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The importance of undertaking

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Since the beginning of humanity, the human being has had a self-preservation instinct to perpetuate his existence, this has been carried out through interaction with those around him, since it would be very difficult to survive without living in society. In this sense we can say that the human being is a social being by nature and uses the help of his fellow men to be able to endure.

For the aforementioned, the human being is obliged to seek and discover new things capable of changing life, both in the material, scientific and spiritual sense, since we always seek innovation to be able to offer well-being to people and thus improve their conditions of life, which has been made possible thanks to setting objectives, goals and achievements that are resolved with the various capacities and efforts that human beings have.

Taking care of our subject, being an entrepreneur is the attempt to improve life, that is, it not only corresponds to a particular interest, but to a higher one that is to improve life in society. Well, what benefits some can benefit others. Being an entrepreneur also implies adapting to the time one lives and at the same time being able to innovate what is established.

In current times, the world never stops changing and is doing so more and more quickly, what was a trend yesterday, tomorrow will no longer be, which is why societies are changing and with it consumption habits, needs and the lifestyle of people, for these reasons we find ourselves in the need to evolve, change, define and propose new strategies, reinvent ourselves and innovate every day of our lives in order to obtain more and better benefits.

As we have stated, people and societies have always sought to generate new knowledge and thus innovative products or services that are useful for new lifestyles. However, it is important to mention that changes today are faster than before, it is not strange to find innovations in the market at all times, hence the entrepreneur must be more capable of standing out professionally.

What is entrepreneurship?

Surely many of us have a good notion of this word and we could understand what it means, for others it may not be clear, since this concept is usually very open and gives rise to many interpretations, however, we could say that a characteristic of the Entrepreneur is to follow a method in order to bring ideas to become a well-defined project, counting on key strategies, knowing the scope and risks, considering innovation and social well-being to achieve such ideas.

Being an entrepreneur implies becoming a fulfilled, creative, risky human, with vision, solidarity, responsibility, impetus, and with the ability to enhance their projects to satisfy their clients.

Entrepreneurs encourage the creation of new companies and therefore new and more job opportunities, in addition to motivating other people to undertake and generate new opportunities for others, so there will be greater well-being for everyone.

There are different types of entrepreneurship such as: business, personal or group and social. We will focus on describing social entrepreneurship, in broad strokes, we can mention that we must know that it differs from the others because entrepreneurs and businessmen do this non-profit activity, or although there is a profit, this is not entirely the purpose, but, in any case, a consequence of social welfare. This kind of entrepreneurship is usually collective and not individual, favoring social and economic integration in order to achieve the end.

Having said the above, we can say that social entrepreneurship serves to create products or services to satisfy basic needs of societies that are often forgotten by public or private sectors such as the government, conventional social and economic institutions that fail to meet them in their entirety. reasons why it is easy to differentiate entrepreneurs from social institutions from the rest, since their primary purpose is the social purpose, based on principles that can be of a social, ethical and environmental nature, in other words, social entrepreneurship seeks to focus its different activities in the creation of value.

Currently in Mexico there is still ignorance about the present issue, We believe that with social entrepreneurship we can be agents of change, help to have a better quality of life for various people who are neglected in certain sectors, in addition to promoting the creation of new companies and therefore new jobs.

Undertaking is not an easy task, it is taking risks, getting out of our comfort zone, investigating, learning, creating strategies, pursuing new opportunities to serve our mission.

Through entrepreneurship we can spend our lives helping others, hence the nobility of being an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur with an ethical sense linked to the benefit of society.


Itzel Navarro Quiriz

Ana Maria Limón Vargas


Start pyme.net (SF). Social entrepreneurship. October 25,2018, from emprende pyme.net Website:

User-level economy. (2013). What is Entrepreneurship? October 24,2018, from Economy user level Website:

Minerva. (2013). Entrepreneurship… A Path to Professional Development. October 23,2018, from School of industrial organization Website:

Jáuregui, A. (2001). Requirements to be a good entrepreneur. October 24, from Scribd Website:

App, M. (2013). Social Entrepreneurship in Mexico (1st Part). October, 25, from The Entrepreneur.com Website:

Melián, A. (SF). Entrepreneurship. October 23, by Wolters kluwer Website:

Cabrera, P. (2014). Entrepreneurship and Types of entrepreneurship. October 25, Prezi Website:

The importance of undertaking