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Determination and entrepreneurship


I can define determination as the firm decision to do something, combined with the courage to do it, the responsibility to achieve it and the certainty that it will be achieved, no matter how difficult it is, or the time it takes, or the resources that are necessary.

It is known that most entrepreneurs do not have the valuable resource of determination in the inventory of their qualities. For this reason, many ventures start with a good wind in their favor, but in a short time the storm arrives and in general, entrepreneurs are not willing to sink with their boats if necessary.

Many entrepreneurs start out of necessity, so the main objective of their entrepreneurship is to help them get out of the crisis, serve as a provider of money and allow them to survive. For this reason, entrepreneurship is seen by these people as a circumstantial self-employment, but not as a valuable, lasting, developable and exploitable undertaking. This is because on many occasions the entrepreneur has a short vision and cannot see beyond the self-salary, surviving daily and having his own project underway, he is still looking for a good job.

In general, entrepreneurship, not seen simply as the circumstantial activity of an individual at a certain moment, but as a permanent lifestyle of entrepreneurs, requires a high dose of determination, because an entrepreneur truly committed to his goal overcomes any obstacle, since the only limits of the entrepreneur are honesty, morals and ethics.

The determination of the entrepreneur means that an undertaking does not remain in a simple work or business, but allows the work to transcend and positively impact society, to last over time, to become institutionalized, to become a legend, to remain positioned in the mind as something unique and irreplaceable.

Determination is an essential component of effective and viable entrepreneurship, since any entrepreneur who does not possess the talent of determination will make his work vulnerable and practically the sentence to failure.

Determination is that motivation that allows us to move forward without giving up in the face of difficulties, which allows us to break paradigms and understand that social evolution is possible thanks to reckless, determined and confident individuals, who took more than one step forward with their endeavors., not by having faith, but by having logical certainties.

Effective entrepreneurship is not properly an act of faith, because faith is the acceptance of a belief without having rational elements to certify it. On the contrary, effective entrepreneurship is based on certainty, which is based on elements of conviction.

How could someone not start a venture that they are sure will work?

Determination is linked to logical conviction. Therefore, the determination obeys to the reason and more than an act of stubbornness, the determination is an act of intelligence and common sense, which by the way is the least common of the senses. For this reason, not all entrepreneurs have the gift of determination in their mental toolbox.

In the era of the knowledge economy, where technology, mobility, know-how and knowledge itself are so valuable and make a difference in the value of any initiative or project, the determination of the entrepreneur plays a leading role in the end. happy of any endeavor.

In my humble opinion, without determination, the entrepreneur is an incomplete individual and effective entrepreneurship is neither viable nor sustainable.

Determination is not learned in school, nor in college. Determination is learned at home as a child, but if we weren't lucky enough to see that example at home, we could achieve it through a commitment to ourselves. It is a value and a habit and these can be assimilated as a way of life.

Determination and entrepreneurship