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Technological innovation and socioeconomic development


Technological innovation is a driving force for the socioeconomic development of any entity whatever it may be. What is innovation? We can ask ourselves why it is said that it leads to social and economic development; but from what or who?

Since our origins we have looked for a way to satisfy basic needs such as food, shelter, communication and union in groups to achieve survival. According to the abilities and characteristics of each one of us, a division of labor is achieved, each one is assigned a task to develop (men hunting and fishing and women collecting fruits and caring for the elderly and children) and thus achieve survival.

We are investigative beings by nature, we observe natural phenomena and we ask ourselves how? Why? What if I did or cause this? Giving origin to creativity that I consider is the basis for innovation and thus facilitating such activities.

Creativity is the ability to invent new things, also called imagination or ingenuity. Man's creativity has made cultural, scientific and technological advances possible. Throughout history there have been characters with great creativity such as Archimedes, Leonardo da Vinci, TA Edison, among others whose contributions are a fundamental part of our society.

Innovation It consists of the creation or modification of a product or process, and its introduction into a market. There are many innovative products, such as the miniskirt, Light products, canned goods, the use of contraceptives, laser surgeries, videoconferences, etc.

Creativity along with innovation have always accompanied us since they observed how the claws of an animal tore the body of another and the hardness of a rock in order to achieve the first cutting tool, giving rise to the principles of technology that will help us to subsist, later came the manipulation of fire, the manipulation of clay, metals, etc.

Previously, technological innovations occurred empirically and by chance there was no record and control of these. You have asked yourself: How did the shoelaces come about? Who made the first pencil? Who developed the dental floss? Why the fries? Who came up with customer service and what for? However, we can associate them with companies that offer us these products or services; Industries that have taken advantage of these ideas or coincidences and have been innovating according to the evolution of society.

As time has passed, areas have been specialized for the development of technological innovations such as research centers, technology parks, among others in order to achieve social well-being. Although we should not have the idea that only scientists in laboratories develop technological innovations, in industries it is also important that this innovation occurs in their processes or products due to the competitiveness between companies and what to say between the same countries, hence the division that classifies them as developed and developing.

The productivity of a country is measured according to its capacity to satisfy the needs of its population and its economy, which grows according to the technological innovations that its researchers develop.

Not assimilating the term economics as a science, if not as an activity through which man seeks to produce scarce goods and services to satisfy his needs.

The economist Adam Smith in the mid-eighteenth century Observes the change in technology is an important factor for production.

Marx in the nineteenth century has the view that technological advances and industrial production displaced human labor.

The economist Shumpeter at the end of the 20th century sees technological innovations as essential for economic development, commercial benefits and thus, public abundance.

Currently with free trade agreements and globalization, the need arises to exchange said processes or products between countries to satisfy national and international demands, which is why the importance of technological development and innovation worldwide is observed in more detail.

Throughout history we can observe how inventions and technological innovation change everything since it has always been linked to the evolution of society, from the Stone Age, the Iron Age, the Bronze Age, the Revolution. industrial, nuclear energy, until the current revolution of the great information and communication technologies, biogenetics, nanotechnology and others that will come as time goes by and science and technological innovation will evolve along with societies.

If we observe we have gone from small clans to large cities and the needs have grown and are not only needs to survive, but also to have a better quality of life. But what has not changed is our creativity for the development and innovation of products or processes and these in turn lead us to other technological innovations that help meet the new demands of society itself as it evolves.

Among the technological innovations that are essential in daily life, I could mention the microwave oven, the washing machine, canned and refrigerated food, TV, PCs, cars, electronic money, mobile telephony, email, Software for edit any type of text, imaging technologies in Medicine or tomography, the utility of lasers, industrial robots, drugs such as synthetic hormones, among others that we find in each of the corners of our homes and environments.

Technological innovations according to the time in which they are generated are the product of other existing ones together with the needs of individuals and their rhythm of life in terms of food, health, communication, leisure, commerce and other needs.

I can conclude by saying that technological innovation is the driving force for the social and economic development of any organization, and this can be any organization (public or private) and / or country. Able to adopt an innovative attitude and a commitment to research and development of technological innovations combining their financial, commercial and administrative capacities with the perspective of continuous improvement of the same (organization or country) in their processes, procedures, products or services to satisfy the demands of the scarce existing resources, achieving a high degree of competitiveness and offering a better quality of life to people.

Technological innovation and socioeconomic development