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Ideas to make your internet cafe profitable

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If you have thought that an Internet Café as we call it in Guatemala (or whatever you know it, net cafes, cyber cafes, cyber cafes, cyber cafes etc.), could be a profitable business, let me make some suggestions, since like everything Business, planned and operated efficiently, can become a source of income.

A few years ago we had the idea with my wife of setting up a business of this nature, we had no experience in this field but we did have experience in business management and especially in the computer area, both at the software and hardware level, so we thought that There was not much that we could lose, since practically everything could be assembled ourselves without the need to hire third parties and if at a certain moment it did not work, we would auction the equipment among the same clientele.

Over time and as the business grew, we understood the factors involved in the development and profitability of this type of business, perhaps the most important being related to location and strategies to face the competition.

The location in a high-traffic site is a determining factor, the best are those close to business centers, educational establishments or high-density population centers, as they guarantee the availability of enough customers to maintain an ideal business occupation.

Since the square (location) is so important, both you and the competition will see the same advantage, so chances are someone else will decide to compete for the same piece of cake, don't worry, get busy and be creative, the competition will It will force you to think and many times when you rethink the business, you will find the true source of income you were looking for, do not get into a price war, compete for the preference of your customers and for that, here are some ideas.

Look and feel:

Consider that 80% of your clients will be young people and young adults, to whom the visual of both the equipment, the place and the staff that attends them, will definitely influence their preference, emotions outweigh reasons when choosing where to buy. You do not have to make large investments in decoration and furniture, but be creative, maximize space, play with the environments and if you do not have the necessary knowledge and taste, seek advice.

Quality services:

The public will stay away from your services if there is a rumor that their computers fail a lot, that they are old, slow and that they are also full of viruses, beware of the but publicity that your business can generate, viral marketing works and works very Well, negative publicity destroys business, the customer will hardly give you a second chance. Recommendation: (worth the free publicity) you have thought of Mac computers (Apple, iMac), they are impressive in their presentation, they have spectacular performance, their ease of use is unparalleled and they are not contaminated with viruses, many say they are expensive, but their failure rate is so low, that what you invest in the initial purchase, you save more than in maintenance and repairs, not to mention the look and status they will bring to your business.


It would not help much if your business is closed, when your potential audience has the time to use your services, study your market, survey customers, do research, determine the hours and days when they, your clients They require and can buy from you, tailor your offer to the customer, a business that reacts according to demand has a high probability of being successful, the information added to its flexibility will be your secret weapon.

Collateral services:

Much of a cyber café's relevant revenue originates not from equipment rental, but rather from the sale of complementary services and products, so re-investigate everything that those users might need, from printing, scanning, photocopying, digital photography, fax service, burning discs, supplies, paper, discs, USB memories, inks, sweets, snacks, drinks, recharges and cell phone cards, etc.

Investigate your environment, if you are convinced that you want to make your investment a truly satisfactory experience, hard work awaits you, life is not easy, those who offer you to get rich effortlessly lie to you, it does not have to be impossible or everything a suffering, but it will require a lot of effort, work, perseverance and time, it will not be for tomorrow, but the formula works, do the homework and you will get the benefits.

Your business should not focus only on those who visit your premises, your environment is something that you should not neglect, whether it is located in a commercial, business or residential sector, in all of them people, people with service needs work, study or live that you can supply, the secret is to know those needs and develop the products and services as the client needs them, courses on specific topics, raising of texts, graphic design, making flyers, catalogs and promotional items, making up advertising blankets, order information and research downloads, sale of equipment and accessories, etc., meeting rooms, work and study groups, training areas, etc., do your research and get creative.

Don't neglect costs:

One aspect that directly influences their profitability is operating costs, for example, many entrepreneurs choose to buy used, obsolete or short-lived equipment, with the sole objective of saving some money in setting up the business, which It will affect recurring costs in repairs and technical support, but what is worse, lost opportunities and customers.

Finally, according to our experience, the greatest effort to keep an Internet cafe working is related to the software and the problems caused by the hateful viruses. So if you are going to run the business yourself, it is time to catch up with the technology and if you do not have it, acquire the necessary knowledge or surround yourself with talented, enthusiastic and creative staff, in addition to including mice in your shopping list. and additional keyboards, you will need them.

He has, and for no reason allow abuse or pornography, many successes in his endeavor and see you in the next installment.

Ideas to make your internet cafe profitable