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Intelligence vs creativity


For hundreds of years, human beings have handled a paradigm related to the fact that the most intelligent people are the most creative, but in recent years it has been shown that this position is incorrect, since there is no clear relationship between intelligence and creativity; The term intelligence comes from the Latin Intelligentia, which refers to who "knows how to choose", that is to say that intelligence is the way to select the most appropriate solution alternatives to a specific problem, while creativity is understood as the ability to generate new things that are useful.

Intelligence is built with time and under the appropriation of specific knowledge, but a person can be creative without having to train in any subject, that is, it is innate to the human condition, which allows us to deduce that a person without training can be so creative as a trained person, this because the training process encourages logic but restricts creativity.

At what age are you most creative:

It is not clear as to the average age at which one is more creative, since there are documented cases of children who at 5 years old show enviable creativity, but in the same way, people in adulthood have demonstrated their creative potential of surprisingly challenging human ingenuity.

Intelligence and creativity in organizations.

We live this paradigm of the intelligence-creativity relationship in organizations, where creativity is relegated to a small group of people, thinking that only the most intelligent or the most educated are the most creative; Leaving aside people with high creative potential, at this point the special case of the United States stands out, where in recent years the participation of productive personnel in the development of creative proposals has been increasing, for example between 1900 and 1999 it went from 10% to 30%, which has partly meant its development.

Intelligence vs creativity