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The difficult task of being an entrepreneur

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This essay will address a topic of great importance, since due to the economic situation our country is going through, various people find it necessary to find a way to generate income by starting a business, however being an entrepreneur is not an easy task. that it represents a problem to obtain capital, to carry out adequate strategic planning and sometimes everything turns out to be in vain because the business can fail in its attempt to monopolize an unknown market. Being an entrepreneur is taking risks, it is having initiative to create a service or product.

The difficult task of undertaking


This essay will address a topic that is currently of great importance, since due to the economic situation our country is going through, the minimum offer of employment and a competitive market, various people find it necessary to find a way to generate income by undertaking a However, being an entrepreneur is not an easy task since it represents a problem to obtain capital, carry out adequate strategic planning and sometimes everything turns out to be in vain because the business can fail in its attempt to monopolize an unknown market.

Many people want to start their own business, either because they hope to generate a job for themselves and their family, follow a passion, or simply the desire to be self-employed, and not depend on someone to survive, but as mentioned above they are presented obstacles that impede or slow down the success of a new entrepreneur, both in financial, legal, governmental and social aspects.

It is not easy to be an entrepreneur, you need to be persevering, patient but above all optimistic, since although it is a path full of opportunities there are also problems that we must be able to face.

An entrepreneur can be anyone, businessmen, unemployed, students, workers, young and old, the only requirements to be an entrepreneur are to be analytical, enthusiastic, optimistic, capable of accepting risks, innovative, flexible, dynamic among others.

Throughout this essay, we will cover the main problems that entrepreneurs face internally and externally, and how they can be solved.

"Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task"

II. Background

We have been educated with certain paradigms, with the idea that we have to be depending on another person, however we forget that we too are capable of creating ideas, improving and standing out among others. But that does not end there since many times we are scared to believe that to start our own business we have to have the experience and preparation that we are only going to obtain if we work for years in a company, or we create the most common paradigm that ends up killing our ideas, to think that our business will never work, or that people will not like it, however we should not show too much fear, much less too much confidence.

The best thing is to start a business now, we don't have to wait any longer. If we have the idea, the strength and the capital, we don't have to wait for anything, regardless of whether we are young since it doesn't deal with work experience to start an entrepreneur; Being an entrepreneur is a profession, a way of life; Entrepreneurship is a job like any other that costs but with the passage of time it is rewarding, you just have to put too much effort to achieve each objective that we set ourselves.

It is necessary to take risks, but take risks with foundations, making a business plan that allows us to achieve success in the market.

III. Development

Seeking the new, not settling for the common, is always an adventure with risk. Entrepreneurship is not creating a business that lasts one or two years, entrepreneurship is more than that, entrepreneurship is getting a place among so many companies, with new ideas, that not only benefits us but also society, with the generation of jobs.

"To undertake is to commit and start a work, a business, an endeavor, especially if they involve difficulty or danger." (DRAE, 2001)

An entrepreneur is a person who builds capital through risk and / or initiative, that is, the person fearlessly risks their capital to start their own business.

But what are the main problems that entrepreneurs face?

Perhaps the lack of capital is the main problem that entrepreneurs face, generally a bank or government loan is needed and if it is true there are institutions that offer them such as the Pyme Fund, but we lack information so it is not of great help. In the case of abuse, we can mention bank loans as they offer loans with high interest rates and useless terms.

Money has always worried us, since being a newly created company, we do not have the trust of institutions, the procedures are long and exhausting, so it usually becomes an extremely difficult problem that sometimes ends up discouraging the entrepreneur.

Another difficulty of undertaking arises when creating the product or service, since it must be one that can be done and is profitable. Perhaps to carry out this task we must detect the market deficiencies to be able to attack this problem with innovative ideas. The product must meet the necessary characteristics to enter the target market, we must plan how it will reach the consumer and, most importantly, analyze what price is the most appropriate, that is, how much we consider the future customer is willing to pay.

In addition to selecting a profitable product, it is necessary to choose the right people to form a work team that is capable of developing or offering an efficient service.

Another difficulty is the ability to organize, direct and manage a company, we always have to make decisions, but having a company and a group of people in charge, decisions must be deeply analyzed, encompassing all the factors that could benefit or affect our If the company is not carried out in this way, it is most likely that the business will survive a couple of years, but over time it will end up failing. It is enough to see how when passing through a street, businesses are closed, due to lack of strategic planning, resulting in losses, which do not allow us to solve debts. Let us learn to manage our lives to be able to manage a business, let us remember that the customer is the most important thing, without customers there is no business.

“It is never too late or early to start a business, you have to start now, not tomorrow. The experience to undertake is obtained every day when you dedicate yourself to it; To be an entrepreneur, you have to do the job every day, you have to dedicate not only to executing, reading, researching, sharing and obtaining experiences, but above all, making ourselves a client and a very good value proposition ”. (Parra, 2014)

As mentioned before, there are various factors that hold back an entrepreneur, it is necessary to pay attention to the product, distribution channels, constantly innovate, train employees, that is, worry about every aspect of the company.

IV. conclusion

It is never too late to undertake, whether we are young or old, we all have the ability to create a company, with the support of our family, friends or any other trusted person

It is true that there are obstacles, which we can overcome by acting appropriately and in a timely manner. Sometimes we ourselves are our own enemies, since we have beliefs and customs, which are part of our internal strength, and if we do not change as we want others to change, if what we project is fear and insecurity, any project we undertake will fail, the important thing is to risk is to have initiative to achieve success.

The search for success will always be linked to our personal development, so it is important to train and motivate the employees of our company, learn from each mistake and improve every day, everything starts from scratch, everything starts from scratch and undertake a business is no exception.

Who said that undertaking is an easy task?

The difficult task of being an entrepreneur