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The motivation. entrepreneur tool


The will to work depends on the motive that encourages us. Those reasons are needs that we try to satisfy and they change from person to person. Of course, there are motivations that are shared by groups.

In many opportunities the concept of motivation is misinterpreted by entrepreneurs. Under this erroneous and partial concept, it is assumed that the motivation is to gather the employees, so that someone with a lot of lips fills them with positive thoughts. Other than that, this job is believed to be for a showman, not an executive, let alone the general manager. There are two mistakes that are made. One builds motivation and another takes seriousness away.

Imagine that you are trying to start a company; It does not seem to you that it would be inappropriate on your part, to treat all your collaborators as if they were equal? I'm not talking about status, but the individuality that each one contains. Well, here comes the concept of motivation.

From the above we deduce that the entrepreneur must understand the motives of others before daring to manipulate this tool. An intervention that ignores the motives of the subjects and that does not motivate them properly, can be deadly for the organization.

Imagine that the workers in your factory work very well, does that justify you not worrying about finding out the reasons that drive these workers to do their jobs so well? To a certain extent, a disengaged attitude from the manager is understandable. But what if, due to ignorance, he makes decisions that depress that natural motivation and yields drop to the ground. Then by trying to fix the problem, you offer your employees more money and production drops even more. That is a very serious problem that came about because of your ignorance of the true motivation of your employees.

From the above, you realize that motivation goes beyond a spectacular meeting, with music and colored balloons and that it must be handled with great seriousness and professionalism.

First, find out what your own motivation is. Strange as it may seem, this is not clear in our minds and can lead us to fail at work. After completing this cycle, jump to discover the reasons and needs that motivate your team.

Here are some of the main modes of behavior that lead us to apply the correct motivation to people:

  • Satisfaction in duty accomplished: Some people are driven by the desire to do their job just for the pleasure of doing it well. In this they find proof that they can do whatever they want. Friendship in the first place: There are people who do everything humanly possible to be surrounded by friends. This makes them always eager for the recognition of others, for this reason, they avoid taking sides and become accomplices of their "friends", in order not to lose their friendship. Perfectionism: Many are much more interested in the technical aspects of their job. For them, excellence comes before any other consideration and they do everything humanly possible to achieve it in every job they undertake.Passion for power: Many are encouraged by the motive of one day being able to exercise power.They are individuals with a gift of command and excellent leaders. But, on the other hand, sometimes they neglect their performance, to defend power. Various combinations: It is not uncommon for a person to act according to two or more of these motivational modalities. But the common thing is that one of them is the predominant one.

As you will notice, not only money is a strong motivation for people; in fact, in some cases it is not even important. Economic theory has inherited us from homo-economicus, but we must understand that we are not the same and that there are more dimensions than simple monetary retribution.

It should be clear that there is always a motivation for each human being that induces him to do something, but that incentive or motive can change from time to time and according to the situation.

New Latin American entrepreneurs can be at the forefront of world development. It is a matter of appropriating our role and occupying our place in the social and economic development of our peoples; But we can't do it if we don't understand our people first and apply the right motivation to drive them to success.


HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY. MAZUERA, JAIME; CANCELED, EDNA. Intermediate Editors. Book club. Bogota, 1997

The motivation. entrepreneur tool