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Innovation: the best strategy is to be different


The next 20 years will be the top 20 most interesting years of humanity!

In these times of rapid change and growth we are facing special situations. And this requires transformation in companies.

The first thing you have to ask yourself , what is happening in the market? , for this I present the following graph.

Innovation is not an idea that occurs. Innovating is being able to create a different and profitable business model. I present you 4 keys that will help you rethink the current business model:

- Value proposition: What do you offer, what do you sell? Because they are different? Why will the market prefer you?

- Customer: How do you relate to the customer, how is your marketing? How is your way of communicating with your client?

- Channels and distribution: How do you deliver that value proposition?

- Operations: Back Office: How do you organize yourself to offer that value proposition to those customers through the channels?

We will always find standard offers, superior offers, and a market willing to decide on the best value proposition. However, competition has led them to converge in the pursuit of the same objectives by offering the same products. It is right here where we find the answer. You should not compete with the same products for the same market niches. "The key to success is not trying to be the best by beating others, but to be different."

Whoever has a differentiated strategy should not fear competition from other more powerful companies. The best competitive strategy is the one that leaves some customers dissatisfied to make others truly happy. Still, maintaining a unique position is not a solid condition for keeping the risk of imitation at bay.

What really sets me apart from my competitors?

The answer, we call it: Unique Selling Proposition or USP (Unique Selling Proposition.). Most companies don't promise anything of great value, "Buy us from us… just because." It is confirmed that companies that do not have a strong, clear and attractive USP only survive. The current client demands much more than a place located in the best corner.

The key is to discover what is unique, different and exclusive about your product or service - and state it in a clear and concise way. That is, determine your attributes, give them weight and then make the value proposition. If you can't articulate it clearly and with impact, your clients won't be able to understand it.

When a customer or prospect thinks of buying a product or service like yours, your USP should instantly bring your company to mind. When this happens, the success of your business is inevitable. For this, a good communication strategy is vital, to facilitate and simplify the purchase decision: this is what we call brand positioning.

Companies must create a strategy of differentiation in attributes that sometimes does not seem important. Here's a Value Formula:

Consistency: there should be minimal variation in the product or service. Exm. If we wait between 5 to 15 minutes to be attended at a Bank window.

Can we accept that it becomes in 20 to 30 minutes?

Support and service: Discover your deficiencies in the processes so that you are not attacked head-on.

Image: the company or brand must give prestige and status, it must be pleasant to be associated with it. Can you imagine a gas company that bears the brand name "Gas Explosion"? or

Performance: the brand must satisfy the consumer, exceeding their expectations. Company A attacks Company B head-on, "don't spend, buy."

Finally, the companies that sell the most are those that manage to associate their brands with a way, with a lifestyle that people want. Marketing 3.0: Marketing of social value.

Innovation: the best strategy is to be different