive en estado de alta pobreza con el más bajo producto por habitantes del país, consecuencias de bajas tazas de producción y productividad agropecuarias, situación que podría ser un obstáculo para el nacimiento de la granja biodinámica bajo una perspectiva racional, se visualiza como un catalizador del proyecto puesto que se establece una relación de máximo rendimiento sostenibles a una baja inversión.

La opción económica que oferta la Granja Biodinámica hace énfasis en las actividades altamente productivas, recuperación de la inversión a mediano plazo cinco (5) años de acuerdo a lo cual puede ser auto financiado en algunos casos por la familia; para aquellas, carentes de recursos el estado podría crear un programa crediticio ya que el costo de la Granja Biodinámica es bajo y por esta razón se puede beneficiar a numerosas familias y aún más dotarse de tierras para la Granja. Ya el estado Trujillo ha vivido experiencia, el ejemplo está en algunos agricultores de los valles altos que en el corto lapso de diez años al adoptar la cultura de riego, sistema el cual el aporte del estado estuvo presentándose en la asistencia proporcionada por CORPOANDES, estos pioneros con su esfuerzo ha llevado a que hoy el estado Trujillo sea el primer productor de hortalizas, papas, ajo y ápio entre otros alimentos. Este ejemplo sirve para destacar que la Granja Biodinámica tiene si se asume como propulsor del desarrollo regional se lograría crecimiento económico y social sostenibles con la intervención directa o indirecta del estado.

Factor Recursos:

Recursos humanos: en el estado hay personal con capacitación agropecuaria, que pueden ofrecer el asesoramiento necesario a las familias productoras.

Recursos materiales: los recursos y materiales que son necesarios para la Granja Biodinámica están disponibles en comercio del estado y su costo es accesible

Recursos administrativos: los diversos organismos administrativo, técnicos y financieros, dirigidos a la asistencia agropecuaria funcionan en diversa localidades del estado, lo que favorece ampliamente a este proyecto (INNAVI, Malariología, IAN, Sistema Hidráulico Trujillano, CORPOANDES, FONAIAP y ULA extensión NURR).

Recursos financieros: el bajo costo del proyecto permite el autofinanciamiento por la familia igualmente pueden ser otorgados créditos a numerosas familias por parte de las instituciones públicas o del estado.

5. Conclusiones

La Granja Biodinámica representa grandes ventajas desde el punto de vista económico, bajos costos, fácil manejo y alta productividad, por lo que representa una opción posible para que las familias rurales del estado Trujillo puedan incorporarse al progreso.

El enfoque integral es un elemento que favorece el sistema ecológico, ya que hay un equilibrio entre la producción, el productor y el ambiente.

Este sencillo proyecto podría desarrollarse de manera inmediata puesto que existe una mayoría de factores favorables a su aplicación; en los momentos de la reducción presupuestaria y la imperiosa necesidad de aumentar la producción de alimentos la Granja Biodinámica se constituye en la plataforma socioeconómica, para alcanzar un mundo mejor para todos.

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Biodynamic farm in the state of trujillo venezuela