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The conviction of ... achieving our goals


I'm going to do it but, I think I won't be able to do it "-" I'll try to see if I can do it "-" I trust him, but… "-" Of course I will, I'm sure of it "-" This month it will belong to this winner ”- All of them, phrases that denote our security about the result of an action, both negatively and positively.

Most of the time, we repeat them, almost meaninglessly, without there being full assurance, a certainty, that it will be so. What we need is to add the noun "conviction" which is nothing other than having full security and confidence in what we think or do.

When you have "conviction", when you "fully believe", everything is easier, because it is the complement of "motivation", but how can we reach that conviction?

  • Knowledge - Something vital, but that we often forget and act hastily without having the necessary knowledge. Knowing is an action that we take to have an idea, a notion of something or someone, and thus be able to decide and act, and by that I mean to train, study, expand our professional horizon, know our products both in the pro as well as on the cons, know the competition, know the market.It is a permanent state in which we are always accumulating knowledge, in order to be able to apply it when the occasion arises. Preparation - Not everything works automatically. The knowledge, the methodologies, the techniques, do not operate just because, they require a process, which, although sometimes it is infinitely fast, in others it requires a time of reflection, analysis, before taking the next step. The more knowledge and practical application of them we do, the faster we will apply them. Objectives - To the extent that we have clear and defined objectives regarding what I want to happen now and / or in time, the easier the way forward will be. "If I don't know where I want to go, I can go any way."Planning - It is nothing more than defining the processes necessary to know what “has to be done”, “how it should be done” and “when”, all of which should involve scheduling a series of decisions, policies and programs to achieve the desired goal.

To the extent that the above points are part of our professional actions, this allows us to invigorate, energize:

  • Confidence in oneself - because we begin to have "security", "self-confidence" that what we are doing or thinking, we have a more concrete basis, it is no longer just an idea in the air, but is part of a plan, studied, analyzed. Motivation - As we progress, "motivation", that sense of satisfaction and benefits that the fulfillment of what I want will bring me, grows and strengthens, pushing me in practice towards what I seek. (motivation = motive that leads me to action). Will - It is the last element, because now it only depends on me to make the decision to “do it”, to “carry it out”. Unquestionably, the will is affected or infected many times, by "laziness", the difficult decision to leave a comfort zone, however, if I have followed a process, the will, like the other elements mentioned, goes away. to "assure", to "make strong".

If we add all the previous elements, we will reach the “conviction”, that strong belief that we are going to achieve it, to have that confidence that will make us move forward safely. The conviction is the summary of the will, of the motivation, of the self-confidence, based on the professional knowledge, and in the planning of the objectives. They allow me to "feel" "my feet on the ground" and not be "dreaming an impossible ideal."

Therefore, when we take action, we must not only be sure, but also have the "conviction" that we will achieve it.

"There is always enough strength left to each one to fight for what they are convinced"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The conviction of ... achieving our goals