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Ingredients to undertake


The roots of a project lie in two aspects: first in what you have been able to clarify through your vision (the place where you are going), define your mission (who you are and what you offer) and define your objectives.

If I lose my job I become an entrepreneur.

Have you ever spoken these words during your bad days at work?

In times of great difficulty like the ones we are experiencing now, many people are beginning to think this way: if I lose my job, I become an entrepreneur.

Words like these give us hope when it comes to thinking that if we lose our job the world will not end and that we will always have outlets.

But what if that really happened? Would we be able to continue as entrepreneurs?

From my personal experience, and from what I have been able to observe from others, I can safely say that this is not always the case.

When they lose their jobs, many people go into a state of shock, from which it is difficult for them to get out. At first they don't believe it, then sadness and fear arrive with force, not to mention the orchestra of negative thoughts that materializes in the mind. And the truth is that all this is quite paralyzing and frustrating.

What to do then? Where to start a business?

It starts with you first, try to stay calm and think clearly, trust and keep faith in a higher power that wants the best for you. Learn to create words of encouragement within yourself without getting hooked on other words that make you small and constantly discourage you. I have had a whole arsenal of words with which I judged myself very harshly. What are yours?

Try to be attentive to your thoughts, educate yourself to think differently. At first you must have a lot of perseverance in being attentive to what you say to yourself, then, little by little, it will be easier for you to detect your negative thoughts.

Emotions can also be quite treacherous in periods of transition, so if you are afraid to try something new, try to find out what the reason for this fear is.

If you really want to be an entrepreneur, prepare for disappointment, because disappointment is an important part of your learning as an entrepreneur.

I've seen people with great new business ideas. Their enthusiasm lasts for about a month, then disappointment takes over. Soon the enthusiasm wanes and all they have to say is "It was a good idea, but it didn't work."

It wasn't the idea that didn't work, but the disappointment worked better and faster. These people allowed their impatience to turn to disappointment and then they let it defeat them.

Many times that impatience is the result of not receiving an immediate financial reward.

So, make sure that perseverance and patience are your allies. A good idea is not enough, you have to work hard so that it gets ahead and becomes first a project with a face and eyes, and then it materializes in reality, and even then, you have to move on.

Each project needs to materialize into something physical and put deep roots, this gives stability to the project and allows it to grow.

The roots of a project lie in two aspects: first in what you have been able to clarify through your vision (the place where you are going), define your mission (who you are and what you offer) and define your medium and short objectives term. Second, the stability of a business consists of the actions that you have planned to implement in order to achieve your goal, through which you get closer and closer to your final goal (your vision).

Then, an entrepreneur's job is to persist in actions, have confidence (faith) that things are going to turn out, and have the humility to observe what is going well (and celebrate) and what is going wrong to find another way of doing things, another option, another possibility.

An old saying says “if you always do the same thing, you will always get the same results; if you want different results, do different things ”that simple, no mysteries, no more.

For me, undertaking (although it may not seem like it) is a very spiritual act. It is like taking a step into a void, not knowing what awaits us on the other side after having taken the great leap.

Only great faith in you, or in your project, or in something bigger than yourself, can sustain you in this creative void.

I don't want to get too mystical J so I just want to end this article inspiring you with three words:

  • Faith: to inspire yourself Work: to create / materialize Humility: to learn and improve.
Ingredients to undertake