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Business initiatives and franchises in universities


About 15 years ago a team of students decided to develop a virtual business project, when they made their proposal it did not seem very attached to reality and I considered that they were inventing something subjective to pass the subject of entrepreneurs

As a teacher I have learned not to doubt the dreams or inventions of the students, because it would be as much as doubting what Jules Verne wrote a long time ago and that we are now living it. Internet businesses have proliferated, they offer their products or services in virtual form and the consumer society that makes their purchases and this means is constantly increasing due to the ease of consulting a large number of options from the comfort of their home, comparing them and choosing the one that best suits your needs.

Currently, young graduates face a lack of employment opportunity and a salary that does not correspond to the academic level or the experience acquired. These are no longer the times when companies hacked specialists in a certain activity and offered them good benefits, enough to live comfortably without considering salary. Currently these gurus or specialists are around the world giving lectures on what were their wonderful times.

Today my dear young people, you were denied the possibility of climbing in a renowned company because the managers are tightly attached to their position and do not even think about removing them because they are the ones who know more about the business than you, so you must start with what they are offered and maybe they will work in something that they do not even like or where they do not apply what they studied, so that they finally spend their lives denying that job and that is where they get retirement over the years.

May this precious drama serve to touch the physical, mental and spiritual sensitivity of each one of you and arm yourself with courage so that you take advantage of your best years of youth and decide to be perhaps like that group of young people who in a garage decided to form a business where, blah. blah. blah… and now a poor little boy from that group, who maybe you once heard the name of Bill Gates mentioned, who is one of the richest and most famous tycoons in the world. What about the great talents of these times! Where are they?

The use of technology offers browsers a great variety of businesses of all kinds and the opportunity to make the best of purchases. Do you have any idea that can be developed on the internet? What are you waiting for! In internet franchises, there are travel businesses, jobs, schools, consultants, etc. and with the use of this medium, many businesses have grown in their different spheres, whether national and international, that operate through Cyberspace with great success.

Today's future is doing business in this medium where you can develop new concepts using technology to create jobs in this mode. In these businesses the user can operate directly in real time, request and pay if they wish and make their payment with a credit or debit card for the service or product that is offered.

The joke of these businesses for online use is that the franchisor of this concept will be able to count on attractive commissions and compete with any business of the same line of business, in a market which must be at the forefront and constantly updated.

If you have a computer with network access, you can develop your own employment with this modality from your home, school or office. The interesting thing is in a good concept, in its programs and detailed manuals for future training, training, commercial support and continuous support to each franchisee because, under this format, the good image and excellent service to customers can be controlled. who deserve all the trust and respect to keep them forever.

Business initiatives and franchises in universities