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Innovation as a tool for business success


"Innovate or Die", how many times have we heard and used this phrase, either personally; in a change of look, of attitude. Or professionally; starting a master's degree, new challenges, etc… Within a company, innovation has to involve all departments and all job levels, with managers being in charge of motivating it towards employees, to be more competitive. But it is not as easy as it sounds, since it implies leaving your comfort zone, an effort and a change.

According to Sherman Gee, innovation is the process in which, from an idea, invention or recognition of a need, a useful product, technique or service is developed and commercially accepted.

That is to say, it is not only about changing for innovation, it is creating and directing efforts in all departments, processes and operations of the company, to meet customer needs, through a final product or service. It is worth mentioning that most companies invariably have the following phrases as Mission: "Satisfy the needs of customers", "Support, provide the best service to our customers", "Exceed the expectations of the target market", etc…, all totally focused on customers.

An organization's Mission "is its overall purpose," according to OC Ferrel and Geoffrey Hirt. (Introduction to Business in a Changing World, McGraw Hill, 2004).

But today we live in a highly competitive and saturated market, caused by the effect of globalization, which leads companies to constantly innovate in their products or processes. But most managers make innovation decisions, putting aside the Mission, the general purpose of the company; rather than customer-focused innovations. That is the big difference between the success and failure of a company.

Cuando la empresa enfoca sus innovaciones en los procesos internos, ya sean operativos y administrativos, o en un departamento específico, por ejemplo; Recursos Humanos, o Finanzas: y toman decisiones desde restructurar, eliminando puestos; hasta dejar de invertir en estrategias de Publicidad, con la finalidad de minimizar costos; cuando esto solo origina engañarse en la obtención de mayores ingresos al final del ejercicio; y entre sus colaboradores origina desconfianza y deslealtad; y ante los clientes y competidores, una mala imagen.

When a company focuses its innovations on the customer, and all its processes, and all its departments focused on the needs or requirements of customers. For example; create a product or service for the total satisfaction of the client's needs, based on a market study, technologies, creativity and new trends; put your Human Resources department to work in restructuring operations and job functions, focus them on finding information from new clients; and invest and rethink the Advertising strategy. All this, of course, through a work plan, establishing commitments with its collaborators to fulfill it; what will thus originate; involved, loyal collaborators; always be one step ahead of the competitors; and in front of clients, a good image.And this will certainly lead the company to become more profitable and successful.

Innovation as a tool for business success